Things you cant do in heaven

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Jun 21, 2012 Doug rated it it was ok

Overall, I found many positive things in the book. Nevertheless, I also have many criticisms, most of which are ironically tied to the compliments. The problem is that, in my opinion, Cahill doesn't have a complete enough view of evangelism, and he breezes over the most important points he makes in the book. My biggest compliment is that the book is inspiring. My primary criticism is that I believe that Cahill repeatedly projects his own passions and talents onto everything and everyone. He make Overall, I found many positive things in the book. Nevertheless, I also have many criticisms, most of which are ironically tied to the compliments. The problem is that, in my opinion, Cahill doesn't have a complete enough view of evangelism, and he breezes over the most important points he makes in the book. My biggest compliment is that the book is inspiring. My primary criticism is that I believe that Cahill repeatedly projects his own passions and talents onto everything and everyone. He makes witnessing more or less the most important thing about Christianity (while it is important, it isn't the primary focus). He also reads the bible through this lens, to the point that he will see witnessing in verses which do not actually have this idea in the text itself. Click here to continue reading my review. ...more

The pros: Mark Cahill writes from a position of authority on the topic of evangelism since he has given his life to the task. I appreciated his passion for souls, real-life anecdotes, and convicting call to share the gospel.
The cons: The book was an easy-read. Almost too easy. It could have used more meaty content. Another down side was that a lot of his stories were focused on getting people to focus on heaven and hell, more than a life commitment. Mark Cahill definitely believes Christianity i
The pros: Mark Cahill writes from a position of authority on the topic of evangelism since he has given his life to the task. I appreciated his passion for souls, real-life anecdotes, and convicting call to share the gospel.
The cons: The book was an easy-read. Almost too easy. It could have used more meaty content. Another down side was that a lot of his stories were focused on getting people to focus on heaven and hell, more than a life commitment. Mark Cahill definitely believes Christianity is a surrendering of your life to Christ, and he says so in the book. My critique is that he could have put more emphasis on this.
Overall, a good, quick read on evangelism to get you thinking.

Jun 19, 2022 Charlie rated it really liked it

I would have liked to have given this book a 3 1/2. This book has some excellent suggestions and helps in evangelism. Sometimes, too many. I may have to read this book again to refresh my memory on some of them. In his zeal to share the Gospel, I feel that Cahill put himself in some compromising and unwise positions. He admits that, more or less. He also shares some examples of witnessing to people as they are working. I object to that, because to me, that is stealing their employers time. It is I would have liked to have given this book a 3 1/2. This book has some excellent suggestions and helps in evangelism. Sometimes, too many. I may have to read this book again to refresh my memory on some of them. In his zeal to share the Gospel, I feel that Cahill put himself in some compromising and unwise positions. He admits that, more or less. He also shares some examples of witnessing to people as they are working. I object to that, because to me, that is stealing their employers time. It is obvious that Cahill has a burden for souls, but at times, seems to forget that all Christians are not evangelists, able to witness 24/7. Overall, an excellent book, but with some definite flaws (IMHO). ...more

This guy practices a very upfront form of sharing His faith. It is extremely challenging. The stories are refreshing and sometimes inspiring. The evangelism-help is very practical, without being rote or based around one mechanical method. But the tone of the book makes it easy to walk away hating yourself if you can't manage to share your faith as prolifically as the author. It's a good and handy read, but learn to relax and remember that there is more to sharing your faith than confrontational This guy practices a very upfront form of sharing His faith. It is extremely challenging. The stories are refreshing and sometimes inspiring. The evangelism-help is very practical, without being rote or based around one mechanical method. But the tone of the book makes it easy to walk away hating yourself if you can't manage to share your faith as prolifically as the author. It's a good and handy read, but learn to relax and remember that there is more to sharing your faith than confrontational evangelism. ...more

Although I love the main idea of this book being evangelism, I had a hard time reading this book. There is not much structure but mainly just stories of Cahill’s evangelism. But it did challenge me with urgency to share more and ask deep questions! Overall, I would maybe recommend another book on the topic of evangelism than this one.


Challenged me to share my faith and than taught me how to practically do so. Highly recommend for anyone who knows they need to evangelize but is frightened of doing so. This is just the help you need to get started.

