What is the formula for square footage

Square footage is a unit of measurement for the surface area. The area of a two-dimensional shape is defined as the amount of space enclosed within the perimeter of the shape. Square footage can be used to gauge the size of a room, a tile, a field, or a building project. Square footage is another name for square feet. The dimensions of the surface are measured in terms of feet. A surface’s square footage is measured in square feet, or sq. ft., (ft)2. The formula for computing square footage varies depending on the surface’s shape, which can be determined by using various geometry formulae. 

Square Footage Formulae

Square Footage Formula for a Circle

The radius (r) of the circle is used to compute the square footage formula for a circle. The formula for the square footage of a circle is expressed as:

Square footage of a circle = (π r2) sq. ft.


r is the radius of the circle which is measured in feet.

Square Footage Formula for a triangle

To compute the square footage for a triangular surface, the base, and height of the triangle are multiplied, and then the result is multiplied by half. The formula for the square footage of a triangle is expressed as:

Square Footage of a triangle =  [½ × Base × Height]  sq. ft.


 base and height are measured in feet.

Square Footage Formula for a rectangle

To compute the square footage of a rectangular surface, its length and breadth are multiplied. Therefore, the formula for the square footage of a rectangle is expressed as:

Square Footage of a rectangle = [length × breadth] sq. ft.


length and breadth are measured in feet.

Square Footage Formula for a square

We know that for a square, all sides are measured the same, i.e., the length and breadth are equal. Therefore, the formula for the square footage of a square is expressed as:

Square Footage of a square = (side)2 sq. ft.


 sides of the square are measured in feet.

Square Footage of a parallelogram

To compute the square footage of a parallelogram, its length and breadth are multiplied. Therefore, the formula for the square footage of a parallelogram is expressed as:

Square Footage of a parallelogram = [Base × Height] sq. ft.


base and height are measured in feet.

Square Footage of a Trapezoid

To compute the square footage of a trapezoid, we require the lengths of its parallel sides and the perpendicular distance between them. Therefore, the formula for the square footage of a trapezoid is expressed as:

Square Footage of a Trapezoid = [½ × h (a + b)] sq. ft.


“h” is the perpendicular distance between the parallel sides,

“a” and “b” are the lengths of the parallel sides.

here all sides are measured in feet.

Sample Problems

Problem 1: What is the total area (in square feet) of the hall, if the hall is in the shape of a square with each of its sides measuring 13 ft?



The length of each side of the square hall = 13 ft

We have,

Square footage formula of a square = (side)2

= (13)2 = 169 

Hence, the area of the square hall is 169 sq. ft.

Problem 2: What is the total area (in square feet) of the circular field if its radius is 15 ft? [π = 3.14]



The radius of the circular field (r) = 15 ft

We have,

Square footage formula of a circle = πr2

= 3.14 × (15)2

= 3.14 × 225 = 706.5

Hence, the area of the circular field is 706.5 sq. ft.

Problem 3: Calculate the base length of a triangular surface whose total area and height are 240 sq. ft. and 20 ft., respectively.



The total area of the triangular surface = 240 sq. ft

The height of the triangular surface = 20 ft.

We have,

The area of the triangular surface = ½ × base × height

⇒ 240 = 1/2 × b × 20

⇒ 10b = 240

⇒ b = 240/10 = 24 ft

Hence, the base length of the triangular surface is 24 ft.

Problem 4: Calculate the area or surface footage of a parallelogram whose base and height are 7 ft and 9 ft, respectively. 



The base of a parallelogram = 7 ft

The height of the parallelogram = 9 ft

We have,

Square footage formula for a parallelogram = base × height

= 7 × 9 = 63 sq. ft

Problem 5: Determine the length of the rectangular field if its area and breadth are 1800 sq. ft. and 40 ft.



Square footage of the rectangular surface = 1800 sq. ft

Breadth = 40 ft

The square footage formula for rectangular surface = length × breadth

⇒ 1800 = l × 40

⇒ l = 1800/40 = 45 ft

Hence, the length of the rectangular field is 45 ft.

Problem 6: Determine the height of the trapezoid if its square footage is 480 sq. ft. and the lengths of its parallel sides are 12 ft and 18 ft, respectively.



The square footage of a trapezoid = 480 sq. ft.

The lengths of its parallel sides are 12 ft and 18 ft

a = 12 ft and b = 18 ft

We know that,

Square Footage of a Trapezoid = [½ × h (a + b)] sq. ft.

⇒ 480 = 1/2 × h (12 + 18)

⇒ 480 = 1/2 × h × 30

⇒ 15h = 480

⇒ h = 480/15 = 32 ft

Hence, the height of the given trapezoid is 32 ft.

How many square feet is a 12x12 room?

Next, multiply the length by the width to calculate a room's total square footage. So if a bedroom is 12 feet wide and 12 feet long, it is 144 square feet total (12 x 12 = 144 sqft).

How many square feet is a 10x10 foot room?

How many square feet is a 10x10 room? The square footage of a room 10 feet wide by 10 feet long is 100 square feet. Find the square footage by multiplying the width (10 ft) by the length (10 ft).

How many sq ft is a 10x12 room?

Bedroom 1: 10 feet x 12 feet = 120 square feet.


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