Power rangers dino fury void knight identity

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Void Knight 

The identity of Void Knight

  • One of Zayto's teammates who survived but is now evil, either due to a Face–Heel Turn or the armor itself somehow corrupted or possessed them.
  • One of Zayto's teammates who betrayed them 65 million years ago. Zayto didn't expect to see the armor again because he knows the original wearer should've been destroyed.
  • Zayto's father. It's become a staple of the Nickelodeon series at this point to have a dad be lost, evil, or both. Furthermore, Zayto could recognize the armor because it's similar to his father's—and could hint at his father being the equivalent Ryusoul Brown.
  • A Sporix Beast himself. He was hunting them down because he had been left behind and developed his own independence, but because he's the same species he can command them easily.
  • A treacherous Morphin Master. The original trailers for the series said that the enemies were after the Grid itself—perhaps he was seeking the Sporix in order to invade it directly.
  • Smitty
  • The one who brought the Sporix spores to Zayto's home planet in the first place.
  • An unrelated opportunist who scavenged what's left of Zayto's home planet.
  • Zayto from a Bad Future, Brainwashed and Crazy or trying to prevent said Bad Future.
    • Jossed, he appear to be Caucasian, Zayto is black.
  • A survivor from Rafkon who believes they can use the energy of the Sporix with their machine to rebuild the planet.
  • The results are in, he's Amelia's father, but is Rafkonian.

Void Knight will become the Gold Ranger

The Void Knight armor latched onto an unsuspecting teen who will be Fighting from the Inside, and him breaking free will earn him the right to become the Gold Ranger. Meanwhile, the armor will find another host to use.

  • Jossed, the Gold Ranger powerset was already active.

Void Knight was the original Gold Ranger

Zayto knows where Void Knight got his armor, as made clear by his snarky tone when asking Void Knight where he stole it from. In the Sentai, Gaisoulg (Void Knight's counterpart) was the source of the Red Ranger's battlizer, which we see Zayto using in the flashback. Only a ranger could have potentially gotten close enough to steal it. The color also fits, as purple is made up of red (the color of the battlizer armor) and blue, giving us two possible rangers who could have done it. As to which of them did it, it's likely Gold, because Zayto states in episode 2 that the green, black and gold keys were lost, and of those, the gold key is the only one whose weapon is also lost, unlike Green and Black's Chromafury Sabers, which are still in the base.

  • Jossed, Aiyon is the Gold Ranger.

Void Knight will turn good

Going with the theory that the armor itself is controlling the wearer, at some point the armor will be purified and become the Bronze Ranger and will serve as an extra hero.

  • Confirmed twice - he gets brainwashed after his first Heel–Face Turn, but Amelia gets through to him near the season's end.

Void Knight was a Seventh Knight of Rafkon bonded to the Pteradon zord

For whatever reason, they were left out of the flashback but they were the Silver Ranger of the team before falling to evil.

  • Jossed, the Pteradon Zord didn't have a partner.

Void Knight is gathering the Sporix to power his own zord using Dinomigo from Ryusoulger.

  • Jossed, he was using it to resurrect Santaura.

Void Knight is Zayto's mother

She was never stated to be killed during the initial Sporix Invasion, so it's possible she survived and followed Zayto to Earth in the hopes of helping him. At some point she became corrupted into Void Knight, but her gathering of the Sporix still stems from an internal need to protect her son, just twisted. It should also be pointed out that Void Knight has never seen Zayto demorphed—the only times they've met face to face were the initial fight and a few brief glimpses immediately following a Megazord battle. When she does finally see him, she'll start to remember her true self. This will prompt the other Sporix to turn on her, and also help justify her turning to good in order to match the Gaisoulg footage of him doing the same (if ever so briefly).

  • Jossed. Void Knight is a human male and, as we find out in season 2, Amelia's father.

Void Knight is a human scientist

It's possible human scientsts were trying to study the ancient relics brought from Rafkon and at some point one of them became greedy and wanted to find the Sporix in order to take over the world. Donning an abandoned set of Rafkonian armour that had been found, he turned on his companions and was only stopped by them locking him in Area 62. When he awoke, he had forgotten most of his memories and didn't even consider himself human—all he wanted now was power. This explains

  • Why we never saw him arrive on Earth in a spaceship or anything (he was already planetside)
  • How he already knew about Area 62 (he worked there)
  • Why the scientists were looking for strange metal deposits in the area and marked it on the maps in "Winning Attitude" (they were also looking for zords)
    • Jossed, he's an alien.

