Physical therapy for torn rotator cuff before surgery

Rotator cuff tears are a common problem. Studies have shown that 30% of those under the age of 70 and 70% of those over age 80 have a rotator cuff tear. And most do not have symptoms of shoulder pain or loss of shoulder and arm function.

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Physical therapy is often recommended as an initial treatment for rotator cuff pain. However, physical therapy doesn't help the torn rotator cuff tendon heal. So why is this often used as the first treatment?

Treatment of a Rotator Cuff Tear

The goal of treating a rotator cuff tear is not necessarily to heal the torn tendon. People can often achieve pain relief and improved strength by relieving inflammation and restoring shoulder joint mechanics. This can be accomplished with physical therapy and anti-inflammatory treatments, including medications, cortisone injections, and ice application.

Physical Therapy

The goal of physical therapy is to improve the function of the muscles that surround the shoulder. Most people, athletes, and weight-lifters included, only strengthen a few of the large muscles around the shoulder. Physical therapy targets the smaller, but important, muscles around the shoulder that are commonly neglected. By strengthening these muscles, therapy can help compensate for damaged tendons and improve the mechanics of the shoulder joint.

So which exercises might be prescribed by your physical therapist, and what is a typical exercise progression for a rotator cuff tear?

  • Generally, your rotator cuff rehab will start with gentle range of motion exercises. This can be accomplished by using your arms to lift a wand or cane overhead.
  • Shoulder pulleys may improve shoulder range of motion and flexibility.
  • Isometric exercises for your rotator cuff muscles may then be started. This type of exercise can improve the way your muscles around your shoulder contract and offer more support to your shoulder joint.
  • Scapular stabilization exercises may also be done to improve the function of the muscles that surround your shoulder blade. This can help improve the way your shoulder joint, arm, and scapulae move together when you use your arm.
  • Advanced rotator cuff strengthening can be done with a dumbbell or resistance band.

Be sure you consult your healthcare provider or physical therapist before starting these, or any other, exercises for your rotator cuff tear.

Performing the exercises correctly is of utmost importance to prevent further pain or problems with your shoulders. Plus, you should do exercises that are safe for your condition. While general exercises are great, specific and focused exercises can help you quickly get back to your normal shoulder function.

A Word From Verywell

A rotator cuff tear does not necessarily need to close for the pain to be resolved. And in the vast majority of cases, a rotator cuff tear will not need surgical treatment. Determining when surgery is necessary for a rotator cuff tear depends on a number of factors, which you can discuss with your healthcare provider.

Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. Geary MB, Elfar JC. Rotator cuff tears in the elderly patients. Geriatr Orthop Surg Rehabil. 2015;6(3):220-4. doi:10.1177/2151458515583895

Additional Reading

  • Iannotti, JP "Full-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears: Factors Affecting Surgical Outcome." Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Mar 1994; 2: 87-95.

By Jonathan Cluett, MD
Jonathan Cluett, MD, is board-certified in orthopedic surgery. He served as assistant team physician to Chivas USA (Major League Soccer) and the United States men's and women's national soccer teams.

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For several years, Therese Glowacki had an unwelcome companion: nagging pain in her right shoulder. It was often quiet, but it barked when she threw, swam, reached out to clean a countertop, extended upward to wipe a window or other routine actions.

She recalls three incidents that could have damaged the shoulder. There was a quick fall while skiing, a slow tumble from a bike when her feet slipped out of the clips, and a sharp pull from the heavy lift of a beer keg at a CD release party for the band in which she plays marimbas.

Therese Glowacki hikes in the Holy Cross Wilderness near Basalt, Colorado. Glowacki is recovering well after physical therapy to treat a rotator cuff tear. Photo courtesy of Therese Glowacki.

In each case, the pain persisted for a couple of weeks, but Glowacki, now 60, lived with it. The discomfort didn’t hinder her from doing her job as natural resource manager for Boulder County Parks and Open Space. The position requires writing, speaking, typing, and periodic hiking around the trails and fields her department manages, none of which strains her shoulder.

“I never sought professional help for the pain,” Glowacki said.

Painful pull

That changed in May of 2018 when she tried to swim and felt shoulder pain too sharp to ignore.

“I said, ‘Okay, I need to get it checked out,’” Glowacki recalled. The decision led to her participation in a national trial examining the effectiveness of surgical non-surgical approaches to one of the most common orthopedic injuries: tears of the rotator cuff, a collection of muscles and tendons that stabilize the shoulder joint.

Her primary care physician referred her to Dr. Eric McCarty, an orthopedic sports medicine specialist and chief of Sports Medicine and Shoulder Surgery with the Department of Orthopedics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, who practices at UCHealth CU Sports Medicine clinic and UCHealth Broomfield Hospital. McCarty examined Glowacki and ordered an MRI that revealed two tears in her rotator cuff.

It was a routine diagnosis for McCarty, who said he performs two to three rotator cuff repairs a week, many of them the result of stress caused by outdoor pursuits like skiing, biking, golfing and rock-climbing, or accumulated wear-and-tear from work that requires a lot of lifting, reaching and overhead work. Nationally, some 2 million receive treatment for rotator cuff problems each year.

“It’s a common shoulder problem in the general population,” McCarty said, “and it increases every decade after age 50.”

The surgical standard

Dr. Eric McCarty

For rotator cuff tears like Glowacki’s that don’t involve an acute, serious injury, McCarty said the most common fix is arthroscopic surgery. He inserts an instrument with a camera into the shoulder, examines the space, identifies the tears, restores the rotator cuff to its original position and fixes it to the bone with a series of small anchors. It’s outpatient surgery, but the recovery, which requires six to eight weeks in a sling and subsequent physical therapy, can take five to six months, McCarty said.

