War of the stars a new hope grindhouse

4 May 2017, 06:45

Thanks to Quentin Tarantino, “Grindhouse” is now a “thing”. It was previously used as something of a dismissive term for the crappy, run down theatres in America that would specialise in seedy, sleazy films.

“Grindhouses” showed movies that had no stars, no budget and no appeal other than lashings of sex, violence, action and cheap spectacle. Think titles like The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, I Spit On Your Grave and Fists Of Vengeance.

Tarantino immortalised the term in his double bill of Planet Terror and Death Proof - now everyone’s at it. Hobo With A Shotgun, Snakes On A Plane… you know the score.

Recently, Mashable Watercooler have decided to create a “grindhouse” trailer of the original Star Wars: what would the trailer to George Lucas’s money-spinner look like if it were destined for a fleapit out in the sticks? Well, here's the answer:

Lovely stuff. It’s all there: the cheesy music, the earnest voice-over, the scratches, dirt and washed out colour in the print.

The thing is: they needn’t have bothered. Someone already did it. For real. In 1978.

When Star Wars was released in 1977, grindhouse was at its height and there was a flood of imitators trying to get a piece of the action. Inevitably, Italy would have a crack at it.

The Italian movie business is notorious for cashing in on other people's ideas. The whole “Spaghetti Western” genre was an attempt to make  money trying to be like the Americans and the number of Italian zombie knock-offs of the original Dawn Of The Dead in the early 1980s was astounding.

So here it is, the Italian Star Wars: STARCRASH!

What's on offer? Hammer Horror actress Caroline Munro as Stella Starr the heroine, The Sound Of Music’s Christopher Plummer as the Emperor Of The Universe and THE HOFF as his son.

There’s spaceships, robots, animated sequences, brightly coloured stars, explosions, laser battles and Munro in a space bikini, all for a fraction of what A New Hope cost. It’s a thing of cheap beauty. Check out the trailer:

Let’s applaud director Luigi Cozzi for making such an ambitious space-fantasy on the cheap - he was a writer, film-maker and a huge fan of the horror and sci-fi genres. He now spends his retirement in Rome running a horror memorabilia shop, Profondo Rosso.

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TMBTMTime 20-Dec-2009 3:55 AM (Edited)Post link

SilverWook said:

Ripplin said:

Why, did Jaxxon do something similar?

He's credited on Puggo Grande for providing the 16mm prints used. He might want a copy of this.

Oh, I did not know about that Jaxxon. I should add his name in the end credit I guess.

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AuthorRipplinTime21-Dec-2009 6:50 PMPost link

New updates from TMBTM himself:

I will watch a new worprint tomorrow.
I did not change radicaly the last one (sorry Jorge...).
- Edit is two minutes shorter
- Some scenes have been twisted
- More R2 subtitles, and some changed (font have been reduced, but not changed)
- Few new lines from other SW movies and one from Indy 2.
- Luke's "blast it Wedge!" line back in the movie (I use the 2004 DVD for the sound, but I finaly replaced that line from the 16 mm preservation for it fits the scene better.
- Two new Vader's lines
- few more special effects
- I also added a little joke today and found out one hour later that it was kind of the same in Family Guy's Blue Harvest... I usualy don't watch that show, but thought it would be fun to watch that episode. For few minutes I wanted to get that scene back to my previous workprint, but I like the way it is now, so it will stay.

I am to the point where there is rarely more than 3 or 4 minutes without a cut. I don't see what can be done more without starting to go way over the top.
I don't want to rush things, but on the other hand I don't want to spend 2 months more adding gags here and there loosing focus on what this edit is supposed to be (a cheap alternate version of Star Wars hopefuly fun for the fans who know the movie by heart). And frankely I know that even if I spend a lot more time on it, the overall edit will stay kind of the same. In short I'm to the point where there is no real radical turning back possible (and I personaly don't feel the need, so it's all good!)
If people like it, fine, if not (I can already hear "JAWS was better!") then so be it.

