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Answer –The Spanish phrase “Mucho gusto” means “Nice to meet you”. The verb “gustar” means “to like”. When it is conjugated for the singular first person, it becomes “gusto” (I like). The word “mucho” means “much”.

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Answer –32 divided by 8 is 4. In order to divide numbers by one another, one must know the times tables. This is because the division function is the opposite of multiplication. For instance, since 2 × 3 = 6, 2 = 6/3 (or 6 ÷ 3).

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Answer –Bromine, in its neutral atomic state, has 35 electrons. The element is a halogen and can be found in Group 17 of the periodic table. Since its atomic number is 35, it has 35 protons and hence 35 electrons in its neutral atomic state.

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