Void Knight is Amelia's dad and the woman in a coma is her mom

Considering that Pop-pop explicitly has a connection to Area 62, and Amelia's parents disappeared under mysterious circumstances, it's entirely likely that they're connected to Void Knight. On top of that, it would match well with the rangers being connected to someone on the villains' side, such as Aiden Romero in Ninja Steel and Roxy, Ravi's girlfriend, in Beast Morphers.

  • Seems possible, with Santora’s main motivation being revenge over ‘what they lost’. Could it be they lost their infant daughter, Amelia, presuming her dead when in actually she was safe with Pop Pop (who has connections to Area 62). Since she was so young, neither her or the parents recognize one another. Maybe Tarrick will visit Pop Pop only to learn that his daughter is alive, and then he’ll see a picture of Amelia.
  • Amelia does have some resemblance towards the unmasked Void Knight, having brown hair and light eyes.
    • Confirmed in the penultimate episode!

Void Knight's Love will betray him

When she awakens it will be revealed that she seduced him in order to have a powerful warrior by her side, but after he infuses her with the power of several Sporix Beasts she will no longer need him. She'll attack him and mock him for thinking that she could ever love him, thus driving him to align with the rangers.

  • Alternately she'll be corrupted by the power of the Sporix and he'll need the Ranger's help to save her.
    • Third option, she'll be horrified and go to the rangers to save her love.
  • Confirmed in season two!

Void Knight can demorph and goes out into public without anyone the wiser.

Getting resources for his mission would require going outside Area 62 in addition to sustenance for his strength. His armor even has a Chromafury Saber that can interface a Hengemen Key and presumably a key for morphing. Additionally, we may see him unmorphed as a random side character only to later see him unveiled.

  • Confirmed.
  • Jossed, he did everything of his own volition.

Void Knight's love isn't a mere damsel; she is just as evil as him and will become the Big Bad of Season 2

Power Rangers loves to change who its main villain is each season. And while she is presented as a beautiful woman in white it wouldn't be out of character for the show to pull a 180 and reveal that Void Knight's love was the original villain who Zayto's team fought against in the past.

  • Confirmed, Void Queen is even more evil. Void Knight just wanted to take her back to their home planet and needed the Sporix to power their spaceship, but she turned herself into a monster and destroyed the ship. He gave his Void Knight powers to the Rangers (granting Zayto a power-up), only to be brainwashed into the monstrous Void King.

Void Knight and his lover were part of, or allies to, the previous Dino Fury Rangers, and he knows the truth

Zayto did recognize the armor, meaning its connected to Rafkon or the Morphing Masters in some way. Plus, the tank she's in does resemble Zayto and Aiyon's, and we know that they at least escaped the Ultra Zord. Perhaps Void Knight found out how the Sporix were released and, feeling betrayed, is out to destroy Zayto and revive his lover.

  • Jossed. The reason the armour is familiar is because Void Knight is Rafkonian and had the tech on him when he and Santaura crashed, but the two of them are modern Rafkonians and not from 65 million years ago.

Void Knight is Amelia's dad, but Santaura is not her mom.

The season one finale gave Amelia ample opportunities to see the person inside Void Knight's machine, but she never reacted to them, so there's a chance that she isn't Amelia's mother. However that doesn't leave out the possibility that Void Knight is her dad. It's possible that the armour does possess people like in the Sentai, but here it's goal is to find people who will carry out Santaura's will and try to resurrect her. The explosion may have freed Amelia's dad from the spell, but the armour will find its way to another vessel and force them to take over where he left off.

  • Jossed, Santaura is her mom as well.

Void Knight's armor will be worn by someone else

Like for starters... Jane, or Fern, or even Javi and Izzy's dad?

  • Kind of confirmed - the armor is repurposed into Zayto's Dino Knight Armour, but it takes on it's own unique form.

Void Knight is a scientist from Grid Battleforce

Grid Battleforce managed to tap into the Morphing Grid to create renewable energy, and Void Knight tried to do something similar in the final episode of season 1 to revive his girlfriend. Maybe Area 62 was an old GB base that he worked at. Santaura may be part of the organization as well, and was put into a coma after a failed experiment in creating ranger powers. Since they can't do a proper crossover, it'd be a neat way to include the previous season.