I will surely make some little changes more during this holiday, then work on the final render and the DVD itself.

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AuthorrcbTime 22-Dec-2009 8:59 PMPost link

i watched the trailer and it looks poorly done, but i'll take ur word for it.

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AuthorRipplinTime22-Dec-2009 9:18 PMPost link

What trailer?

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AuthorTMBTM Time23-Dec-2009 8:41 AMPost link

I did not make a trailer.

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AuthorRipplinTime23-Dec-2009 12:30 PMPost link

Exactly. ;) I wonder what it was he watched. Please tell us, rcb.

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AuthordoubleofiveTime23-Dec-2009 12:35 PMPost link

And SHOULDN'T it look poorly done?  Isn't that the point?

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AuthorTMBTM Time23-Dec-2009 12:41 PMPost link

There is a "fake" trailer for a JAWS and STAR WARS grindhouse double feature on youtube. It has nothing to do with me (and is way older than my JAWS edit). I think it is cool.

I don't post the link here, cause I don't want people to think it is mine, but you'll find it quite easily I think. Maybe it is what rcb saw (?)

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AuthorRipplinTime23-Dec-2009 12:48 PMPost link

a-ha! I'll have to look that up too.

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AuthorrcbTime 23-Dec-2009 6:08 PMPost link


that's wat i found. i thought there was an actual trailer up for it, guess not.

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AuthorRipplinTime23-Dec-2009 6:16 PMPost link

The name is similar, but completely unrelated, as you now know. The screen shots and posters earlier in this thread (from the actual movie, not a fan film) probably should've given it away, no? If you haven't actually read this thread or the one at fanedit.org, you might want to. ;)

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AuthorrcbTime 23-Dec-2009 9:39 PMPost link

my bad

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AuthorRipplinTime23-Dec-2009 10:11 PMPost link

No problem! It's good that you found that, actually, because now if someone else sees that, we can tell them the difference.

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AuthorTMBTM Time2-Jan-2010 6:18 AMPost link

Without giving too much, here are some before/after pictures from the edit:






By tmbtm

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AuthorAngel Time2-Jan-2010 7:32 AMPost link

Looks good so far.

You can push it more radical if you wish :)

Ca we expect effects like grindhouse(burned films in key plot scenes, commercials and shaking camera)?

I love the lightsaber coloring btw :D


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AuthorTMBTM Time2-Jan-2010 9:13 AMPost link

vaderios said:

Looks good so far.

You can push it more radical if you wish :)

Ca we expect effects like grindhouse(burned films in key plot scenes, commercials and shaking camera)?

I love the lightsaber coloring btw :D



There is one burned film sequence, but I did not find a really good fun moment to put it in I'm afraid; Let's say that I'm not too proud to use this kind of "dated joke" again. lol. I did not add shaky camera movements, but there are some new special effects here and there, but not too much.

The edit runs 1h37 with the end credits, and will surely be available next week.

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Authorskye1083Time2-Jan-2010 3:55 PMPost link

So no What's Up Tiger Lily? hand chasing a stray hair on the film?

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"Reality leaves a lot to the imagination." – John Lennon

AuthorTMBTM Time7-Jan-2010 3:36 AMPost link

Edit is released at fanedi.org: //fanedit.org/8392/

This is a "grindhouse" version of George Lucas's Star Wars (episode 4 A New Hope)
Some of the deleted scenes, alternate takes and behind the scene footage are now back in the movie.
New music.
New special effects.
key scenes have been reorganized.

Original runtime: 124 min.
Amount of time cutted (including credits): 43 min.
Amount of time added (including some alternate takes): 16 min.
New runtime: 97 min.

To complete a "grindhouse double feature" I needed a second movie.
(First JAWS: The Sharksploitation Edit, now The War Of The Stars: A New Hope Grindhoused)
When you talk about "grindhouse double feature" Planet Terror/Death Proof comes to mind,
and what people usualy says?... "Damn, Planete Terror was fun, but Death Proof was a bore!"