Feb 23, 2020 Shantel rated it it was amazing

Convicting and inspiring!
A must read for all Christian!

Jun 19, 2022 Bo rated it liked it

I've given this book three stars, but a more accurate rating would be three and a half. There was much about this book that I liked, and I marked a number of places to refer to again.

There were times I thought he overstated his case, almost unrealistically. e.g. we can't all be witnessing 24/7. But we can be "ready to give an answer." I also thought some of the suggestions he made weren't necessarily good recommendations for everyone. e.g. going to a bar to witness. That could be a very bad cho

I've given this book three stars, but a more accurate rating would be three and a half. There was much about this book that I liked, and I marked a number of places to refer to again.

There were times I thought he overstated his case, almost unrealistically. e.g. we can't all be witnessing 24/7. But we can be "ready to give an answer." I also thought some of the suggestions he made weren't necessarily good recommendations for everyone. e.g. going to a bar to witness. That could be a very bad choice for some. And personally, I don't think it's a very good idea for most of us.

It is obvious that Mark Cahill has a burden for the lost and is passionate about sharing the Gospel. The book will convict and challenge you. But I think without excusing ourselves, that we need to recognize that as believers we are not all gifted in the same area/s, but yet we are called to a "reasonable service." So be challenged to be more bold in your witness, and look for some ideas to incorporate into your life after reading the book. But remember that sharing your faith is not a "one size fits all."


Evident in the title alone, Cahill's premise that we will not be engaging in evangelism in heaven,and thus ought to be busy about doing so here on earth, is great. If you got that, then I am not sure I would put any more time into this book. I must admit that Cahill's recent assertion (that I and all other Calvinists worship "another God" and "another Jesus" re: Gal 1) made it difficult to read this book from an unbiased perspective. That being said, Cahill's recent clarification concerning his Evident in the title alone, Cahill's premise that we will not be engaging in evangelism in heaven,and thus ought to be busy about doing so here on earth, is great. If you got that, then I am not sure I would put any more time into this book. I must admit that Cahill's recent assertion (that I and all other Calvinists worship "another God" and "another Jesus" re: Gal 1) made it difficult to read this book from an unbiased perspective. That being said, Cahill's recent clarification concerning his theology does explain why he would suggest such outrageous tactics as paying someone to listen to a Gospel presentation, and why he would focus only on getting people into heaven rather than calling them to radical discipleship through faith in Christ. All in all, besides the title, I would not recommend this book. ...more

Feb 20, 2013 Peter rated it liked it

I listened to the audio book read by the author. The one thing you can't do in heaven is to witness to nonbelievers. This book relates experiences of the author witnessing of Christ in a wide variety of circumstances. It is also a call for all believers in Christ to witness of him. It exams different approaches and techniques to communicate the message. Evangelical. Interesting, forceful and confronting. Author challenges all to follow suit. When he talked about scientific matters I found him na I listened to the audio book read by the author. The one thing you can't do in heaven is to witness to nonbelievers. This book relates experiences of the author witnessing of Christ in a wide variety of circumstances. It is also a call for all believers in Christ to witness of him. It exams different approaches and techniques to communicate the message. Evangelical. Interesting, forceful and confronting. Author challenges all to follow suit. When he talked about scientific matters I found him naïve. He has some good stories. Not for readers who might be offended by his message. ...more

Dec 29, 2020 Meredith rated it it was amazing

This book is one of the most convicting testimonies I’ve ever read. I am very clearly not doing enough for the Kingdom.

I thoroughly enjoyed this. His passion for Christ and reaching the lost is exceptional. It was very refreshing to read. In the midst of all the many, numerous Christian books that are written and read, it is refreshing to find someone who simply really just wants to save people, for he really believes in heaven and hell. I love this about him. It is a book which will make you want to go out and evangelize.

I will later explain why I only give it 4 instead of 5 stars (4.5, if possible), but first,

I thoroughly enjoyed this. His passion for Christ and reaching the lost is exceptional. It was very refreshing to read. In the midst of all the many, numerous Christian books that are written and read, it is refreshing to find someone who simply really just wants to save people, for he really believes in heaven and hell. I love this about him. It is a book which will make you want to go out and evangelize.