  • Jossed, he's A Rafkonian scavenger.

Other Theories 

She'll continue to be Void Knight's lackey and do his dirty work, but he'll constantly be threatening to stuff her in his machine should she fail him. Eventually, he'll attempt to make good on his promise (potentially after theorizing that her regenerative abilities make her an especially strong Sporix), and she'll flee to the Rangers for protection.

Chance and Kai's kids will cameo

The two brought their immediate families to New Zealand with them during filming and everyone seems to be living together. It would be easy to have the kids on set and let them appear for a few moments as little fans of the Rangers or something.

Potential names for the auxiliary zords

Given that the auxiliary Kishryu are based on elements, there could be a theme for their naming.

  • Kishiryu DimeVolcano: Dimetro Fire Zord.
    • Dimetro Volcano Zord
    • Close, it's the Dimetro Blazing Zord
  • Kishiryu CosmoRaptor: Raptor Dusk Zord. Its separate components could be named the Raptor Shine Zord and the Raptor Shadow Zord.
    • Because of the space imagery, it could also be the Raptor Star Zord or Raptor Eclipse Zord.
    • It could also be the Raptor Dawn, Raptor Dusk, Raptor Eclipse Zords, or Raptor Sun/Moon/Eclipse Zords
  • Kishiryu Pachygaroo: Pachy Fighter Zord.
    • For an elemental bent, the Pachy Geo Zord.
    • PachyPunch Zord
    • Pachy Boulder Zord
  • Kishiryu Pterardon: Ptera Freeze Zord.
    • Confirmed
    • Ptera Blizzard Zord

A fellow track star of Izzy would sometimes help her fight or participate in a fight like the trio in Ninja Storm finale...

Which teases her as the future Kiramai Green counterpart. Izzy fights with a sword, much like Kiramai Green was, this could be an explanation on why the Kiramai Green counterpart fights with a sword more often since Izzy probably trained her to use a sword, unlike Sena, who just choose a sword from the get-go.

Izzy will wear a dress in a future episode

This WMG is for laughs. Izzy is firmly a tomboy as seen by her Action Dress Rip moment. Whatever the reason may be (formal event, disguise, etc), she'll find herself in a dress and hate it.

  • This comes up in a season 2 episode where Izzy rejects going to a dance in a dress and shows up in a suit instead.

The rangers will regain control of the Hengemen

As the first episode establishes, the mooks of the season actually belongs to Zayto before Void Knight stole their control key. At some point, probably after defeating Void Knight for good, they will reclaim said key back and use the Hengemen as support in battle, perhaps even as their own army for the finale.

Jane will Ranger up herself later on.

A bit of a stretch but her donning Ryusoul Gold or Brown's suit would make for a good way to not cast another actor for a main role. Her lack of a skirt would be explained by it being made originally for a male candidate at the time. J-Borg would help Solon with technical support in turn.

The green ranger costume for the kids might have attachable skirts to it

Who knows if some of the girls don't mind having skirts?

It'll most likely happen in a Calling the Old Man Out moment where Javi gets angry at his dad for blatantly prefering Izzy over him and may even go into how Carlos has been disapproving or dismissive of Javi's interests/talents for years only for him to go all in on supporting Izzy's athleticism.

  • It would likely be after he demorphs unintentionally in front of the Warden, leading to everything happening all at once.
  • Another possibility is for Izzy to accidentally demorph in front of him, leading to Carlos praising her so much that Javi purposely demorphs himself.

Carlos Garcia might become the Brown Ranger.

Likely not due to the color alone but it would mark a shift from being an officious law man to a legit hero, getting to know his son far better.

Javi's fondness for music

Is tied to his mother. She used to sing or play music when Javi was younger but since she's not in the picture now, Javi holds onto that to remember her.

Should Kyuranger be adapted next, it will be set up by Dino Fury's finale.

With Mic's return and Rafkon being a clear plot point, what are the odds that a space theme series is due?

  • Given that Cosmic Fury is the 2023 Power Rangers season and is an explicit sequel to Dino Fury...

