Monster cookie protein balls with protein powder

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  • 1 cup creamy peanut butter
  • 3 Tbsp honey
  • 2 scoops vanilla protein power (I use this – my code is KALE20)
  • 3 Tbsp rolled oats
  • 1/4 – 1/3 c mini m&ms to put on top


  • Microwave the peanut butter and honey for 1 minute, then whisk together.
  • Whisk in the protein powder until throughout combined and not clumpy! Mix quickly.
  • Fold in oats.
  • Refrigerate mixture for 10-20 minutes or until hard enough to shape into bites.
  • Use a cookie dough scoop to make 15-16 even bites, place on wax paper.
  • Decorate the tops with m&ms, and refrigerate until ready to eat!

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Need a boost of energy? These no-bake Monster Cookie Protein Bites are packed with protein to keep you going all day long! Plus, they’re delicious!

Who else needs an easy to grab treat/energy boost on their way out the door on these fun summer mornings? Me! Make a batch of these Monster Cookie Protein Bites and you’ll be ready to go no matter what the day throws at you.  My husband has been munching on these late at night which has been great! Because instead of him reaching for candy or cookies he find himself eating 2 or 3 of these protein balls instead.  It’s healthier and he still gets his late night sweet fix!  As for me, these have been a lifesaver during the day when I’m taking care of our new baby! The oats are great for breastfeeding and the protein from the peanut butter keeps me feeling energized.  If you have kids this would be the perfect snack for after soccer practice or a day swimming in the pool.

Cookie Dough Energy Bites

I had my first homemade protein bite a few weeks ago and I fell in love! It’s the perfect little boost of energy I needed and it was quite tasty! The trick to making good energy bites is quality ingredients and knowing what flavor combinations you like.  These Monster Cookie Protein Bites are no brainer because it’s peanut butter (yum), oatmeal (nutritious), and m&m’s (yum-yum)! There’s some honey in the recipe as well to make it sweet and to help “glue” everything together.

I’m always a sucker for a good no-bake recipe.  Especially in the summer when it’s just too hot to turn on the oven!

How to Make Protein Bites at Home

Making protein bites at home is very easy! You can mix them up in a stand mixer or you can just use a wooden spoon to blend everything together which is what I do.  It’s a little bit of a work out doing it by hand but I like to work for my food!  First, I made a little bit of oat flour using old fashioned oats. You can leave all the oats whole, but I like prefer the texture when I blend up some of the oats in a blender or food processor first.  Then, just mix all the other ingredients in, roll the dough and you’re set!  Want even more protein in these protein balls? Add a scoop of protein powder to the recipe!  You can replace an equal amount of oats with your favorite protein powder or even use Medjool Dates to sweeten the recipe instead of honey.  Just blend your pitted dates in a food processor to make a paste and add that to the recipe instead of honey.

Monster Cookie Protein Bites

Need a quick snack with a big boost of energy!  These Monster Cookie Protein bites taste like cookie dough but are packed with protein! 

  • 2 1/2 cups old-fashioned oats
  • 1 cup creamy or crunchy peanut butter or any nut butter
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup mini m&m's

  1. 1. Place 1 cup of old fashioned oats in a blender or food processor and blend until it makes an oat flour.  

    2. Combine oat flour (made above) with the remaining 1 1/2 cups oats, peanut butter, honey and vanilla extract.  This will be a little bit of a work out if you do it by hand. Fold in m&m's.

    3. Make tablespoon sized dough balls and roll into balls!  If the dough is too sticky you can refrigerate dough for 15 minutes before rolling!


Depending on the type of peanut butter you use (natural vs not) you may want to adjust the amount used. If the dough is too dry, add more peanut butter!  If it's too "wet" add more oats or oat "flour" (made in step 1).  

Reader Interactions

How many calories are in Monster Cookie protein balls?

Calories in Monster Cookie Protein Balls.

Are energy balls the same as protein balls?

Energy Balls are a combination of dried fruit, nut butter, seeds, and other ingredient add-ins that offer a densely nutritious snack in a little ball. They taste like dessert, but are actually good for you! Are protein balls and energy balls the same thing? Essentially, yes they are the same exact thing.

Do you eat protein balls before or after a workout?

When is the best time to eat energy balls? Pre-gym: Have a bite before your workout for maximum and sustained energy. Post-gym: After exercise, your muscles are like sponges. Energy balls contain protein and other important nutrients that will help to repair and replenish your post-workout body.

What is the point of protein balls?

Protein balls also do exactly what they say on the tin – they will give you a definite boost in energy. They're usually made with a combination of dried fruit and nuts of nut butter, meaning they supply a serious amount of good fats and energy.


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