Personally I like Death Proof a lot but I can understand why people felt it was boring.
I hope this edit will not bore you too much!
I took as an advice a comment on my JAWS edit who said it was "too long for mockery"
so I made the overal lenght quite short this time.

I want to thanks Puggo for letting me use his 16mm preservation work, known as The Puggo Grande.
I just zoomed and cropped it for it to have a more "Star Warsish" aspect ratio.
(so the picture quality of the Puggo Grande is better, I wanted to point out that fact.)
Only I think that quality loss helped me a lot to blend some documentary footage back in the movie.

And THAT is one of the main purpose of this edit: to bring back a lot of deleted scenes and various footage.
Does it make it a better movie? Hell no. This is a cheap version of Star Wars. Hopefully fun for the fans to watch.

In the bonus of the DVD you'll find a little slideshow video showing some of the various shots added.
Please do NOT watch this video before the edit itself!

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AuthorJediMasterFisherTime7-Jan-2010 4:02 AMPost link

This looks very cool. I'm gonna watch this. I watched a clip of your Jaws edit on youtube and it was awesome. I'm gonna have to watch that one too!

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AuthorRipplinTime7-Jan-2010 11:56 AM (Edited)Post link

Congrats, pally. :) I just rated and reviewed it.

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AuthorTMBTM Time7-Jan-2010 1:29 PMPost link

Thanks Ripplin.

I guess bad reviews won't be long...! But I guess you're right, it's not for everyone.

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AuthorRipplinTime7-Jan-2010 2:01 PMPost link

No one seemed to have a problem with Jaws being grindhoused, but Star Wars seems to be "sacred" to some (except to Lucas), so yeah, expect some [more] negativity. :p

I don't know why people get so up in arms over stuff like this anyway. Reminds me of some of those purists who appeared on Iron Chef, angry that the Iron Chefs were doing fusion cuisine and stuff. It's not like there aren't hundreds of chefs doing traditional Japanese cuisine anyway. Lighten up, fellas! ;)

In this case, there are tons of versions of the OOT available. And no one would ever mistake this 'grindhouse' version as an official Lucasfilm version, so who cares? It's just some dumb fun! A supplement to the "sacred" version, if you will. Haha.

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Authorbkev Time7-Jan-2010 7:11 PMPost link

Waiting on a torrent, this looks so cool! Also, the coverart is simply SPLENDID. Other than the text, which I think should be either all red or white. Is that a pre-existing poster, or did you edit that yourself?

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AuthorRipplinTime7-Jan-2010 7:27 PMPost link

The poster is partly made of different promotional shots. A couple of them were shown in the thread at FE.org and I love how he put them together. :)

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AuthorAngel Time8-Jan-2010 2:21 AM (Edited)Post link

That edit doesnt excist! Its so awesome that cant be real.

I had the best time watching it. I felt so many times surprised from the visuals and the new dialogue. all so seamless to look awesome and bad at teh same time.

I laughed for hours with vader... especialy when *beep* he is doing the *beep*.

I loved the bits from other fanfilms.

the subs from R2 were hilarious and was always a refresh way to see the scenes.

LOVED some of the re editing to avoid some of the original sotry but also the edit helped some shots better than the original.

The cantina scene was.... well no words :P

The music added a new feeling in this edit. And god the titles were awesome!

Address me as Lord vader!!!

The droid sounds from ROTS were super addition IMO.

The ending... lol...

Clever use of the scratches and wise choose of all the extra scenes :D

They made a true grindhouse edition.

I have no con to this edit! ITs enjoyable as hell and maybe one of the top SW edits out there. Really impressed and thanks for the awesome time that i had and i will have :D

I hope that feedback was spoilerless as possible! 


PS: I beg for a vader doing the *beep* thing poster!!

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