The egg from the Morphin Master's first appearance will return

The Eggs the Morphin Master's had in their appearance in MMPR will return and hatch into a future zord or zords.

To work within the pandemic restrictions, face masks will be written into the show via a disease unleashed by a future general.

The story will be of general health safety but also reassurance during troubling times.

  • Additionally, more doable footage of Ryusoulger will be utilized for even outside of action scenes to compensate for falling behind on shooting.

There will be an episode with a b-plot about Zayto learning to text

He'll make a typo in the groupchat and Izzy will dunk on him the whole episode.

Pop-pop will become Ryusoul Brown

He used to work at Area 62, which might tie him in with Void Knight's backstory. Perhaps whatever created Void Knight will also be able to give him armor, albeit not as powerful. Also, since he's an old man, the footage of Ryusoul Brown flailing about and hurting his back would make more sense.

Jane and J-Borg learn who the Rangers are and become their PR team.

It would come in handy if a Sporix tries to make the team look bad ala evil Ranger clones or the like. They'd keep their secret identities safe but make sure to get dibs on the latest news about them.

Lord Zedd's purified self will show up to help the rangers fight his reincarnated evil side.

Lani Akana will become Ryusoul Brown

She's shown that she's able, or at least willing, to hold her own against Void Knight and his forces. If offered the chance to be a ranger she'd absolutely accept.

The Sporix's rebellion could be this version of Eras' doing

She either is the woman from Rafkon who came up with the idea, or another traitorous superior who is purposefully responsible for not testing them. Notice that the Rafkon lady said evil is heading to Rafkon. Isn't it weird that the Sporix end up devastating the planet while the "other" threat never even showed up? It would also be similar to Eras's creation of the Dureidons, while still being separate from the source material.

Dino Fury will adapt the Ryusoulger's Masters as the team's friends.

Say that they need allies to call upon in their time of need and they learn to create duplicate Morph Keys to use. They could adapt battles of the Masters alongside their students as civilians they trust to fight by their side. Tarrick, if turned good, might become Master Red. Dr. Akana would make for a good Master Blue. Jane might work as Master Pink. Fern Green. Warden Garcia Black.

  • Additionally, they may set up Cosmic Fury as a sequel to Dino Fury with Ten Rangers right off the bat. Underhenge might become capable of space travel as it was likely a Rafkonian spaceship originally.


The present Green ranger will rip her skirt off in her debut.

This explains why the past green ranger has a skirt but the present doesn't.

  • Confirmed. It's the first thing Izzy does upon becoming the green ranger. Skirts aren't her thing.

Team-up with Beast Morphers

Scrozzle will escape/be broken out of jail and will team up with Void Knight and/or the Sporix, so the Dino Fury Rangers and Beast Morpher Rangers have to team up to defeat him for good.

  • Jossed. The showrunner has stated the series won't feature any team ups due to the pandemics effects during production.
    • In a case of Lying Creator, the Beast Morphers team make an in-costume only cameo in one episode, with the use of Go-Busters footage, fighting off the son of Lokar before the Dino Fury Rangers relieve them of the task and confront him themselves.

The nature and origin of the Sporix

The Sporix are actually biological weapons created by the series' Big Bad, who will be Eras' counterpart.

  • Confirmed, the Sporix are a biological weapon, but they are created by the Rafkons themselves, with Zayto giving the project a vote of approval

Boomtower will get an upgrade

Using the suit of Gunjoji.

  • Confirmed - he's brought back as Boomblaster by Lord Zedd.

Pricious and Eras will appear in season 2...

As the creator of the Sporix Beasts as biological weapons, with Eras as the "Queen Sporix" (like a bee colony queen) respectively. The absorption of Pricious into Eras footage could be used as Pricious' counterpart finally deciding to take matters into his/her own hands by using the powers of "Queen Sporix".

  • Half confirmed. Pricious is a power-up for Void Knight into Void King forced on him by his lover, who becomes Void Queen. Then in the finale she fully becomes Eras' counterpart, and does consider herself Queen of the Sporix.

Gachireus' counterpart will also be created by Void Knight

Just like Boomtower, who was themed after a rook. Also, he would not have Gachireus' slave-driving tendencies, since Mucus never shows the ability to create Sporix Beasts for now.

  • Confirmed, Wreckmate is also a robot like Boomtower and Slyther.

