What to wear to speed dating

Ideas for men

Our Pinterest can be a great source of inspiration if you’re not into fashion but want to look sharp. In terms of specifics, here are some outfits that tend to work well.  

  • Smart suit style jacket with a nice t-shirt, good quality jeans (skinny or straight-cut, according to your shape) and a pair of casual brogues.  
  • Polo shirt, slacks and stylish trainers.  
  • Well-fitting shirt with a high v-neck sweater, jeans or chinos or mules.  


It shouldn’t be too formal, nor too casual. 
If the venue is fancy, dress accordingly, or if it’s a laid back bar, go for a more paired down vibe. Generally, it’s best to opt for a smart-casual look – the kind of thing you might wear going out for a relaxed dinner.   
It helps to throw in some colour or a noticeable accessory to help attendees remember you. And everything should always be clean, free from creases (apart from crease styled linen), fresh-smelling, in a good state of repair and suited to your build. 
You can also have a lot of fun with accessories and colour – a statement necklace, hair ties or earrings will help you stand out. If you wear make-up, keep to what you might wear for drinks out with friends. Let your personality come through in what you wear. Don’t hide, or try and blend in, be who you are. Equally, don’t feel like you suddenly have to adopt an ‘out there’ style.

Ideas for women

Don’t feel you have to fit a mould or stereotype. If you hate heels and dresses, don’t wear them. Be yourself – but on a good day! Here are some good outfits for women:  

  • Smart jeans, a fitted rolled sleeve jacket and a shirt with pumps.  
  • A jersey or cotton dress (seasonally dependent) with knee-high boots/opaque tights or strappy sandals. 
  • A pencil skirt with a blouse and kitten heels.  

Photo Credit: Deposit Photos

It’s the million-dollar question: how to make an excellent first impression. It’s so crucial. And if you’re going to your first speed dating event, it’s even more important to consider how you’re going to dress to impress.

The first thing to consider is the venue. Where is your event taking place? If it’s anything like the speed dating Manchester events run by Speed Dater, expect to be in a plush bar in a hip city locale surrounded by fittingly stylish singletons. You want to fit in, not stand out.

Photo Credit: Deposit Photos

That means also wearing clothes that fit. In other words, don’t let potential dates be put off by loose, baggy clothing. Choose shirts that hug the body without being too tight, trousers that showcase the lines of your legs, and a tailored or well-fitting jacket.

Consider the details too. A couple of buttons open on your shirt is okay, any more and you’re overdoing it. Watch out for those creases in your shirts, stick to neutral or understated colors and polish your shoes. Also, don’t indulge in too much aftershave but enough to say you care about your appearance.

Photo Credit: Deposit Photos

It’s just as important to know what not to wear too. No sandals (no one wants to see your feet), don’t wear sunglasses indoors (it looks like you’re hiding something) and steer clear of ties as they’re too formal.

Speed dating isn’t about changing your personality. You’ve got to be yourself. But thinking carefully how to dress will ensure you’re in the best position to make an excellent first impression.

What should a woman wear to a speed dating event?

It shouldn't be too formal, nor too casual. If the venue is fancy, dress accordingly, or if it's a laid back bar, go for a more paired down vibe. Generally, it's best to opt for a smart-casual look - the kind of thing you might wear going out for a relaxed dinner.

What Should I Wear speed dating?

This is a common question that people have when they are attending a speed dating event. Dress in clothes that make you feel comfortable and attractive. For men, wear a suit, only if that is what you feel confident in on a daily basis. Otherwise, a clean outfit with an ironed shirt will do the trick.

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How To Prepare For Your First Speed Dating Event.
Look your best. Don't go to the event wearing wrinkled, smelly clothes. ... .
Be open-minded. Even if you're new to this concept, during the event, make sure you are open to this experience and give the person in front of you a chance. ... .
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Smart casual is the dress code.

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