Is there a word that uses all 26 letters of the alphabet

Sets of words non-overlapping on letters

Perhaps you recall the oft-used sentence: The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. Each of the 26 letters of the English alphabet is used within it. It is not necessarily the most parsimonious such sentence however, since it uses 36 letters to do this. The site A Collection of Word Oddities and Trivia discusses these "pangrams" with considerable thoroughness.

It is thus natural to wonder if there a sentence which uses exactly 26 letters, each different. Alternatively, since one person's poem is another's nonsense, let's forget about sentences -- two people are unlikely to share the same idea of what a sentence is. Let's just go for sets of words.

Going a step further, let's simply outlaw multiple occurrences of letters within the set and see how many distinct letters can be used within a set of words.

Below are several sets of words.

Before each set appears a number (in the range 0-26) representing the count of distinct letters appearing in the word list. The words in the list follow the constraint that no two words share any letters in common and no individual word uses any letter more than once. Letters that are not used in the set are shown in parentheses.


: Note: several 26 letter solutions can be found at A Collection of Word Oddities and Trivia Page 9maintained by Jeff Miller who notes the following about a solution apparently contained in the Guiness Book of World Records:

In the 1980s Michael Jones submitted two pangrams to Guinness: "Veldt jynx grimps waqf zho buck" and "Qursh gowf veldt jynx zimb pack." Guinness chose the first one. Michael writes that the second pangram "describes a scene where some Arabian coins are striking a group of flies gathered on that woodpecker. (Qursh can be used as plural according to W3; all my words come from W3). I liked this second pangram more because I preferred using 'qursh' over 'waqf,' but Guinness chose the other one."

24 (vq) 6 words

lymph bugs jinx wrack fez dot

24 (vq) 6 words

lynx craft jump whiz desk bog

25 (q) 6 words

lynx vamp whiz frock debt jugs

24 (qv) 6 words

junk plight combs dry wax fez

23 (kqv) 6 words

myth flax zinc jug pods brew

23 (bvg) 5 words (using q)

quartz jinx lymph docks few

24 (qz) 6 words

frown lymph just vex dig back

19 (hklqvxyz) -- best with three words?

pacify judgments brow

17 (fgjkpqvwz) -- best with two words?

ambidextrous lynch

15 (dfjkmqsvwxz)-- best with one word? See for more details.



21 (bhjkw)

coq (cock) temps (time) lynx (lynx) vif (alive) dur (hard) gaz (gas)

26/33 (fx(ts)(shch)(ye)(yu)) Russian

knig (book)

rvat1 (to tear)

(sh)l(yo)p (crack)

boy (battle)

m(ya)(ch) (ball)

u(zh) (grass snake)

s2(ye)zd (congress)

1 - soft sign

2 - hard sign

The reader is invited to

  • get better than 23 while using "q" and limiting oneself to relatively common words.
  • do better than 19 with only three words
  • do better than 17 with only two words
  • do better than 14 with only one word
  • suggest a nice cluster of four words
  • do better than 21 in French or 26 in Russian (or overcome the difficulty with knig, which is more a word-stem than a word).
  • contribute lists in other languages

 Let me know

A pangram is a unique sentence in which every letter of the alphabet is used at least once. The name comes from the Greek root words pan, meaning “all,” and gram, meaning “something written or recorded”. Like any good sentence, good examples of pangrams should contain a subject and a predicate, but the real purpose of a pangram goes beyond its meaning alone.

Because pangrams contain every letter of the alphabet, they are particularly useful to artists who design fonts, as a pangram allows them to display all available letters in a given typeset. Likewise, they are useful for people to practice their handwriting, whether for a child learning cursive or a calligrapher trying a new pen tip. Often they’re used just for fun wordplay.

Pangrams exist in every language, though they may be more or less difficult to construct depending on the language and its unique alphabet.

dog lying on floor with text pangram: the quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog

Perfect Pangrams

A perfect pangram is a sentence that uses each letter of the alphabet only one time. In English this means that there are can only be 26 letters in the entire sentence. This is a very difficult thing to do, and the only pangrams that work perfectly in English are forced to use abbreviations. For example:

  • Mr. Jock, TV quiz PhD., bags few lynx.
  • GQ's oft lucky whiz Dr. J, ex-NBA MVP - Steve Galen

Other perfect pangrams in English do exist, but they don't make much sense and are often forced to borrow words from a foreign language to work, such as:

  • Jock nymphs waqf drug vex blitz

Other Examples of Pangrams

When you allow for some letters to be used more than once, it's possible to come up with many more pangrams in English. The most famous of all is:

  • The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. - Michigan School Moderator

But there are many others. For example:

  • Waltz, nymph, for quick jigs vex Bud. - Dmitri Borgmann
  • Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
  • Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs. - Mark Dunn
  • Glib jocks quiz nymph to vex dwarf.
  • Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
  • The five boxing wizards jump quickly.
  • How vexingly quick daft zebras jump!
  • Quick zephyrs blow, vexing daft Jim.
  • Two driven jocks help fax my big quiz.
  • The jay, pig, fox, zebra and my wolves quack!
  • Sympathizing would fix Quaker objectives.
  • A wizard's job is to vex chumps quickly in fog.
  • Watch "Jeopardy!", Alex Trebek's fun TV quiz game.
  • By Jove, my quick study of lexicography won a prize!
  • Waxy and quivering, jocks fumble the pizza.

Finally, there's a famous long pangram that tells you exactly how many of each letter it uses:

  • This Pangram contains four a’s, one b, two c’s, one d, thirty e’s, six f’s, five g’s, seven h’s, eleven i’s, one j, one k, two l’s, two m’s, eighteen n’s, fifteen o’s, two p’s, one q, five r’s, twenty-seven s’s, eighteen t’s, two u’s, seven v’s, eight w’s, two x’s, three y’s, & one z. - Lee Sallows

Producing Perfect Pangrams

Pangrams are a fun and interesting challenge to create. The best ones use the fewest possible letters while still making sense to the reader, and many analysts are on the hunt for more perfect pangrams that make sense while avoiding foreign words. You can try making your own for fun and to help you build your English vocabulary.

Post your favorite pangrams that you’ve found or created in the comments below.

Is there a word that has all the letters of the alphabet?

Pangrams are words or sentences containing every letter of the alphabet at least once; the best known English example being A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog . As well as containing some rather amusing gems, the pangrams in languages other than English can be occasionally useful for designers of all sorts.

What is the 27th alphabet letter?

Total number of letters in the alphabet Until 1835, the English Alphabet consisted of 27 letters: right after "Z" the 27th letter of the alphabet was ampersand (&). The English Alphabet (or Modern English Alphabet) today consists of 26 letters: 23 from Old English and 3 added later.

What word use all 26 letters without any repeats?

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog (found in Wikipedia) is the best answer.


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