What is the best sensodyne toothpaste for sensitive teeth

Having sensitive teeth is no fun for anyone who has experienced it. The sudden shock and pain as soon as something too hot or cold comes in contact with your teeth can be unbearable. No one should avoid enjoying ice cream this summer or sipping on some hot coffee or tea. Luckily, many toothpaste brands and brushing regimens can help treat and prevent the sensitivity in your mouth. Look below to see the five best kinds of toothpaste for sensitive teeth!


The best part about Sensodyne toothpaste is that it comes in an array of different toothpaste options and capabilities. Every Sensodyne toothpaste in stores is designed for sensitivity, but some have other additions to them to attract customers with further concerns or desires. Some Sensodyne brands are for teeth whitening, extra fresh breath, plaque and gum protection, enamel strengthening, and many others. Their toothpaste comprises two essential ingredients: potassium nitrate and stannous fluoride. Sensodyne toothpaste offers patients immediate relief as the potassium nitrate soothes and relieves the nerves in your teeth. This will stop your brain from sending pain signals as soon as something too hot or cold comes in contact with your teeth. Stannous fluoride is designed to protect your dentin, which is the soft component of your teeth. This is intended to keep any triggers from reaching your nerves and giving off that severe pain shock. When used twice a day religiously, patients can protect their teeth with up to 24/7 protection of sensitivity. 

Colgate Sensitive

Colgate Sensitive offers patients relief with their Colgate SF and Colgate Sensitive toothpaste. Their Colgate Sensitive contains potassium nitrate to reduce sensitivity and sodium fluoride to prevent cavities. As for the Colgate SF, it contains stannous fluoride to prevent cavities and gingivitis and reduce sensitivity. Colgate promises its customers that sensitivity will be relieved in a week or two, and some may notice a difference in a few days. Their toothpaste also comes with numerous options while still working to prevent sensitivity. They offer SF Whitening, SF Daily Repair, Sensitive Whitening, Sensitive Lasting Fresh, and many more to suit your oral needs. 

hello sensitivity relief fluoride toothpaste

hello sensitivity is a sensitivity relief fluoride toothpaste. It contains the highest level of the most active ingredient, potassium nitrate, that the FDA allows. The next ingredient in this toothpaste may seem unusual, but hello sensitivity uses aloe. Aloe vera is used for soothing sunburns, so why not try it for soothing sensitivity on your teeth! It has also been found that aloe vera has been proven to be just as effective, if not more effective, than conventional toothpaste brands at cleaning teeth. hello creates their toothpaste with a mint and coconut oil flavor that gives off a cooling and refreshing feel to your teeth, mouth, and breath after each use.

Tom’s of Maine Rapid Relief Sensitive

Tom’s of Maine is a clean and natural option for sensitive toothpaste. The main ingredients in Tom’s Sensitivity toothpaste are arginine and calcium carbonate to block access to your nerves and create sensitivity. Tom’s of Maine promises to relieve sensitivity in minutes and build long-lasting prevention when used religiously. The website of Tom’s Maine lists all the active ingredients made without fluoride, artificial flavors, preservatives, and colors and not tested on animals or using animal ingredients. 

Squigle Tooth Builder Sensitive Toothpaste

Squigle’s toothpaste is the best for patients who may have weakened enamel, and that is what is causing their sensitivity. Tooth builder is fluoride-free and is 36% natural xylitol which helps prevent plaque. Squigle’s sensitivity toothpaste contains calcite to protect the dentin and help heal decay. Squigle’s Tooth Builder Sensitive Toothpaste is made of only seven ingredients, not including the calcite and xylitol mentioned. Squigle’s toothpaste includes many other precautions to attract patients, like preventing bad breath, canker sores, gum disease, and cavities. Their promise is for patients to start feeling sensitivity relief within a week.

Tips For Avoiding Sensitive Teeth:

  • Do not brush your teeth too hard
  • Religiously use sensitive toothpaste twice a day
  • Avoid stress and teeth grinding at night
  • See your dentist if you feel something is wrong

Dr. Emma Wu & Associates is the leading dentistry in the Greater Boston area. Our primary goal is to keep our patients comfortable and relaxed in our chairs. If you notice sensitivity in your teeth or gum area, do not wait to contact a dental professional. We will work hard to get you the proper help you need and find you the right toothpaste for your teeth. Contact us today and get on your way to a happier and healthier smile! 

Which one is best in Sensodyne toothpaste?

Sensodyne Fresh Mint toothpaste recommended by dentists has fresh taste & provides cavity protection with brushing the teeth thoroughly.

Which toothpaste is best for sensitive teeth pain?

Sensodyne Rapid Relief Toothpaste..
Colgate Sensitive Toothpaste, Complete Protection..
Arm & Hammer Sensitive Teeth & Gums Toothpaste..
Parodontax Complete Protection Toothpaste..
Aquafresh Sensitive Toothpaste..

Does all Sensodyne toothpaste help with sensitivity?

Yes. Sensodyne is a daily toothpaste specially formulated to relieve and protect against tooth sensitivity* and is the #1 dentist recommended toothpaste brand for sensitive teeth. Use it every day to help relieve tooth sensitivity and to also keep it from returning.

What is the difference between Sensodyne and Sensodyne Pronamel?

Sensodyne contains clinically proven ingredients for sensitivity relief, while the ingredients in Pronamel help strengthen acid-weakened enamel and protect against the effects of enamel erosion (which can also lead to sensitive teeth).

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