I will later explain why I only give it 4 instead of 5 stars (4.5, if possible), but first, here is some great parts from the book:

In the first chapter he argues that people are afraid of witnessing but that it is a learned talent. Like any other thing, it takes practice, practice, practice. And when one does practice it, it becomes easier and the person becomes more skilled at it.

He also has a chapter where he shows that evangelizing is a win, win, win situation. If they reject, you've been faithful. Or maybe you've just planted a seed. Or maybe they accept Christ. All are winning situations.

I will say here that throughout he is not the type to just run up to someone and force Christ upon them. He does engage with strangers all the time, but he makes a point to say that you should talk to them a while about things first. He also is all about being relational and compassionate. His big thing is that people are longing to have spiritual conversations more than we realize, and that we need to plant seeds.

On this, I really enjoyed the perspective on page 53 that it takes an average of 7.3 times for someone to hear the gospel and then believe it. Therefore, all the seeds planted are so important! This is a good remembrance, especially in just talking to someone quickly and handing out a tract.

In association with this idea, he later in the last couple chapters talks about how not only do people need to hear these seeds, but that you don't know when someone will need the seed. He's shared that you could just be handing out a tract, but that they might in that moment be in a time of searching or crisis, and that one tract they could see as a real sign to pursue Christ. This gives great encouragement in witnessing.

He also gets extremely practical throughout. Especially in chapter 7, "Say What?", where he gives advice on what to say and how to spark the conversation. He talks about asking them about what they think is on the other side; if they celebrate Easter of Christmas; "Can I ask you an interesting question?"; asking what is going on spiritually in their life (as people like spirituality a lot these days); and saying that you're doing a project/survey and then ask them a question. These are all very helpful. I enjoyed this thoroughly.

He also has four questions to keep in mind as you're evangelizing. Nothing too special, but they're a little helpful: What do you mean by that?; How do you know that to be true?; Where do you get your information?; and What if you're wrong?

Besides all this, he simply throughout has great stories from his own experience to show how he engages and speaks. And to show how God has been faithful to him.

So why only 4 stars? It isn't because he is too radical or anything. Not at all. Rather, it is that his theology and way go evangelizing (with mainly using the Ten Commandments) I think isn't as helpful. He is also a little more fire and brimstone, rather than trying to convince people of the glory and goodness of Christ. Again, I get this because hell is real and his logic is right on. But people need to see Christ as compelling. It is a natural thing to just not want to go to hell. On this, I looked online at the tracts he recommends in the book and I really do not think they're as helpful. Instead, Crossway's tracts seem much better.

Moreover, the book itself felt a lot like an unorganized firehouse of information, advice, and stories. Of course it was roughly organized, and it was interesting, but it was harder to read at times simply due to the organization.

That all being said, I love his zeal for others. It's logical if we believe in eternal hell. I really found it refreshing to read and it made me want to go evangelize with tracts more.


Oct 30, 2017 Empathy rated it it was amazing

If I could suggest just one book to Christians (besides the Bible), it would be this one! When was the last time you shared your faith with someone? If the answer is less than you think it should be (probable everyone!) then you need to read this. Here's a poem from this book:

My Friend
My friend, I stand in judgment now,
And feel that you’re to blame somehow.
On Earth I walked with you day by day,
And never did you point the way.
You knew the Lord in truth and glory,
But never did you tell the story.

If I could suggest just one book to Christians (besides the Bible), it would be this one! When was the last time you shared your faith with someone? If the answer is less than you think it should be (probable everyone!) then you need to read this. Here's a poem from this book:

My Friend
My friend, I stand in judgment now,
And feel that you’re to blame somehow.
On Earth I walked with you day by day,
And never did you point the way.
You knew the Lord in truth and glory,
But never did you tell the story.
My knowledge then was very dim;
You could have led me safe to Him.
Though we lived together here on Earth,
You never told me of the second birth.
And now I stand this day condemned,
Because you failed to mention Him.
You taught me many things, that’s true;
I called you “friend” and trusted you.
But I learn now that it’s too late,
And you could have kept me from this fate.
We walked by day and talked by night,
And yet you showed me not the light.
You let me live, and love, and die,
You knew I’d never live on high.
Yes, I called you “friend” in life,
And trusted you through joy and strife.
And, yet, on coming to this dreadful end,
I cannot, now, call you “my friend."

