Is it normal to get my period twice a month

Updated on: 21 July 2020, 14:12 pm IST

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Imagine a situation where your periods have just ended and within a span of just 10 days, you start bleeding again. Yes, we are talking about getting your periods twice in a month. Don’t be alarmed because this situation is quite rare.

In fact, when we asked Dr Bilsi Mittal, a gynaecologist at Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai, whether a woman can get her periods twice in a month, she promptly replied YES.

But, she also added that “Nowadays it is a little normal due to many factors but if it continues to happen for months altogether, then you must get yourself checked as this could be an indication of a bigger problem.”

According to Dr Mittal, there are multiple reasons that can lead to this problem and the age of the woman also has a major role to play. No points for guessing, hormones are the biggest culprits here. Here are 10 reasons why you might be getting your period twice in one month:

1. You might be pregnant
“If the woman is in her reproductive age then there are high chances that she might be bleeding because she is pregnant. Intermittent bleeding happens in pregnancy and it is quite normal”, says Dr Mittal.

2. You might have PCOS
Yes, if you are dealing with PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome then there is a chance that you might get your period twice in a month. Says Dr Mittal, “PCOS is all about hormonal imbalance and hormones have a direct implication on your periods. Not just two periods in one month but no period at all can also be a situation for some ladies. At times, when there is weight gain due to the disorder then that also affects the ovulation cycle and hence bleeding is observed.”

PCOD/PCOS could be to blame for your frequent periods. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

3. You might have polyps or fibroids issues
Dr Mittal suggests that fibroids can play a major role here. When either polyps or fibroids form along the uterus lining, then it can impact the period cycle.

4. Your thyroid is not functioning the way it should
“In some of my patients I have seen that their thyroid is not functioning properly and due to that there is a major hormonal imbalance in their body due to which they are getting two periods in a month,” says Dr Mittal.

5. You might have missed a dose of your oral contraceptive pills
Oral contraceptive pills or birth control pills are nothing but hormones according to Dr Mittal. She says, “If a woman is taking them regularly and she missed it then it that can lead to a hormonal disturbance in their body and bleeding might take place.”

Missing a dose of your birth control pill can wreak havoc on your body. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

Also read: Forgot to take your birth control pill? Here’s some important advice from a gynaecologist

6. You might have an infection down there
“Well, this bleeding might not be menstrual bleeding but if your cervix is unhealthy or you have precancerous growth down there then there are chances of bleeding”, says Dr Mittal.

7. You might be hit by a premenopause
According to our gynaecologist, this is seen with women who are above 40 and is absolutely normal. Frequent bleeding is a normal phenomenon in women attaining menopause.

8. You might be stressed out
“Majorly happens with young women nowadays. Due to their hectic work lives, their hormones go for a toss. Plus, unhealthy habits make their case worse leading to two periods in a month. But this is only normal when it happens once or twice. If it is frequent then they must go and talk to their doctor,” says Dr Mittal.

Heavy stress can screw up your period cycle. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

9. You might be exercising too hard
Exerting our body beyond its capacity will always have repercussions and one of them is having two periods in one month. “Vigorous exercise and crash dieting are the worst thing that you can do to your reproductive health. It should always be a gradual process and it should be balanced so that your body can adapt”, says Dr Mittal.

10. You might be travelling way too much
“In this case there are a lot of factors that are at play like weather change, eating habits, sleeping pattern, stress levels, etc. All of them disrupt your hormonal balance – hence you might end up bleeding twice in a month,” concludes Dr Mittal.

The typical duration of menstruation is four to five days once every month, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. However, some people may have two periods within a month's time.

Your menstrual cycle can be a reflection of certain aspects of your health—and having two periods in a month could be a sign of a problem that bigger than just picking up an extra box of pads or tampons.

"Just because you have two periods that happen to land within the same calendar month doesn't mean there's a problem," said Mount Kisco, New York-based OB-GYN Alyssa Dweck, MD, author of "The Complete A to Z for Your V." That's because a normal menstrual cycle is between 21 and 35 days, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). If your period came at the very beginning of this month and then showed up again at the end, this falls within a typical window.

And not everyone has a cycle that falls within this range. According to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 14% to 25% of people have irregular periods. Irregular periods can signal a variety of different things. Cycles may be shorter or longer than normal, flows may be heavier or lighter than normal, and menstruation may be accompanied by other problems like cramps.

It's helpful to keep track of your cycle, so you know what normal means for you. If you're having a period that shows up more than once in 21 days, this is something that goes by the medical term polymenorrhea, or frequent menstruation. It is one of several ways a period can be irregular. But why does it happen?

If you're bleeding sooner than your normal cycle or spotting in between periods, there is a chance that it could be just a one-time irregularity. But if it's happening more than once, something else might be going on with your body.

