Professional voicemail greeting for personal cell phone

Your voicemail doesn’t have to be monotonous or impersonal. What you need is something that is unique to you but works in a professional manner.

Professional voicemails are important, because they’re an extension of your personal brand, reflecting what level of professionalism you offer. Use these voicemail greetings for work or personal cell phone messages for your specific needs.

01Keep the voicemail greeting for work warm and professional

  You can choose a voice that will best suit your business and will deliver a warm and professional voice message. Your callers don’t want to hear a cold and indifferent machine voice.

Photo by BriF under pixabay license

02Your professional voicemail greeting should be brief but useful.

  The information you want to put in your voicemail should be succinct enough for your callers to get every bit of information they need. Leave the relevant information in a clear and precise manner.

Photo by Malcolm Garret under Pexels License

03Give customers information

  Professional voicemail greetings for work should be informative. The first message the customer hears should have the company’s name so they can be sure they’ve reached the right number.

  Be courteous and informative. This could be their first point of contact, and you want it to be enjoyable.

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04Cautiously use humor

  If you’re going to make your voicemail message humorous in some way, it should be tasteful and aligned to your brand. It shouldn’t get in the way of giving customers enough information when they call.

Photo by Gratisography under Pexels License

05Avoid being too casual

  Your voicemail greetings for work should be welcoming and friendly but not too informal.

  Customers want to feel confident that they’ve contacted a professional, that the company values their call, and they have made the right choice. So be friendly but not too nonchalant.

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06Avoid Having a Long-Winded Sales Pitch for a Voicemail Greeting

  Your voicemail greeting should be clear, concise and to-the-point. You don’t have to put your clients through a sales pitch when they are trying to just get some information.

  The best voicemail message shouldn’t be longer than 30 seconds.

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01Hello this is [your name], I’m either on another call or away from my desk. Please leave your details, along with a short message and I’ll get back to you.

  This is created by individual staff for their specific number or extensions. It’s a great voicemail greeting for work when you are on another line or away from your desk.

Photo by ElasticComputeFarm under pixabay license

02Hello, you’ve reached [your name] of [your company/business]. I’m sorry that I’m not available to answer your call now.

  Please leave your details and a brief message at the tone and I’ll make sure your message reaches the right person.

  This is the perfect voicemail for a department’s secretary or operatory to let those calling know that their message will be delivered when you get back.

03Hello, this is [your name] of [your company/business]. I’m not able to take your call at the moment.

  Please leave your details and a quick message and I will get back to you at the earliest time possible. Thanks in advance.

  This voicemail greeting for work lets your customers or colleagues know that you are busy attending to other matters. It also reassures them that you’ll get back to them when you receive their message.

Photo by Jim Reardan under unsplash license

04You have reached the offices of [your company/business]. Our representatives are all currently engaged.

  If you leave us a message with your name and number, we will get back to you in the earliest possible time. Thank you for calling and have a good day.

  Lines can often get busy for companies that have several representatives. This reassures clients that someone will get back to them once they are free.

05You have reached the offices of [your company/business]. Unfortunately, we are currently closed.

  We are usually open between [hours] [days] and closed on [days]. Please leave us a message with your details and we will get back to you when the office opens.

  You may hang up after leaving your message or press the [key] for other options. Thank you for your call.

  This after-hours voicemail greeting lets callers know how to do business or communicate with you outside normal business hours.

06Hi, you’ve reached the offices of [your company/name]. I will be out of the office between [dates] and [date].

  You can reach me on my private cell [your number] if this is an emergency. Alternatively, you can call me when I get back to the office or leave a brief message.

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07Thank you for calling [business name]. I’m out assisting other clients with their goals, at the moment, but look forward to attending to you.

  Please leave a message and I’ll return your call within one business day. To schedule an appointment press 1.

  Thank you and have a wonderful day.

  This is an example of an industry-specific voicemail greeting. This voicemail gives specific and clear instructions to the callers.

08You’ve reached the voicemail of [your business/company]. We are under new management and will be hosting a re-opening on [dates] where you can come and meet the team and have a chance to learn more about our enhanced services and new products.

  To leave a voicemail message, press the # key and someone from our team will call you back within 24 hours.

  This voicemail greeting is used to communicate information regarding changes to any business activities. It specifies how customers can communicate and do business with you, during any transition time.

Photo by by Daria Shevtsova under pexels license

09Hey, I’m available right now but can’t find my phone. Kindly leave a message and I will call you back as soon as I get it.

  This cute message will help your callers know you aren’t close to your cell phone. They’ll be reassured that once you get their message, you’ll call them back.

Photo by Glavo under pixabay license

10Hello, this is [your name]. I’m probably at home just avoiding someone I dislike.

  Drop a message at the tone but if I don’t call back, it’s likely you.

  A funny way of telling someone you’re avoiding them without sounding offensive or having to pick their calls.

11[Your name] has a broken voicemail. This is their toaster.

  Please speak very slowly, make it short, make it sweet, and I’ll deliver the message to them.

  Using other household appliances as stand-ins for the message center is cute and funny.

12Hey, this is [your name]. If you’re going to cause trouble, hang up now.

  If you have something fun to say, leave a message.

  This voicemail will warn callers not to bring drama, so you can save yourself the trouble of having to hear a message that was about to spoil your day.

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13Please repeat the captcha below [utter captcha] to confirm you are not a robot before being allowed to leave a message at [your name]’s voicemail.

  This is a great copy of the internet’s way of cracking down on spam and robots. Callers will be left repeating the captcha unknowingly.

14I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you want.

  If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don’t have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career.

  Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you leave me a voicemail, then that’ll be the end of it.

  I will not look for you, I will not pursue you, but if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you and I will call you.

  This is a classic line from the movie Taken (without the violence). Your callers will always get startled at the threat initially but will surely leave them in jitters as they drop a message in your voicemail.

Photo by TheDigitalArtist under pixabay license

15Hello… [pause]. Hello… [long pause]. Who’s this? [long pause again]

  Is anyone on the line?… [long pause and beep sound]

  This is a classic trick and one that is both funny and frustrating. Watching people continue to speak as if you’re there is funny. Make sure they know when to leave a message though.

16Hey, could you come up with some cute voicemail greetings, I’m out. Can you just leave your suggestion, after the tone?

  This voicemail engages your caller, challenging them to come up with funny voicemail messages, while they wait to leave their messages after the tone.

Image from pixabay under pexels license

Professional voicemail greetings for work can be critical for giving your business a good level of credibility. By using one of our ready-made messages, you can save yourself time and impress the other party.

Feel free to add a personal touch to make your voicemail message fun and interesting. Clients will feel reassured when they know their messages have been received and you will get back to them.


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