How many 'friends' do you have?
After reading this one, I would suggest Mark's book Watchmen


Jan 28, 2022 Les Wolf rated it it was amazing

Have you ever paused during your busy life to consider why Jesus came to earth? Jesus was a healer and a prophet but much more than that. Jesus was the deliverer, the Messiah, the living sacrifice for the lost world. Through Adam all sinned and we now live in a fallen world. There was no way that a holy and righteous God, Creator and Judge, could excuse the disobedience of His own Creation without a plan for redemption. That plan came into being with the arrival of Jesus into the world. Through Have you ever paused during your busy life to consider why Jesus came to earth? Jesus was a healer and a prophet but much more than that. Jesus was the deliverer, the Messiah, the living sacrifice for the lost world. Through Adam all sinned and we now live in a fallen world. There was no way that a holy and righteous God, Creator and Judge, could excuse the disobedience of His own Creation without a plan for redemption. That plan came into being with the arrival of Jesus into the world. Through Jesus all who will confess their sin, humble themselves and acknowlege the Son of God are offered the gift of forgiveness. The Father required a blood sacrifice as atonement and Jesus provided it. He made it possible for men to look to the cross and live, if only men and women would accept the gift. You may not realize it but you are either a slave to sin or a free person liberated and forgiven through the sacrifice of the forever living Lamb of God. Read the book "More than a Carpenter" or "The Case for Christ". Or something possibly closer at hand. Read the book of John in the Holy bible. Realize that no one knows the hour of his or her last moments on earth. Take the necessary measures to save yourself from the eternal torment that all who reject the Son of God will face one day. I love you. I hope to see you one day in Paradise.

Apr 03, 2018 Kent Kessler rated it really liked it

Will it matter on Judgment Day if you faith with unbelievers? It will matter whether you shared the most precious thing you have with everyone you could. 150,000 people will die today. Where will they spend eternity? This book wants to help send you out with the confidence, boldness, and the love of Jesus to reach a very lost and dying world. Rooted in the Authorized (King James) Version, and armed with quotes from C. H. Spurgeon, the book reveals that one thing you cannot do in heaven: share yo Will it matter on Judgment Day if you faith with unbelievers? It will matter whether you shared the most precious thing you have with everyone you could. 150,000 people will die today. Where will they spend eternity? This book wants to help send you out with the confidence, boldness, and the love of Jesus to reach a very lost and dying world. Rooted in the Authorized (King James) Version, and armed with quotes from C. H. Spurgeon, the book reveals that one thing you cannot do in heaven: share your faith with a non-believer. What is the value of a soul? If they are breathing, they need Jesus. You need help in getting the conversation going. If 87% of people who come to know Christ do so through a friend, then be about the business to make a friend, be a friend, and lead a friend to Jesus. Don’t miss reading his story of hanging out with Charles Barkley and Michael Jordan! This book is Mark’s story of his boldness for Christ. ...more

Feb 05, 2020 Adam rated it it was amazing

I have been afraid for so long to do what this book encouraged me to do, but I have known a long time that I needed to make my life centered around preaching the Good News to the lost. I have had so many ideas for how to do this, but one idea that was always at the back of my mind was the way of simply meeting people and asking them eternal questions. Before I finished this book, I had already started doing this. It was much easier than I anticipated. I hope and pray that it becomes a habit in m I have been afraid for so long to do what this book encouraged me to do, but I have known a long time that I needed to make my life centered around preaching the Good News to the lost. I have had so many ideas for how to do this, but one idea that was always at the back of my mind was the way of simply meeting people and asking them eternal questions. Before I finished this book, I had already started doing this. It was much easier than I anticipated. I hope and pray that it becomes a habit in my life that is only strengthened as I go into darker places.

Great book from someone experienced with preaching the Gospel. Doesn't go deep into the harder questions, but I don't think that's the goal of this book in the first place. It gives you a great understanding of what to expect.