Gold Ranger's backstory

The Gold Ranger/Aiyon could be one of the missing Knights of Rafkon Zayto mentioned back in the first episode, only he somehow survived and stayed in stasis until the present day.

  • Confirmed!

What the Ninja Nexus Prism is looking for

It is highly possible the Ninja Nexus Prism was looking for none other than the gold ranger. It has been revealed the Morphin Masters have been viewing every ranger, and the Morphin Masters created the Nexus Prism. So, it is possible that they were searching for the gold ranger, or at least the gold ranger’s zord, which is based on an aquatic dinosaur. What adds onto this is the fact that after the Rangers’ battle with Boomtower and Wolfgang, the prism arose from a body of water.

  • Confirmed, Master Green was using it to get a message to Aiyon.

The woman in stasis is...

  • One of the Knights of Rafkon
  • Pricious, and she'll be able to shift between human and monster form
  • Eras
    • Or will turn into Eras with the Sporix.
    • This last part is confirmed!

Void Knight will become a reluctant ally of the Rangers.

Chances are that using that many Sporix Beasts to revive his lost love will have nasty side-effects, the kind that he can't handle alone. Begrudgingly, he will have to fall back on his enemies for help as shown in Ryusoulger footage they'll likely adapt.

  • Confirmed, until he gets brainwashed into serving her again.

This will be the first season of Power Rangers to have at least one LGBT+ ranger

There's a slow but steady rise in acceptance of LGBTQ+ characters in children's media. It seems inevitable that Hasbro will throw their hat in the ring at some point. In fact, many fans feel the intentional highlighting of Izzy's athleticism and refusal of femininity is setting her up for this. Others feel Javi may be with his more sensitive side, often hiding his less-masculine interests from his father.

  • Given how you explained Izzy, she or he could be transgender or genderqueer. It's not every show you see the trangender community getting recognized.
  • Confirmed! Izzy ends up dating her former rival Fern.

Amelia and Ollie will be the romantic pairing in the team.

They have really great chemistry, and could potentially be the whole Opposites Attract type in the future.

  • Confirmed. The two start going out in the "Ultimate Mystery" episode.

Lord Zedd's return is set up for the thirtieth season.

The return of an old threat would be warranted for an extra special occasion. Whether adapted from Zyuohger or Kyuranger's alien threats, one can see him rebuilding his empire for a new team to face.

  • Confirmed in the Dino Fury finale, as Lord Zedd escapes his crystal confinement off-screen and is said to be on the warpath. The thirtieth season, Power Rangers Cosmic Fury, will presumably follow the rangers as they do so.


Ryusoul Brown will be renamed

Though the character was played for comedy, calling someone "The Brown Ranger" still sounds lame. If the suit is used it'll be renamed Bronze Ranger or Copper Ranger.

  • Jossed, Ryusoul Brown does not appear.

Trent will make an appearance

If Void Knight turns out to be a Ranger or Ranger-Like-Ally turned evil, he'll appear to help the Dino Fury Rangers bring him down. Also, since his powers are based on a pterosaur, he could also give them or help them unlock their equivalent of Pteranodon.

  • Jossed.

Potential cameos

It's become a trend in recent years to have old actors come back, so let's speculate on those who could/would return.

  • James Davies (Chase). He's from New Zealand, though there's conflicting info on if he's still living there or not, and he made an appearance the previous season.
  • Ryan Carter (Heckyl). Also from New Zealand and it gives the show a chance to bring his Ranger form and character development from the comics over to the TV show.
  • Sam Jellie (Steel). He'll visit Amelia at BuzzBlast after she posts a story about Bigfoot, and in the process meet J-Borg. He'll convince her that it's great to be human, and she'll start acting out on her own.
  • James Maclurcan (Mack). He'll show up as a representative of Hartford Robotics when J-Borg starts malfunctioning (whether it be actual malfunctions, or her asserting her own free will).
  • Nic Sampson (Chip). Sampson has returned to provide a few monster voices in relatively recent seasons of the show, so there's that. More importantly, it'd be very cool and fitting to have these knight-like Rangers meet a wizard one who actually aspired to become a knight too.
    • All of these were jossed - the only cameo was from Teuila Blakely as Commander Shaw.

