Medicare documentation guidelines for skilled nursing facilities


Compliance • Audits/Analysis • Reimbursement/Regulatory/Rehab • Education/Efficiency • Survey

Harmony Healthcare International (HHI) reinforces the importance of ongoing oversight of all nursing documentation to ensure it supports the rationale for skilled coverage. The following information should be included in all admission notes: 

  • Time and date of admission
  • Mode of Transportation, assist level and number of assist with transfers and bed mobility
  • Hospital stay dates
  • ADL assist provided (Bed mobility, Eating, Transfer, Toilet)
  • Location prior to admission
  • Age, primary diagnosis, other pertinent medical history
  • Prior level of functioning and if possible, discharge diagnoses
  • Daily skilled needs

Example Admission Nursing Narrative 

“Patient was admitted for skilled care on 9.18.20 at 3:00 p.m. after a hospital stay from 9.5.20 to 9.18.20. Patient transported via ambulance requiring 2-person staff assist with transfer from the stretcher and 2-person staff assist for positioning on the bed. Primary diagnosis is s/p left TKR performed on 9.5.20. Medical history includes IDDM, HTN, and CAD. Prior to hospitalization, patient lived with his wife and ambulated independently with a cane. Patient plans to return home. Patient self-administered his medication daily. Patient requires the daily skills, knowledge, and judgement of a nurse to ensure medical safety and promote recovery. Patient requires daily skilled observations and assessments of post operative complications related to knee replacement and risks of medical complications. Patient currently requires assist of 2 for toileting using bedside commode. Surgical incision on left knee is clean, dry, staples in place. Patient eats independently with set up. Daily skilled observation and assessment of vital signs, monitoring for pain and response to medication, daily skilled assessment of wound, drainage and treatment, effects of immobility, pulmonary assessment, observation for signs and symptoms of infection, hypo or hyperglycemia, embolism and thrombophlebitis. Upon completion of the interdisciplinary team assessment, a care plan will be devised outlining the patient's care needs, goals, and discharge plan." 

There are 4 categories of skilled nursing care: 

  1. Inherent Complexity:
    Direct skilled nursing services that due to their inherent complexity may only be performed by a licensed nurse. (I.V. medications, I.V. fluids, ventilation, tracheostomy, etc.)
  2. Skilled Observation and Assessment:
    Indicated when there is a reasonable probability or possibility for complication or the potential for further acute episodes.
  3. Management and Evaluation of a Care Plan:
    Services that require the involvement of skilled nursing to meet the resident’s medical needs, promote recovery and ensure medical safety. This area may include the sum of unskilled services.
  4.  Teaching and Training:
    Activities which require skilled nursing or skilled rehabilitation personnel to teach a patient and/or family member how to manage the patient’s treatment regimen.(Stump wrapping, colostomy care, self-injection insulin, etc.)

Nursing Documentation PowerPoint:

Core Components Manual:

Harmony Healthcare International (HHI) is available to assist with educating staff on the Medicare coverage guidelines and with providing monthly auditing/monitoring of documentation compliance. You can contact us by clicking here.

Topics: Documentation, SNF, Regulatory

What should be on a skilled nursing note?

“A skilled nursing note should be an objective, comprehensive note that provides the assessment Data related to the resident's skilled needs (i.e., why they are there for that stay), the Actions of the nurse (i.e., the skilled nursing services provided to address those skilled needs), and the resident's Response to the ...

What is the Medicare 30 day rule?

You must enter the SNF within a short time (generally 30 days) of leaving the hospital and require skilled services related to your hospital stay. After you leave the SNF, if you re-enter the same or another SNF within 30 days, you don't need another 3-day qualifying hospital stay to get additional SNF benefits.

What to include in Medicare charting?

Staff must document on Medicare A residents once every 24 hours..
the resident's vital signs..
the reason why the resident is receiving skilled services..
a detailed description of the resident's condition at that time..

What is not paid by Medicare Part B while the patient is in a SNF?

While in the SNF, the patient will receive rehab services designed to strengthen the patient so that he can return home. Medicare does not pay for custodial care. Conversely, Medicare does pay for skilled nursing care… up to a certain number of days.


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