What does lupron do for prostate cancer

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How long should you take Lupron for prostate cancer?

LUPRON DEPOT for advanced prostate cancer. LUPRON DEPOT® (leuprolide acetate for depot suspension) 7.5 mg for 1-month, 22.5 mg for 3-month, 30 mg for 4-month, and 45 mg for 6-month administration are prescribed for the treatment of advanced prostate cancer.

How long will hormone therapy work for prostate cancer?

Though it isn't a cure, hormone therapy for prostate cancer can help men with prostate cancer feel better and add years to their lives. On average, hormone therapy can stop the advance of cancer for two to three years. However, it varies from case to case. Some men do well on hormone therapy for much longer.

What does a Lupron shot do for prostate cancer?

Male hormones give prostate cancer cells the fuel they need to grow and spread. The goal of hormone treatments, such as Lupron, is to deprive cancer cells of this fuel to slow disease progression. That said, Lupron is not a cure for prostate cancer. Rather, it works to slow down the growth and spread of the cancer.

How long can you stay on Lupron?

The duration of therapy with LUPRON DEPOT is limited to 3 months. The symptoms associated with fibroids will return after stopping therapy.

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