Warden Garcia will at some point become the equivalent to Saden

  • Jossed, Saden's equivalent Nulleye is another one of Void Knight's robots.

Every Power Rangers villain is unrepentantly evil, even the ones who turn good, never even pretending to present themselves as a Well-Intentioned Extremist.

  • Ultimately Jossed. Void Queen may not have the exact same motivation, but she was motivated by avenging the daughter she believed had died.

J-Borg is a Humagear

While the cybernetic earpieces might just be a coincidence, they could easily be a reference to Kamen Rider Zero-One as well. If it was intentional, it could be foreshadowing another attempt to make "Power Rider" a thing.

  • She was shown to be Hartford Robotics tech in her debut episode. The company in Zero-One is called Hiden. Also, Zero-One has been licensed in the US, but not by Hasbro - it's to be subbed by Shout Factory. So, Jossed.

Pricious will be written as a female here

While Pricious' suit actor is a male (the man who also portrayed the Dino Fury Megazord/Kishiryu-Oh), the character's looks is much more fitting to be written for a female. In-universe, Pricious was voiced by a female voice actor whose roles are mostly men and uses the first-person pronoun "boku", which is usually reserved for males (mostly).

  • Jossed. The Pricious suit is used for the Void King (to the point where the NZ footage makes the suit look more masculine), who is Tarrick after being brainwashed by the Void Queen.

Season 2 will begin with Pricious' counterpart appearing

He/she will then does a hostile takeover on the villains' faction, and he/she's accompanied by Yabasword, Uden, and Saden. He/she would also upgrade or revive Boomtower in a new form using the Gunjoji suit.

  • Jossed. Pricious is a power-up for Void Knight into Void King.

Doomsnake will return as the Cockatrice Minosaur.

Given that the Cockatrice Minosaur is essentially the Basilisk Minosaur with different arms, it's possible that the Cockatrice could be a re-hatched Doomsnake that appears in possibly episode 9 or a bit later. The slight difference in appearance could be explained by how the Sporix become stronger and more dangerous if they re-hatch after their defeat. Finally, given how Void Knight has Doomsnake's Sporix Egg instead of the rangers, it makes it easier to write him back in.

  • Jossed. The Cockatrice suit is a new monster, Roostafa.

Aiyon is a present day Rafkonian who got Zayto's message and arrives with new foes in pursuit.

The Gold Ranger-to-be will arrive to find Zayto whom he learned of as a legend and morph into action when the Gold Key reveals itself, leading into new villains from space connected to the Sporix.

  • Jossed, he's another Knight of Rafkon like Zayto.

...and the Ryusoulger footage with his giant duplicate will be used for it.

  • Jossed. The giant duplicate was created by Santa's Magic Sketchbook and Slyther survives in the end.

...so that if they end up changing their minds about adapting Toqger, they can bring her back.

  • Jossed, Void Queen is restored to human form and is an expectant mother to be by the end of the finale
  • Jossed. Zedd's return is because of Reaghoul, who revived Zedd one of his "Most evil" periods of time, kinda like the White Ranger Clone in Power Rangers: Dino Thunder.

Void Knight's minions might have second thought about their master if they discover his love as his goal for better or worse.

  • Jossed - they never cared, and happily served Void Queen when she took over.

Because it wouldn't be the first time Power Rangers did that to the Final Boss.

  • Jossed somewhat. As of the finale, Eras is pretty much the final form of Void Queen having absorbed all the Sporix, although Void Queen retains her original form inside of Eras' body

Void Queen's Madame Noir design is a base form for what will be adapted into Pricious and later Eras.

The more Sporix that energize her, the more corrupt her form will become. Her first form will be regal and dignified only to reveal the true monster within. This is just a way to make merchendise out of Toqger all the while similar to Cosmo Royale.

  • Half jossed. Pricious is a power-up for Void Knight into Void King, but Void Queen does pilot a monster using Eras' desgin in the finale.

Void Queen was the great evil that threatened Rafkon 65 Million Years ago, thus inadvertently leading to the creation of the Sporix

  • Jossed. She's a present-day Rafkonian scavengers descended from the survivors.

In leading into Cosmic Fury, the Earth will be invaded similar to how Kyuranger was in Episode 1.

