What does flat dollar amount mean

Direct deposit is recommended for all University of Connecticut employees. Employees who reside outside of Connecticut, or who work at regional campuses, are strongly encouraged to participate. Please note that once a Direct Deposit has been established, all State of Connecticut earnings will be issued via Direct Deposit regardless of state agency.

Direct deposit has several benefits including:

  • No need to manually deposit a check each pay period
  • Protection against the loss or theft of checks
  • Timely and reliable payments
  • Funds from direct deposit payments are accessible earlier than the funds from checks
  • There is no cost to employees who elect to be paid via direct deposit.  In fact, many banks offer free checking services to individuals with direct deposit.
  • Direct deposit is GREEN, efficient and environmentally friendly.

Primary Account

Although many financial institutions have their own direct deposit forms, you must complete a UConn Direct Deposit Authorization Agreement.

Each new direct deposit account that is entered into the State’s Core-CT system must pass the State’s “pre-note process.” During this period, paper checks continue to be issued while the new account is tested. A $0.01 deposit will be made to the new account on the pay date preceding the direct deposit effective date. The initial set-up of a direct deposit takes one to two pay periods to complete.

Please note the following important parts of your check.

Primary Direct Deposit Authorization Form

Secondary Account

Employees who already have an active direct deposit with the State of Connecticut can establish a direct deposit to a second account. There are two options available for the distribution of net earnings:

  • Flat Amount:  Specify a dollar amount to deposit into a secondary account while the balance of your net earnings is deposited into your original, established account.
  • Percentage Split:  Create a percentage split (80%/20%, 60%/40%, etc.) of your net earnings between your primary account and your secondary account. Please note that the implementation of this option causes an actual check to be issued during the pre-note process (i.e. the established account is reduced to the specified percentage and a check is issued for the remaining net balance).

Please do not submit new Primary and Secondary authorization agreements at the same time. We are unable to process a secondary direct deposit request until you have already begun receiving payments to your primary account.

Secondary Direct Deposit Authorization Form

Fraudulent Activity

Please contact the Payroll Department immediately if your direct deposit account must be closed due to fraudulent account activity. If the Payroll Department receives notice after Wednesday of non-pay week regarding a closed account, your following week’s payment may be delayed.

Stopping a Deposit

In order to stop direct deposit for an upcoming payment, a new Direct Deposit Authorization Agreement must be submitted to the Payroll Department by Tuesday of non-pay week. Do not close an account before stopping your direct deposit. If an account is closed before the Payroll Department is notified, payment may be delayed while funds are recovered and an off-cycle check is generated.

With the exception of a separation from permanent employment, direct deposit remains in effect until you request to inactivate it. Student employees (graduate and undergraduate) and temporary employees (special payroll) should note that even when they have breaks in State employment, their direct deposit will remain active.

Direct deposit is automatically inactivated as part of the separation process for permanent employees. Employees who separate from the classified or unclassified payrolls will receive their final payments in the form of actual checks.

Changing Your Account

Changes to direct deposit accounts generally take two pay periods to process. An actual check will be issued between the inactivation of your current account and the activation of your new account. As with stopping a direct deposit, requests to change a direct deposit must be received by Tuesday of non-pay week for a check to be issued the following week.

This table lists based on flat dollar amount calculations:

Table Method

Lower/Upper Ranges Represent




Hours Worked

If possible, use the amount in the table. If employee worked fewer hours, do one of these:

Calculate days worked

Days worked × Rate in the detail area



Hours Worked

If possible, use the amount in the table. If employee worked fewer hours, use Actual hours worked × Rate in the detail area.



Employee Age in Years

Table amount equals the actual amount of the DBA.

3 or 9


Pieces Produced

If possible, use amount in table. If employee produced fewer pieces, use Actual pieces produced × Rate in the detail area.


What should a flat dollar amount include?

Flat Dollar – if you make $30,000 a year and are paid weekly, you will want to contribute at least $17.31 ($30,000 x 3% = $900 / 52 weeks = $17.31). Double that amount to $34.62 if you are paid bi-weekly.

What's the difference between flat dollar amount and percentage?

o % (Percentage): Directs the system to put the percentage of the employee's net pay as specified in the amount field into this account. o Flat: Directs the system to put the amount of the employee's net pay as specified in the amount field into this account.

What does flat mean in banking terms?

Flat, in the securities market, is a price that is neither rising nor declining. Under fixed income terminology, a bond that is trading without accrued interest is said to be flat.


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