Pic that will make you cum


01/9These 8 semen facts are going to shock you!

Did you know that sperm and semen are actually two different things? If you were clueless about this fact, we are sure that you are in for a rollercoaster ride. When it comes to a guy’s little swimmers, there are way too many mysteries. From the confusion over whether one can get pregnant from pre-ejaculation fluid or not to why exactly semen is used for a facial, read on to know some seriously amazing semen facts.


02/9​Sperms can stick around for a long time

Did you know that sperm can actually be present in the human body for up to five days? No, we are not kidding. This is the reason that sperm can actually hang around in the female reproductive system for quite a long time. However, do keep in mind that they do not stand any chance of survival outside the human body, especially after the semen has dried out.


03/9​Sperm facial is not going to get rid of your pimples

For reasons better known to people themselves, semen facials have actually become a thing. While semen might not be exactly bad for your skin, be rest assured that it is not going to do wonders for your skin or treat your acne either.


04/9​Sperm is actually part of semen

Semen is actually a liquid discharged from the penis during ejaculation. While sperm, on the other hand, are tadpole-shaped germ cells which are a part of the semen. They carry half the number of regular human chromosomes while egg cells carry the other half.


05/9​Semen should not be stinky

Yes. Men, your semen should not smell foul or even turn yellow in colour. If this happens, it may pinpoint towards more deep-rooted health issues like an infection or even an STD.


06/9​A tiny amount of semen = a lot of sperm

Did you know that when a man ejaculates, roughly 15 million to 200 million sperm cells are present in the semen? While the production of sperm goes down with age, it is still quite a massive amount.


07/9​Semen allergy is a real thing

While it is a very rare condition, you can actually be allergic to semen. It may cause typical allergic reactions like itching, swelling and even redness at the point of contact.


08/9​Pre-cum won’t make you pregnant (Most probably!)

There are a lot of questions when it comes to the pre-ejaculate fluid. For starters, it is the fluid that hang’s around a man’s penis when is he turned on. Unlike common misconceptions, there is hardly any sperm in there which can make you pregnant as it mostly contains a clear liquid. While pre-cum is known to act as lubrication, it is still advisable to not get any of it inside you if you don’t want to get pregnant. This is because they may contain a tiny amount of sperm sometimes.


09/9​Semen has vitamins in it

Yes, semen does contain actual nutrients including vitamin C, B12, ascorbic acid, calcium, citric acid, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, zinc, potassium, sodium, fat and protein.

But this is no reason to add it into your daily intake just yet as the portion of the same is too tiny to be of any help.


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Yes, the fruit that looks like a penis is good for your phallic health. Rich in vitamin B1, vitamin C and magnesium, bananas improves the count and motility of the sperm. The fruit also contains Bromeliad, a rare enzyme, which regulates the sex hormones. Also Read - World Heart Day 2022: Physical Exercise Can Reduce The Risk Of Heart Failure, Expert Speaks - Watch Video

2. Dark Chocolate

An aphrodisiac, dark chocolate is also great for your sperms. It contains L-Arginine, an amino acid, which improves the volume of the sperm. It will also improve your orgasm. Dark chocolate is also rich in antioxidants. A word of caution, do not over indulge. (ALSO READ Health benefits of water: This is why you should drink more water)

3. Spinach

You are always advised to eat green leafy vegetables, and here’s one more reason to do so. Spinach is rich in folic acid, which is an essential nutrient for the sperm. It will help in the healthy sperm development. Decreased levels of folic acid will result in the production of abnormal sperms.  This will make it difficult for the sperms to reach the egg and penetrate it. There is also a higher risk of birth defects if these malformed sperms fertilise the egg. (ALSO READ Foods to Avoid Before Sex: 10 foods you should never eat right before having sex)

4. Eggs

Rich in vitamin E and protein, eggs help in the formation of healthy sperms and improve their motility. It also protects the sperm cells from free radicals. Strong and healthy sperms will have increases chances of fertilizing an egg.

5. Oysters

Another sexual enhancer, oysters is also great for your sperms. It contains a high amount of the essential mineral zinc, which is important for improving the production of healthy sperm and testosterone levels. Eating oysters will surely increase the number of your swimmers. (ALSO SEE Follow Raees item girl Sunny Leone’s workout and diet plan to get sexy body!)

6. Goji Berries

According to a Chinese study, when a half ounce of goji berries was given to a group of 42 men daily, the sperm count in 50% of the men in the group increases above normal range within a month. Goji berries will not only improve your mood but will also keep the temperature of the scrotum suitable for the production of sperm. Sperm is produced by the testes present in the scrotum. Goji berries also protect the sperms against the harmful effects of the free radical and promote the production of the sperm. You can order goji berries online in India.

7. Garlic

Garlic is a superfood that boosts immunity and has several health benefits. They also contain selenium and vitamin B6, which are important for the production of healthy sperm. It also improves the blood flow to the testicles. (ALSO READ Hot Sex Milk is a thing and here’s how it’s made!)

8. Walnuts

According to a study published in 2012 at the University of California, consumption of 75g of walnuts by men every day improved the morphology, motility and vitality of their sperm. Rich in L-Arginine, walnuts is known to increase the count of the sperm.

9. Asparagus

High in vitamin C, asparagus is another vegetable that will increase the sperm volume. Vitamin C will fight the free radicals and keep your sperm safe. (ALSO SEE Hottest workout trends in 2016: How many of these have you tried?)

10. Pomegranates

Pomegranate is another superfood you must eat if you want your swimmers to be healthy. The fruit is known to improve the semen quality and sperm count. The antioxidants in the fruit keep your sperms safe by fighting the free radicals. Pomegranate juice is used to boost fertility.

11. Ashwagandha (Indian Ginseng)

Indian Ginseng or Ashwagandha is a powerful aphrodisiac and is also great for your sperms. According to a study conducted in 2013, ashwagandha improved the sperm mobility, sperm volume and count. You can consume ashwagandha in powder form by mixing it with milk or as a capsule.

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AshwagandhaBananaDark chocolateHealthpenile healthsuperfoods

Published Date: December 26, 2016 5:25 PM IST

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