What does cardinal modality mean in astrology

Explore the meanings of Astrology's three qualities

By Tarot.com Staff

OK friends, are you ready to dive a little bit deeper into Astrology? You probably know there are 12 zodiac signs and four elements (Fire, Earth, Air and Water), but have you heard about zodiac sign "qualities" or "modalities?"

Every sign is influenced by one of three qualities: Cardinal, Fixed, or Mutable. Each of the qualities is defined by a point within each season: Cardinal signs begin a new season, Fixed signs carry the weight of the season, and Mutable signs conclude the season.

Take fall, for example. Fall Equinox falls on September 22, the same day the Sun enters Libra. Because Libra kicks off the fall season, that makes Libra a Cardinal sign. Scorpio takes over in the midst of fall, making it a Fixed sign. And the season concludes with the Sun in Sagittarius, making that a Mutable sign.

Get it? Astrology is all about nuance, so to truly understand a zodiac sign you must explore the quality each is associated with. So now that you understand how the qualities are structured, let's take a look at each of the three Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable qualities, what they mean and how they shape your personality.

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Cardinal signs

There are four Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Because these signs each start a new season, the quality of their energy is full of initiative. Cardinal signs are impulsive and dynamic, and they push strongly to start new things. In general, people with Cardinal signs in their birth charts generate more new ideas and projects, while those lacking Cardinal energy are more passive.

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Fixed signs

There are four Fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. These signs carry the weight of each season, which gives them a sturdy quality. Fixed signs are capable of great endurance, and generally people with much Fixed energy in their birth charts are stable and focused, whereas those lacking Fixed energy may not have much sticktoitiveness or perseverance.

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Mutable signs

There are four Mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Because these signs fall at the conclusion of each season, their energy anticipates movement and change. People with Mutable signs in their birth charts tend to be more flexible and adaptable to the changing world around them, while those lacking Mutable energy may be stubborn and inflexible or have a difficult time adjusting to new situations.

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How qualities are used

When you're learning Astrology, you'll discover that every person has a mix of different zodiac signs, elements and qualities in their birth charts. Once you understand the energy of each quality and combine that information with what you know of each zodiac sign and element, a more complete picture will begin to develop.

For example, the Aries zodiac sign is the element of Fire and the quality is Cardinal. This "Cardinal Fire" combination is very bold, so the more Aries energy a person has in their birth chart, the more brazen they will be. On the other hand, Taurus is an Earth sign with a Fixed quality, so it would be called "Fixed Earth" and its overall energy is very slow and grounded.

Knowing how much of each quality you have in your birth chart is very important. These astrological nuances are what shape us as individuals, so going beyond your Sun sign is key when it comes to understanding Astrology.

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If you’re even the slightest bit intrigued by astrology, you know there’s a lot more to it than just star signs, Mercury retrogrades and full moons.

The 12 zodiacs can be broken down into a myriad of different ways. You most definitely know your Sun sign - your “main” zodiac sign - which is determined by the month and date of your birth. Then, those who are a little more versed know your birth chart also contains your Moon sign (calculated based on the position of the moon at your time of birth and represents your emotional inner world) and Rising sign, also referred to as your Ascendant (this relates to the zodiac sign that was on the Eastern horizon when you were born and represents your social personality). 

Each sign also belongs to one of four elements (also referred to as duplicates) - fire, water, earth and air. Knowing this can help you understand your nature and provide insight into who you get along with best. For example, Scorpio and Pisces might have their differences but they’re both inherently water signs, so they make exceptional romantic partners and friends because they can tolerate another’s emotional nature.

What are the 3 modalities in astrology?

Another lesser-known way of breaking down the signs is by modalities (also known as quadruplicities since there are four zodiac signs in each group). In astrology, there are three modalities - cardinal, fixed and mutable. These represent the unique ways each group of signs express their energy, reacts to circumstances and navigates through life. Here’s how they’re broken down:

  • Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn
  • Fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius
  • Mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces

If you were putting together a dinner party, for example, it would work like this: Cardinal signs would be the ones who set the date, send out invites, organise the guest list and pick the menu. The fixed signs would be the workhorses who buy and cook the food, and set the table. Mutable signs would be the ones who bring it all together at the end, making final touches and ensuring the tablescape is just right. 

So, look at your Sun sign - what’s its modality? Are most of your planets on your birth chart in cardinal, fixed or mutable signs? Here’s a breakdown of what each one means.

Cardinal Signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn

Cardinal signs are the signs that star every season. So, for those in the Southern Hemisphere, Aries marks the beginnings of autumn, Cancer kicks off winter, Libra begins spring and Capricorn is the start of summer. For those in the Northern Hemisphere, Aries marks the beginning of spring, Cancer kicks off summer, Libra begins fall and Capricorn is the start of winter. Because of this, they’re referred to as the leaders, trendsetters and “idea people” of the zodiac.

They’re visionaries - they’re able to tolerate new beginnings and change, and are able to make things happen out of thin air. While they might not have the easiest time completing every endeavour, you can count on them to initiate winning ideas and setting solid foundations.

Fixed Signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius

If the cardinal signs are the ones who kick everything off, the fixed signs follow these plans through with their eye fixed on the prize. Known as the “doers” of the zodiac, they’re hardworking and are great at carrying out the plans manifested by the cardinal signs.

They love creating to-do lists, are trustworthy when it comes to actioning plans, thrive off momentum and they’re focused on dedication. Since they’re the stabilisers of the modalities, it’s no surprise fixed signs fall in the middle of every season.

Mutable Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces

As you may have guessed, mutable signs represent the end of each season. A plan can be created by a cardinal sign, built by a fixed sign and then perfected with a thoughtful eye by a mutable sign. Older and wiser, they known all things must come to an end and their role is to prepare everyone for the changing of seasons.

Regardless of whether these endings are good or bad, mutable signs have the power to enforce an intelligent and positive spin on any situation, bringing it to a sound conclusion. Often referred to as the “chameleon” of the modalities, they’re the most flexible and adaptable of the three signs.

What does Cardinal mean in astrology?

Cardinal signs are the signs that star every season. So, for those in the Southern Hemisphere, Aries marks the beginnings of autumn, Cancer kicks off winter, Libra begins spring and Capricorn is the start of summer.

What does Cardinal energy mean in astrology?

If you're a cardinal sign, you're, first and foremost, a born leader. "They initiate things," Page says. "Their energy is about jumping in and pushing things forward." Cardinal signs are movers and shakers, she explains, so you're not the type who sits around waiting for things to happen.

What does modality Cardinal leader mean in astrology?

Cardinal signs are leaders. They have an initiatory spirit, and the charisma to inspire large groups to take action. Their sign characteristics determine their particular style of leadership. They are self-starter types, and as children they may have been extremely active and dynamic.

What do modalities mean in astrology?

"The modalities are another way to break down signs and elements," astrologer Lisa Stardust tells Bustle. "They represent the sign and element's ability to move and evolve with time." They describe the mode in which these signs do things and the general methods they use in their approach.

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