Jul 08, 2019 Karima rated it it was amazing

If you are a born again Christian, this is a must read book! Wow! I share the Good News with people whenever possible and I was motivated to do it even more, plus Mark have me more tips on how to start a conversation and more info about how to speak the truth in love. Not to mention all the evidences that we can point others to accept tte truth in the Bible. I have recommend this book to my all my friends and acquaintances. As a matter of fact one person hearing me talk about it ordered it immed If you are a born again Christian, this is a must read book! Wow! I share the Good News with people whenever possible and I was motivated to do it even more, plus Mark have me more tips on how to start a conversation and more info about how to speak the truth in love. Not to mention all the evidences that we can point others to accept tte truth in the Bible. I have recommend this book to my all my friends and acquaintances. As a matter of fact one person hearing me talk about it ordered it immediately. Praise God! Don't miss out, be ready at all times to testify about your faith in Jesus Christ, nothing compares to it. ...more

Jul 03, 2021 Samuel Baker rated it it was amazing

This book is a great read! Mark Cahill is a great story teller! When you read a past experience about him sharing the Good News with people, it is like you are right there watching it go down! The book is very easy to read, many of the conversations he has with people are written down in novel type format. He gives very good advice on what to say, when to say it, what to ask, on how to listen, and on what to listen for! I recommend this book for Followers of Jesus who are wanting to get comforta This book is a great read! Mark Cahill is a great story teller! When you read a past experience about him sharing the Good News with people, it is like you are right there watching it go down! The book is very easy to read, many of the conversations he has with people are written down in novel type format. He gives very good advice on what to say, when to say it, what to ask, on how to listen, and on what to listen for! I recommend this book for Followers of Jesus who are wanting to get comfortable sharing the Gospel with the lost! I just pray that I remember what is in the book and that I would so put it into practice! ...more

I want to tell everyone now

Just finished reading this book and I am truly inspired to tell those I know about Jesus. I feel better equipped now and understand why I have been fearful. It’s a win, win, win situation. I’m thinking about and praying for someone to start with. Family member? Stranger? I’d like to write down a few things too. I’ve been from the ‘lifestyle evangelism’ mindset— that’s important, to live out your faith and be seen, but to tell of Gods wondrous love. Oh the joy! Thanks M

I want to tell everyone now

Just finished reading this book and I am truly inspired to tell those I know about Jesus. I feel better equipped now and understand why I have been fearful. It’s a win, win, win situation. I’m thinking about and praying for someone to start with. Family member? Stranger? I’d like to write down a few things too. I’ve been from the ‘lifestyle evangelism’ mindset— that’s important, to live out your faith and be seen, but to tell of Gods wondrous love. Oh the joy! Thanks Mark.


Jan 04, 2021 Nderitu Pius rated it it was amazing

This book spurs me to living out boldly for JESUS in a way I never did before. There is nothing better than knowing that you are just a minute away from getting another person to know CHRIST. Our mission indeed is to "Make HIM known and to make HIM look good." If we are not making HIM known as redeem people by the blood of JESUS CHRIST, then what are we really doing???
Go ahead and read this book and then, boldly ask JESUS to give you the courage to step out and profess HIS NAME to a world lost a
This book spurs me to living out boldly for JESUS in a way I never did before. There is nothing better than knowing that you are just a minute away from getting another person to know CHRIST. Our mission indeed is to "Make HIM known and to make HIM look good." If we are not making HIM known as redeem people by the blood of JESUS CHRIST, then what are we really doing???
Go ahead and read this book and then, boldly ask JESUS to give you the courage to step out and profess HIS NAME to a world lost and broken.

I read this book out of curiosity about the charismatic movement in churches. ( I found the book among my brother's possessions after he had passed. I believe someone probably gave it to him.)I did not finish the book, although I did read 10 out of 14 chapters. I was able to learn how they approach the idea of witnessing to complete strangers about their beliefs and the way to get to heaven. However, I stopped reading when I realized that their concept is so very different from my own beliefs an I read this book out of curiosity about the charismatic movement in churches. ( I found the book among my brother's possessions after he had passed. I believe someone probably gave it to him.)I did not finish the book, although I did read 10 out of 14 chapters. I was able to learn how they approach the idea of witnessing to complete strangers about their beliefs and the way to get to heaven. However, I stopped reading when I realized that their concept is so very different from my own beliefs and I certainly feel that theirs is not the only way to get to heaven. ...more

Sep 14, 2021 Rita rated it it was ok

Kudos to Mr. Cahill for his bold witness to Jesus Christ. I was hoping for more ideas to help me in evangelization.