Void Queen's gambit would be to summon the PR version of Jark Matter, likely having been affiliated with them before, to have the human race overthrown. In hopes of finding help out in space, Underhenge would launch into space and reveal itself to be the Orion Spaceship. It seems like a downer ending until they get a transmission from an old veteran out in space...

  • If not the finale, then Cosmic Fury may begin with Lord Zedd coming out swinging with a force strong enough to overwhelm Earth at last similar to Venjix of RPM fame. This leads the Dino Fury teams (perhaps even their Pine Ridge friends and family) into space to seek help.
  • Jossed. While the Rafkonian remnants threatened to invade Earth they ultimately sided with humanity. Void Queen was purified in the finale, and while Zedd does escape and serve as a Sequel Hook she has nothing to do with it.

Cosmic Fury 

Fern will become a Ranger.

She and Izzy will be a Battle Couple.

  • Jossed. Fern does discover Izzy is a Ranger, but is written out mid-way through the second half of Dino Fury to attend an out-of-town sports college, returning eventually in the Dino Fury finale.
  • If Kyuranger's next to be adapted, she may return in Cosmic Fury as a Ranger or an ally in the fight for Earth.

If they end up adapting Kyuranger for Cosmic Fury, Ollie will end up contracting some kind of space lycanthropy

Which would justify the wolfish aspects of Kyuranger’s Blue Ranger suit.

If Cosmic Fury is Kyuranger, some of the team's colours will be shuffled around.

  • Ollie:
    • He'll become the Yellow Ranger to match with his swordsmanship, and potentially adapt Raptor's crush on him so Amelia can stay pink.
    • He could also become Silver, since Naga was also the Smart Guy of the team.
  • Aiyon:
    • Red, since Zayto might be unable to join them in his new form - which highly resembles that of a Morphin' Master. Therefore it'd make sense for Aiyon's arc to put him in a leadership position.
    • Yellow. Going from Mosasaurus to swordfish.
  • Izzy: Since it wouldn't make sense for Izzy to be forced into another skirted role, it's most likely she'll become one of the originally male rangers.
    • Red. It's the most standard male outfit, and then they could reference the Ship Tease between Lucky and Hammie if Fern were to become Green.
    • Black. She'll be injured and forced to use a reinforced ranger suit when fighting.
    • Yellow, which is the second-most standard male outfit.
  • Javi:
    • Orange, following an arc where he gets brainwashed briefly.
    • Blue, getting the space lycanthropy like was suggested for Ollie.
  • Zayto:
    • He'll become Houou soldier after finding a way to get fully restored to life.

Solon will become Ryu Commander

She's the only ally the rangers have who's also a suit character, and just so happens to be a big lizard like Shou Ronpo.

The team will encounter the supposedly "unadaptable" teams in space

This way they could showcase some footage from Zyuohger, ToQger, and LuPat without having to deal with the various reasons why Hasbro doesn't want to adapt them.

  • Zyuohger could have the rangers use the Zyumen forms (using Bud for Red) with the Sixth either using Rhino or an unique suit, or just not showing up unmorphed.
  • Lu Pat could be a special SPD team with two squads, one for offense and one for defense.
  • Toqger could be trains in space.

The first episode will be called "Chase into Cosmic"

The franchise has always loved a callback to a major episode title ("Day of the Dino", anyone?), and the setup certainly seems reminiscent of the Turbo finale - the team realizes an enemy is still at large and get ready to chase after them; and said enemy is a major antagonist from the teams' past.

Cosmic Fury's final villain will be a revived Dark Specter

He will obviously take after Don Armage, explaining his backstory (born from negative emotions and dark energy that spread throughout the universe), and his final form will be handwaved as him absorbing the essences of villains through the entire series, as well as the essences of the Morphin' Grid and the multiverse themselves. He will aim to return the multiverse into nothing, where there is no Morphin' Grid to power the Rangers throughout history.

SPD will play a part in the season

We're getting closer to the year that SPD took place in, after all. Maybe one of the B-Squad Rangers will make an appearance during an episode set on Earth. Hell, if they adapt Kyuranger, they could even adapt the crossover.

  • SPD could reveal itself and promise to defend Earth with A-Squad while the Dino Fury Rangers take off to find help.
  • With Solon's voice actress, Morgana could appears as one of Lord Zedd's monster makers to ingratiate herself to him before she aligned with Grumm. Most likely as a means to regain her youth as Mora with her own agenda.

