Self evaluation for performance review examples integrity

Whether you’re filling out evaluations for your employees or asking employees to evaluate themselves, it’s crucial to have the words that accurately reflect each employee’s performance. But finding those right words for your employee evaluation comments can be challenging. Fortunately, Trakstar Learn is here to help.

Use the following phrases as-is, or reword them to suit your particular company. Comments are arranged first by topic, then by level of performance, from Unsatisfactory to Satisfactory to Excellent.

Quality and Punctuality of Work


  1. Frequent customer/coworker complaints about his/her work.
  2. Frequently turns in work after the deadline.
  3. Work is incomplete and/or inaccurate and/or sloppy.


  1. Minimal or no customer/coworker complaints about his/her work.
  2. Occasional praise of employee from customers/coworkers.
  3. Work is generally turned in on time.
  4. Work produced is complete and adequate, with an acceptable number of errors.


  1. Frequent praise of his/her work from customers/coworkers.
  2. Work is always turned in on time.
  3. Work produced is complete, error-free, and of the highest quality.



  1. Frequently does not work well with coworkers.
  2. Frequently does not positively interact with customers.
  3. Rarely or never offers to help coworkers.
  4. Rarely or never does anything outside of his/her job description.


  1. Works well with coworkers.
  2. Regularly positively interacts with customers.
  3. Often or occasionally offers to help coworkers.
  4. Often or occasionally does something outside of his/her job description.


  1. Works well with coworkers.
  2. Consistently positively interacts with customers.
  3. Frequently offers to help coworkers.
  4. Frequently does something outside of his/her job description.



  1. Is not a self-starter; rarely or never takes initiative.
  2. Needs constant supervision to get work done.
  3. Never seeks out problems to address or things to improve.


  1. Is a self-starter; often or occasionally takes initiative.
  2. Can work unsupervised and be trusted to get work done.
  3. Occasionally seeks out problems to address or things to improve.


  1. Is a self-starter; frequently takes initiative.
  2. Can work unsupervised and be trusted to get work done.
  3. Frequently seeks out problems to address or things to improve.

Punctuality and Dependability


  1. Frequently arrives late to work.
  2. Frequently leaves work early, often to tend to personal matters.
  3. Frequently takes days off without adequate notice.


  1. Arrives at work on time.
  2. Rarely leaves work early.
  3. Gives adequate notice before taking days off, except in the rare case of emergency.


  1. Always arrives at work on time.
  2. Occasionally/frequently stays past work hours.
  3. Always gives adequate notice before taking days off, except in the rare case of emergency.



  1. Cannot be relied upon to behave with integrity and do the right thing consistently.
  2. Has occasionally or often engaged in behavior that jeopardizes his/her integrity and that of the company.
  3. Does not set a good example of integrity for coworkers.


  1. Can always be relied upon to behave with integrity and do the right thing.
  2. Always removes himself/herself from situations that would jeopardize his/her integrity and that of the company.
  3. Sets a good example of a high standard of integrity for coworkers


  1. Can always be relied upon to behave with integrity do the right thing.
  2. Always removes himself/herself from situations that would jeopardize his/her integrity and that of the company.
  3. Sets a good example of the highest standard of integrity for coworkers.

Problem Solving


  1. Rarely or never able to come up with solutions to problems.
  2. Rarely or never prioritizes tasks well.
  3. Rarely or never asks relevant questions, even when he/she doesn’t understand something.


  1. Often or occasionally able to come up with solutions to problems.
  2. Often or occasionally prioritizes tasks well.
  3. Often or occasionally, asks relevant questions when he/she doesn’t understand something.


  1. Frequently or always able to come up with solutions to problems.
  2. Frequently or always prioritizes tasks well.
  3. Frequently or always asks relevant questions when he/she doesn’t understand something. 

Attitude/Service Orientation


  1. Occasional or frequent complaints about employee’s attitude or customer service interaction from coworkers/customers.
  2. Is occasionally/often/frequently rude to customers/coworkers.
  3. Frequently displays a negative attitude with customers/coworkers.
  4. Never or rarely offers to help customers/coworkers with problems or tasks.


  1. Occasional praise about employee’s attitude or customer service interaction from coworkers/customers.
  2. Is generally knowledgeable and polite with customers/coworkers.
  3. Generally displays a positive attitude with customers/coworkers.
  4. Occasionally or often offers to help customers/coworkers with problems or tasks.


  1. Frequent praise about employee’s attitude or customer service interaction from coworkers/customers.
  2. Is always knowledgeable and polite with customers/coworkers.
  3. Always displays a positive attitude with customers/coworkers.
  4. Frequently offers to help customers/coworkers with problems or tasks.

Support Employee Training and Growth With Trakstar Learn

Employee evaluation comments are just the beginning. In any employee evaluation, there’s always room for improvement. To support your employees’ professional development, use a Learning Management System (LMS) like Learn.

Learn is a cloud-based online learning platform where companies can create training courses for employees. Request a demonstration of the Learn platform. See for yourself how easy the Learn LMS is to use.

Elearning Glossary Terms

  • Adult Learning Theory
  • Asynchronous v.s. Synchronous Elearning
  • Blended Learning
  • Corporate Universities
  • Distance Education
  • E-Learning
  • Elearning Development Time
  • Elearning Industry
  • Employee Benefits
  • Employee Empowerment
  • Employee Engagement
  • Employee Evaluation Comments
  • Employee Morale
  • Employee Relations
  • Employee Retention
  • Employee Testing Online
  • Experiential Learning
  • Flipped Classroom
  • Guided Discovery
  • Guided Practice
  • History of the LMS
  • How to Train Your Personnel
  • Human Resource Development
  • Instructor-Led Training
  • Job Aid
  • LCMS and LMS
  • Learner-Centered
  • Learning and Development
  • Learning Management System (LMS)
  • Learning Styles
  • On the Job Training
  • Online Computer Skills Training Resources
  • Online Learning
  • Online Quiz and Test Taking Strategies
  • Online Testing in the Workplace
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Organizational Development
  • Performance Coaching
  • Performance Management
  • Professional Development
  • Remote Training
  • Sales Enablement
  • Scaffolding Learning
  • Skills Gap
  • Social Learning
  • Student-Centered Learning
  • Subject Matter Experts
  • Talent Management
  • Training Needs Analysis
  • Types of Learning Management Systems
  • Universal Design for Learning
  • Virtual Instructor Led Training
  • Virtual Learning Environment

How do you write integrity in performance appraisal?

Highly organized and good at prioritizing what is important..
Always strive to keep commitments..
Be highly truthful and honest in all dealings..
Always do what is right..
Never betray their principles and company's core values..
Demonstrate trustworthiness..
Keep promises..

What do you write in a self evaluation for a performance review?

A good self-assessment should point to specific tasks and projects that highlight your best work. When describing those accomplishments, employees should emphasize the impact those achievements had on the whole business to emphasize their value to the company.

What should I write in self performance appraisal example?

Positive option: "I have consistently shown commitment and motivation ever since I joined the company. I meet set deadlines and objectives on time." Negative option: "As I'm a perfectionist, I think that I sometimes spend too much time on one task. I must learn to use resources more efficiently."


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