Unfortunately, he has one very bold, straight for the throat, approach. It obviously works for some people, but never would have reached me or the people I was with before coming to Christ. I also struggled with some of his theology that just didn't hold together and was inconsistent with the Bible. About 60% through and putting this down.

Kudos to Mr. Cahill for his bold witness to Jesus Christ. I was hoping for more ideas to help me in evangelization.

Unfortunately, he has one very bold, straight for the throat, approach. It obviously works for some people, but never would have reached me or the people I was with before coming to Christ. I also struggled with some of his theology that just didn't hold together and was inconsistent with the Bible. About 60% through and putting this down.


Jul 18, 2021 Luigi rated it it was amazing

This is the most interesting book I've read for years!! Probably the best on evangelism

“Every Christian has a responsibility to share their faith"

The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few (Luke 10:2)

many of our family members, friends, co workers need to hear about Jesus

make a commitment to share Jesus with at least one person a day

This is the most interesting book I've read for years!! Probably the best on evangelism

“Every Christian has a responsibility to share their faith"

The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few (Luke 10:2)

many of our family members, friends, co workers need to hear about Jesus

make a commitment to share Jesus with at least one person a day


Mar 05, 2022 Kathy Monroe rated it it was amazing

A very powerful and useful book filled with real stories and applications on how to witness to non believers as a Christian. This certainly has challenged me to see others as lost and on the brink of hell, as opposed to being nervous and shy to talk with them about their eternal destination. Great book I highly recommend it.

Jul 15, 2017 Lynn rated it it was amazing

The one thing you can't do in heaven is witness to your friends and family in hell. This book teaches you how to witness to anyone. Jesus is not willing that any should perish and he wants your help... The one thing you can't do in heaven is witness to your friends and family in hell. This book teaches you how to witness to anyone. Jesus is not willing that any should perish and he wants your help... ...more

Dec 18, 2018 Joshua rated it liked it

A very convicting read, while I don't totally agree 100% on Cahill's methods on doing whatever it takes to reach a lost person, I do love his heart for evangelism and took away some very helpful tools to use. A very convicting read, while I don't totally agree 100% on Cahill's methods on doing whatever it takes to reach a lost person, I do love his heart for evangelism and took away some very helpful tools to use. ...more

May 01, 2019 Mindy rated it it was amazing

I really need to read this book once a year. It has so many scenarios of how to share your faith along with examples of apocalyptics in everyday conversations. It would be a great help to anyone who wants to share Christ with others, but doesn’t quite know how to start the conversation.

This book and the weekend retreat I went to that he spoke at both ignited a spark within me to want to evangelize. Little by little I learned from my own mistakes as well as good examples I saw from others. I'm deeply grateful for this potently truthful and challenging book. This book and the weekend retreat I went to that he spoke at both ignited a spark within me to want to evangelize. Little by little I learned from my own mistakes as well as good examples I saw from others. I'm deeply grateful for this potently truthful and challenging book. ...more

I’m Sold Out for Jesus!

I loved the author’s style of witnessing! Mark allowed the reader to walk with him and share the experience in witnessing through his storytelling skills! Powerful

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What is forbidden in heaven?

Biblical Translations of Matthew 18:18 “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” “I tell you the truth, whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.”

What are the heaven rules?

October 11, 2020.
Boanthropy: Psychological disorder in which the sufferer believes he or she is a cow or ox..
Rule 1: Your life isn't forever until it is..
Rule 2: God's grace has forever in mind..
Rule 3: Being humbled ain't fun..
Rule 4: Being humbled moves you from kNOw to kNOW..
Rule 5: You Have a choice..

Can you go to heaven with a sin?

The answer is if you practice sin, you WILL NOT go to heaven. You will go to hell to spend an eternity of torment away from God's presence and goodness and glory. “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God?

What is allowed on earth is allowed in heaven?

'What you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven, and what you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven' (Mt 16:19)


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