Some patients can recover with physical therapy alone, McCarty added, but there hasn’t been much evidence compiled to compare the effectiveness of the surgical to the non-surgical approach and identify the characteristics of patients who do better with one or the other.

That’s the goal of the ARC trial, now underway at 11 study sites across the United States, including the University of Colorado, where McCarty is the principal investigator. Patients 50 years and older with rotator cuff tears not caused by acute trauma are randomly assigned for either surgery or a prescribed physical therapy regimen. After treatment, study researchers assess patients’ pain levels, strength, range of motion and ability to perform their routine daily activities.

Therese Glowacki performs on the marimbas. Her rotator cuff injury didn’t affect her playing but it did hamper activities like swimming and throwing. Photo courtesy of Therese Glowacki.

“It’s an interesting study that pertains to a lot of people and may change the way we treat people with rotator cuff tears,” said McCarty, who co-authored an earlier study by the Multicenter Orthopedic Outcomes Network that showed that 75% of patients who followed a prescribed physical therapy regimen for their tears and were followed for two years improved sufficiently to avoid surgery.

“Many people do fine with surgeries, but we want to identify candidates for non-operative management as well as those who do need surgery,” McCarty said. “The way it’s been taught in the past is, ‘You have a rotator cuff tear; you need surgery.’”

To PT or not PT?

Indeed, Glowacki said her sister and a work colleague both had rotator cuff tears and tried physical therapy but wound up having surgery.

“They both said PT won’t work,” Glowacki said.

Despite those warnings and knowing that she could be assigned to the physical therapy group, Glowacki decided to enroll in the trial. She had the assurance that if she committed to the regimen but didn’t improve, she still could choose surgery. She’d also recovered from a serious calf injury earlier in her life without surgery.

“With [the surgical option] out there, I thought, ‘Why not give PT a try, join the study and see if my experience can help broader science,’” Glowacki said.

McCarty acknowledged that finding patients, as well as providers, with her attitude has been a challenge.

“We need both patients and physicians who are willing to let go of any preconceived ideas that a rotator cuff injury needs to be treated one way or the other,” he said. “They need to be open to the fact that one may be better than the other for a particular patient.”

Let’s get physical

Glowacki began a four-month physical therapy regimen at UCHealth Family Medicine – Boulder late last summer. The sessions included massaging her muscles, moving the right arm and shoulder in different directions, and stretching with bands. She later progressed to lifting 1- to 3-pound weights. She also worked on assigned exercises at home five days a week for 20 to 30 minutes.

“I was pretty committed,” she said.

The effort paid off. By January of this year, Glowacki’s shoulder pain had subsided sufficiently that she was confident she could avoid surgery. To be sure, she kept up her home exercises two or three times a week for another three months and now does them periodically to stay on track. She’s back to pain-free swimming and throwing (a few recent snowball tosses didn’t cause a twinge).

McCarty noted that physical therapy doesn’t repair rotator cuff tears so much as teach patients to use uninjured muscles to move the shoulder efficiently and painlessly. Glowacki said she learned to maintain good posture, open her shoulders and work the muscles across her chest. She’s careful to avoid the all-too-common shoulder-straining habits of hunching over computer keyboards, cellphones and steering wheels.

“The physical therapy really helped me,” she said. “There is no surgery in my future.”

Toward personalized treatment

The experience of Glowacki and other patients enrolled in the ARC trial – the national enrollment target is 700 – could help orthopedists do a better job of tailoring treatment for rotator cuff injuries, McCarty said.

“We know there are people who can live with rotator cuff tears,” he said. “We want to try to identify the characteristics of those who get well with physical therapy. I’m an orthopedic surgeon, but that doesn’t mean I’m looking to do surgery every time,” he added. “I’m here to make people better. Sometimes I’m going to utilize my surgical skills, but sometimes I’m going to use my diagnostic skills to treat patients the right way. That sometimes means PT and avoiding surgery.”

The trial could have wide ripple effects that spread beyond the clinic and operating room, McCarty said. The study is co-sponsored by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, which investigates the effectiveness of treatment options.

“There is no doubt there are financial implications,” he said. “Physical therapy costs something but not as much as surgery. There are potential ramifications on health care delivery and cost.”

For more information on the ARC trial, contact Jeff Wilson at 720-848-8228 or [email protected].

How long can you go with a torn rotator cuff before surgery?

Rotator cuff tears usually produce symptoms of weakness and pain especially on trying to lift the arm. When an acute injury results in a rotator cuff tear consideration should be given to a surgical repair within six weeks of the injury to avoid atrophy of the muscle and tendon.

What exercises can I do before rotator cuff surgery?

Lean forward and dangle the injured arm to dangle. Then, slowly move the arm back and forth. Immediately after, move it side to side and in circles. This should be done clockwise, counterclockwise, and repeat.

Can physical therapy prevent rotator cuff surgery?

A properly designed physical therapy program, which includes emphasis on improving motion, enhancing muscle imbalances, and restoring dynamic stabilization of the shoulder joint, can help many people avoid rotator cuff repair surgery.

Can you heal a torn rotator cuff with physical therapy?

While physical therapy itself cannot heal a torn rotator cuff tendon, it does strengthen the shoulder muscles and restoring shoulder mechanics. By strengthening all the surrounding muscles, therapy can help compensate for the damaged tendons and improve the mechanics of the shoulder joint.


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