A too-soon period may indicate a hormonal imbalance of estrogen, progesterone, or testosterone, which are all involved in ovulation. "This can cause irregular ovulation. Essentially, your uterus isn't sure when or how much to bleed," Dr. Dweck said.

For example, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can cause irregular bleeding. PCOS is a hormonal disorder that affects people of childbearing age. PCOS also puts people at higher risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and endometrial cancer.

Here are a few other things to consider if you find that you're having another period sooner than expected.


Pregnancy is one of the potential causes of bleeding twice in one month. "If you're sexually active, this is one of the initial things I think about. Some women experience irregular bleeding when pregnant," Dr. Dweck said.

Rest assured that irregular bleeding can be totally normal and not indicative that there's something wrong. Start by taking a pregnancy test and calling a healthcare professional; they'll let you know when they want you to come in for an appointment, Dr. Dweck recommended.


During the teenage years of life, it's possible to have irregular periods after having your first one, according to the Office on Women's Health (OWH). This means that you might occasionally experience a second period in one month as your menstrual cycles start to become more regulated over time. According to ACOG, a typical teen menstrual cycle lasts between 21 and 45 days.


Perimenopause could be a possible cause if you're around or over 40 years old. Perimenopause is a time when periods are known to be irregular, and you start going through the transition to menopause. "Perimenopause is a time when your hormones can be all over the place, ovulation can be sporadic, and you can get your period twice in a month," Dr. Dweck said.

Thyroid Function

Your thyroid, the gland that regulates your metabolism, can be another reason for your period showing up more than once. A thyroid that's over- (hyper-) or under- (hypo-) active can change up the frequency of your flow, Dr. Dweck said.

A 2020 review from the International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism explained that if your thyroid gland does not make enough hormones for your body, you could have heavier bleeding; if it makes too much, you could have lighter bleeding. If either of those two conditions remains unregulated, you can be liable to experience irregular periods or multiple periods in one month.

Other Potential Causes

Other structural problems, like uterine fibroids or polyps, may also bring on an additional bleed, and you can have breakthrough bleeding from an IUD or hormonal birth control pills, the ACOG noted.

If you get your period more than once per month, contact a healthcare professional. "You can have a weird period episode, especially since stress, diet changes, travel, or exercise can cause irregularities, but if it's happening over and over, you should be seen by your doctor," Dr. Dweck explained.

A healthcare professional might also ask about whether you're also experiencing other symptoms or may run additional testing—blood work, ultrasound, etc.—depending on what's suspected. After that, the underlying cause will guide treatment. Examples of treatment include thyroid medication, a new birth control method, or a plan for managing PCOS.

Figuring out why you're dealing with two periods in one month isn't always so cut and dry, but knowing why you might be having this experience will help you and the healthcare professional make a plan to manage any underlying problems.

Several different things could be causing bleeding that's too early. Cycles may become irregular when menstruating years are starting or nearing an end. Pregnancy is another factor that may cause a period twice a month. But thyroid function and structural problems could also be throwing your normal cycle out of whack.

Everyone's period is different, so it's important to know what normal means for you. Keep a record of your cycle to track when it starts, how long it lasts, and whether any symptoms like pain or cramping come with it. If you experience a period more than once within your normal cycle, contact a healthcare professional to find out what exactly is going on.

Can You Have Your period twice in the same month?

So, if your cycle is less than a month long and you have your period at the beginning of the month, you may see it appear again toward the end of the month. But aside from the length of your cycle, there are many other reasons why you might experience bleeding twice in a month.

How many periods can you have in a month?

Normal menstrual cycles range from 21 to 35 days (and you can predict when your next period will arrive with our online period calculator ). However, it’s not uncommon to experience monthly variations in menstrual cycles. Some cycles may be shorter and others longer, which means it’s possible to have 2 periods in a month.

Is it normal to have periods at the beginning and end?

During some months, your cycle may last for more or fewer days than the previous month, or it may start earlier or later than it has before. Sometimes, you may even have two periods in a single month. If your cycles are on the shorter end of the spectrum, you could have your period at the beginning and end of the month with no reason for concern.

What causes 2 periods in one month?

Thyroid issues — Thyroid issues like hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism may also cause 2 periods in one month, as they can cause irregular cycles. In hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland is underactive and isn’t able to make enough thyroid hormone. Signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism include: Feeling cold all the time

Why did I get my period twice in one month?

Many things can make your period come more often than usual. Natural hormone fluctuations can cause this, as can missing a birth control pill and lifestyle factors like being overweight or stressed. Having your period twice in one month could also be a sign of a medical condition that needs treatment.

Is it normal to get your period 2 twice a month?

Some people may experience periods that start as they expect, then stop and start again. Occasional irregularities in the menstrual cycle are not unusual and can be due to lifestyle factors and hormones fluctuations. In some cases, irregular periods can be a sign of hormone imbalances or an underlying health condition.


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