Karl marx and friedrich engels the communist manifesto summary

The Communist Manifesto Summary

The Manifesto breaks down into a preface, a cool little beginning, and four sections.

In the helpful little preface, Marx's co-author Friedrich Engels lists all the translations and publications of the Manifesto that have come out in the forty years since its first publication. Conveniently enough, he says the book's spread matches the spread of the working class movement.

Engels also gives us the fundamental idea underlying the Manifesto: political and intellectual ideas—and therefore all of history—are based on the economic system of the time, and thus on class struggles. Today, Engels says, the many exploited and oppressed proletariat (workers) can only free themselves by both overthrowing the few rich bourgeoisie (capitalists) and ending economic class altogether.

Now on to the Manifesto itself. The beginning is made up of just a few short, fun paragraphs telling us that communism is haunting Europe and that leaders are accusing each other of being communists—but no one actually knows what communism is. Enter the Manifesto to set them all straight.

In Section 1, Marx says that all of history is based on class struggle, and then he details the rise of the bourgeoisie. These rich have become the most powerful class, he says, putting the aristocracy in the shadows. The bourgeoisie control the means of production (the factories, heavy machinery, and agricultural land) and exploit and oppress the working proletariat, keeping the profit for themselves.

To stay on top, the members of the bourgeoisie have to expand across the planet, finding natural resources, new customers, and new workers. They've made life impersonal and miserable for the workers, since now everything boils down to money. The bourgeoisie fights the workers and other members of the bourgeoisie, and the proletarians fight the bourgeoisie and themselves. Some people occupy other spots in the mix of classes (see the "Characters" part of this guide for more), but this show is ultimately about the capitalists versus the workers.

In Section 2, Marx explains what communism advocates by looking at various objections that have been raised against it. For example, Marx says the bourgeoisie accuses the proletariat of wishing to get rid of all private property. But the communists only want to get rid of bourgeois property, by putting the means of production in the hands of the community, while leaving property like personal belongings alone.

Marx concludes with some practical steps the proletariat should take once it gains political power. Karl says the proletarians should take capital away from the rich and abolish inheritance until class distinctions vanish and the vanguard or temporary government withers away.

In Section 3, Marx criticizes socialist and communist views of various other authors, thinkers, and activists. Mostly, he attacks these writers for wanting to merely reform the capitalist system—efforts he thinks are necessarily doomed to fail—instead of downright overthrowing it. Marx also attacks these writers for wanting to set up idealistic little colonies instead of uniting workers of all countries.

In Section 4, Marx notes which political parties the communists ally with in various countries, but he makes it clear that the communists will speak their own minds. Then he calls for a forcible overthrow of the bourgeoisie, a communist revolution. And then he finishes things up with some fabulous all-caps:


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  • Intro

    The Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, was first published in 1848. It formed the basis for the modern communist movement as we know it, arguing that capitalism would inevitably self-destruct, to be replaced by socialism and ultimately communism. 

    The Manifesto was written at a time of unprecedented industrial and social change. Newly industrialised cities were expanding, with large proportions of the population moving from the countryside to urban areas to find work. Economic growth was dependent on this workforce, yet the majority of workers lived in abject poverty in contrast with the relative wealth of their employers. Against this backdrop, Marx formulated his theory of history, which he saw as a complex series of class struggles that would lead unavoidably to the overthrow of the bourgeoisie (the ruling class) by the proletariat (the working classes).

    Shelfmark: 8276.s.10

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What were the ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels?

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels gave a clear idea about how the society should be structured in socialism. They argued that industrial society was capitalist. Capitalists owned the capital invested in factories. They accumulated wealth by the profit produced by the workers.

What were the ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels about socialism?

The fundamental goal of socialism from the view of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels was the realization of human freedom and individual autonomy.

What is the importance of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels?

In 1848, Marx and fellow German thinker Friedrich Engels published “The Communist Manifesto,” which introduced their concept of socialism as a natural result of the conflicts inherent in the capitalist system. Marx later moved to London, where he would live for the rest of his life.

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