We'll see the "great evil" threatened Rafkon in the past

And it'll be the equivalent of Jark Matter. Or could be Lord Zedd himself.

  • It will be revealed that the Sporix had fended them off in the past before turning on their masters. Lord Zedd would revive them under his command for his new conquest.

Kyuranger's suits will be slowly revealed as an suit upgrade while battles are filmed with Dino Fury powers.

  • Think Super Mega Mode but done with more tact. They uncover the equivalent of the Kyutamas and have them interface with their morphing energies.
    • Alternatively, the Kyuranger suits will be of veteran Rangers who use new powers to help the current team.
    • Simon Bennett has confirmed on Twitter that they don't even have the suits in New Zealand plus the Kyutamas are present in the concept art in Izzy's morpher implying they will gain them early on.

Cosmic Fury will be split into four story arcs of ten episodes.

  • The first will be the chase into space and establishing the new normal for the characters before the next arcs slowly introduce old friends along with old foes.
    • Alternatively, a shorter season will be compensated by forty plus long episodes. They kind that can be edited into two parters for broadcast television if so decided.
    • Simon Bennett has refuted the rumour of 40 minute long episodes, though he didn't specify if it was still 22 minutes, and he's confirmed that it's 10 episodes for the whole show.

The 30th anniversary special will be a Spiritual Adaptation of the Super Legends video game

Obviously, it won't be a direct adaptation, but the same basic premise could work, with The Green Morphin Master taking the place of the Future Omega Ranger in creating a team of rangers to put a stop to Zedd's plan.

Lord Zedd will lay seige to Earth with Rangers from SPD and Grid Battleforce holding the fort.

  • The Dino Fury Team take off in Underhenge in hopes of assembling a calvary to liberate Earth.

Lord Zedd will be the show's equivalent to Dr. Anton (The Kyuranger Anton)

]We have the Zedd from the Zordon era who was purified by the Z-Wave and turned human. And while Robert Axelrod has passed, his suit actor who also played his purified human form is still alive. And then we have the still evil Zedd revived pre-marriage that opposes the Dino Fury Rangers. This is just like Dr. Anton having both a good and evil half. The good Zedd will reveal himself and may have built Champ's Power Rangers counterpart.

The team will be joined by a trio of kaijin aliens.

They will be a trio of orange, silver and yellow rangers respectively who control their respective colored zords.

Zedd will gain a final form adapted from Don Armage's final form

There will be a villain civil war

The factions being monsters who respect the legend of Zedd and pledge loyalty to him versus monsters loyal to a new villain who says Zedd's time passed long ago.

Kyuranger will be adapted fully after Dino Fury’s third season.

  • That is, Cosmic Fury’s brand will be continued but passed onto a new team after the old team steps down, one donning new suits after inherenting the zords.

The purified Lord Zedd will sacrifice himself to destroy his revived evil form.

Mick will meet up with the team giving them the zords from his home in the Lion Galaxy

  • He along with Princess Viera will provide a zord that will be key to taking the fight to Zedd.

Toqger villains will appear in Cosmic Fury but as friend and foe.

  • Gritta will be a good alien, a Princess of a planet that Zedd threatens as well. Schwarz will be one of Zedd's right hand men in pursuing the Rangers through space.

Unadapted Ryusoulger footage will be utilized such as with Ryusoul Brown.

  • It would save on costs even if most of the ground footage will be original. That said, a Brown Ranger would make for a good sixth Ranger. Mayhaps a depowered veteran who shares their current team's power to help.

Is Void Knight Amelia's dad?

Well when I had a look in Power Rangers Dino Fury Wiki Fandom on Amelia's character I accidently learn and found out that both Void Knight and Santura are really Amelia's (the Pink Ranger)lost parents that have unknown disappear when she was a baby.

Who is Void Knight's love?

Void Knight retreats to his secret room, which is revealed to house a comatose woman inside a cryogenic chamber - his girlfriend, Santaura.

Who is void King in dino fury?

Power Rangers Dino Fury (TV Series 2021–2023) - Jared Turner as Void Knight, Void King, Tarrick - IMDb.

Who is void queen in dino fury?

Power Rangers Dino Fury (TV Series 2021–2023) - Siobhan Marshall as Void Queen, Santaura - IMDb.


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