Jay williams lets live life construction company

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Great new PRISON YouTuber: Jay Williams Let's Live Life
Really great storyteller. Doesn't have the body that Wes Wat...

Violent Opaque Toilet Seat Theatre

boring. he has good thumbnail photos but he talks so slowly ...

Boyish Plum Kitty Mood

He's 180 brother

Violent Opaque Toilet Seat Theatre

Updated the video. I watched the first one and it's not as g...

Violent Opaque Toilet Seat Theatre

i was really into those wes watson videos until it became cl...

Translucent business firm

Lol yeah

Violent Opaque Toilet Seat Theatre


I stumbled upon this ex inmates youtube channel and his name his " jay williams let's live life " he's an amazing story teller and a really smooth talker I'd love to see him and Kyle talk prison and hear you guys all spot bullshit I believe he could really be a great guest he has 100k subs on youtube. Give his channel a view and see for yourself.

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level 1

I love Jay! His prison stories are the best. He's entertaining as hell and real AF. He'd be a great guest for anyone. I listen to his channel everyday.

level 1

Great idea. he's an awesome guy. Jay did over 10 years total locked up.

level 2

Do you know how old he is?

About Community

Painkiller Already (PKA) is a weekly online podcast produced by Woody (WoodysGamertag), Kyle (FPSKyle) and Taylor (MurkaDurkah). Episodes usually range from three to four hours long, often include an additional guest and feature a varied selection topics.






















ARREST OF MR. JAY WILLIAMS. i SENSATION IN SWANSEA DISTRICT. CONFESSION OF FORGERY. ACCUSED REMANDED IN LONDON. HEAVY DEFALCATIONS ALLEGED. -New-, of tlie a-ra4 of Mr. J. -Jay Williams in Ixxndon has reached Swansea, and has cmit'-rl a tremendous sensat-ioii in this dis- I trict. where he has be-en prominently before the public in one capacity and another for the last few years. The arrest was made on the grounds of adleged lorgerv and uttering of a cheque for L70,1 on ihe Union of London and Smiths Bank, and the prose- outing firm is Messrs. Raphael Tack and Co., Ltd., the weH-fcnown pmbfiE-bers of Christmas cards, etc,, for whom Mr. J. Jay \v iliiams bez manages- foi- con- siderable time past. He was h in Brixton Gaol. The StaiKKird the iollowing rejKxrt oi the ewe:- j MANAGER CliARfiED WITh FORGERY. j i.At GaiM"i.-Befow Alderman Sir Da.vjd Burnett^. Mr. Watkin Wiiliaan. jii^eeutin^. on b^ralf of Miensrs. Raphael Twk (Now York) i.i. of Kaphad .House, Mooriields, John WSliams. 45. or Queens-gate, nt.h Ken- smgton, one of then' niivnagers. on a cliiirge of forgory and uttering a cheque for L700 on the tnion of Loidon and Smiths B. Prmcoo-äreet branch, said that tbo matter was (R-A- °f gravity, and as the. firm had not MR. J. JAY WILLIAMS. — 1 had an opportunity of ftrlly investigating the matters he applied for a remand. The defendant had been apprehended on his own confession. v Sir David Burnett accordingly adjourned the case for a week, the defendant being removed in custody, Throughout NV-.&t. Wales the news has been recei-ved with aY tlie gravity the cir- cumstances suggest. Mr. J. Joy Williams' name for the past few years, at any rate, has been a household word in Swansea and Swansea Valley by reason of his Parliament- ary ambitions, and his genercsdiy in all I.directions, particularly to religions causes. Formerly a grooer in partner^ip at Ciydaeh, the firm got into monetary difficulties and bankruptcy proceedings followed. Mr. Wil- liams left for America, where he was re- ported to baye made oonsiderable money, He retained to this country and became associatod with ilie firm of Messrs. Raphael Tuck and Co.. and lived in London, his address being at Forest Gate, S.W. He would, however, freq-uently visit his aged rRIati-ve rery old lady who had brought him up-at Clydach. Generoas even to prodigality he became in popular favoor, and was frequently invited to lay foundation stones and open places of worship throughout the Swansea Valley, till at. length at the last- General Election he offered himself as a candidate for the ftower Division. His friends took up his cause with fervour, and Mr. T. J. Williams (Maesygwemen) being aJso in the field in the Liberal interest, it was decided to hold a, mock election to choose the Liberal can- didate that was to oppose Mr. John Wil- liams, the miriely.11 leader, who stood for Labour. The election caused considerable interest, and Mr. Jay Williams was de- feated, though he carried the majority in his favour at Clydadh, his native place, where a most enthusiastic meeting wac held on tbe eve of the poll. Mr. Williams ac- cepted his defeat in such a way as to meet with the encomiums of all parties, for after the result he even went on Mtr. T. J. Wiibairns' platform. girice that time he has been mentioned in connection with the Swansea Town seat, though, generally speaking, it can be said that, the rank and file of the Swansea Liberals were opposed to the idea. From this time onwards Mr. Jay WilKams settled down to acquiring col- iiery interests in the district, and purchased the Lynch Colliery, at Llanmorlais. upon which he spent a oonsiderable sum of money in machkieTy and plant-, bringing the ooffiery up to a good stage of development- It is onlv within the patt few davs that lie met a deputation of the men employed at has Lynch CoJJiery, Llaimioriaas, and who had. toddered notacvsl. with the reswit that same were withdrawn on the suggestion that a disput,e in OTtMwctkm with the wage-list woujd be seatted within the next month. In spite of the big expenditure invoived, it wat generally regarded that he had seen, the worst, through, and that he was reap- ing the benefit of an enterprise which meant tho empioynent of about tffl hamfe. Then the- interesting event of his Me was fcnTOTnnred. A bachelor and of a eoroeeiiat retiring nature, h<e was married last year 11 to Miss Richards, daughter of a prosperous ¡ Cornish gentleman. The wedding took plaoe in London, and to it a large number of guests were invited, many from this Biet, -ecr ifeat en paasnt tiie «yiopathy with Mrs. Williams will be all the greater in the light of present circumstances. Sketty Isha," one of the beet known re- sidences of Swansea, was purchased, and here the couple went to reside, Mr. Jay Williams being frequently seen in his motor car going to and fro. Besides demands made upon him in regard to stone laying ceremonies, opening bazaars, and such like, he was clected to the presidency of the Swansea Branch of the United Kingdom Commercial Trs, -eii,et-s' Association, and ) a year or two ago be entertained a very large party of them at Langland Bay. Though charged with forging a cheque for L700. the actual defalcation.- of Mr. Ja., W illianjs are said to amount to over £ 10.00u. In the dock ii is said he was the picture of rriiz-er.v--a oompleteiy broken man. He is being defended by Sir George wis. Mas. iliiarus left Sketty for London on Urarcdav.



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