How to remove sticky residue from fridge door

Before you apply a cleaning solution, read the manufacturer's instructions. Some products may damage the refrigerator surface.

  1. Remove as much of the sticker as you can -- you probably won't be able to get off all the backing. No matter what product you use to remove the sticky residue, rub it on the spot with a cloth or paper towel. Let it sit a few minutes, and clean it with a sponge or scrubber and soapy water. Wipe down with clean water and spray with glass cleaner if desired. Dry it, and you're done.

  2. Use something you already have in the house to remove the residue from a sticker. Vegetable oil, mineral oil and baby oil all work. A nice-smelling alternative is eucalyptus oil, which you can also use for other household cleaning tasks (see Resources below).

  3. Use a natural cleaner such as Goo Gone. It's also great for removing other "accidents," from chewing gum to crayon marks.

    The refrigerator gets the brunt of activity that occurs in a kitchen.

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    The refrigerator gets the brunt of activity that occurs in a kitchen. Smudges from pasta sauces, puddles of spilled juices and sticky drippings from slippery meat packages end up on the hulking appliance's surfaces, both inside and out.


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    The best way to clean a fridge on the inside is with organic and environmentally-friendly cleaners that won't leave a chemical scent behind that can affect the fresh food that is stored in the appliance. There are a few fridge cleaning hacks that can quickly remove all the sticky stuff that finds its way onto the drawers, shelving, handles and sides of the refrigerator.

    Homemade Anti-Bacterial Cleaner for the Fridge

    A good fridge cleaning spray uses rubbing alcohol and vinegar to sterilize and clean the shelving, drawers and walls of the refrigerator. Combine the following in a 32-ounce spray bottle and keep it in a cupboard. Sunlight can breakdown the mix and make it less effective.


    A basic recipe for a homemade spray includes 5 ounces of rubbing alcohol, 10 ounces of white distilled vinegar and 1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap.

    Add all of the above ingredients to the spray bottle and fill with water. Or double the ingredients and omit the water for a strong mix. Wear safety glasses and a breathing mask because the stronger mix can emit fumes that can irritate eyes, nose and throat.


    Citric Acid for Cleaning the Fridge

    Citrus-based cleaning products are effective and environmentally friendly. The refrigerator can benefit greatly from a good douse of a citrus-based cleaner on a regular basis. You can buy a commercial cleaner with citric acid as its main active ingredient or create your own.


    They are ideal for cleaning stuck-on food, but require a bit of elbow grease and patience. The fruits' d-limonene, which is in the terpene family that also includes pine oils and cleaners, is what makes it work so well as a cleaning agent. A good technique is to spray the shelving and drawers with the citrus-based cleaner, then let it sit for 20 minutes before scrubbing or wiping off.

    Fill a Mason jar with vinegar two-thirds of the way full, then add used citrus peels to the jar as you use lemons, limes or oranges. Let it sit for a week while you continue to feed citrus peels to the mix. Use 1 part of this citrus-infused vinegar to 1 part water to clean the inside of the refrigerator.


    Cleaning Fridge with Bleach

    Sometimes, the natural cleaners just won't cut through the grime that has built up in the refrigerator. For seriously dirty appliances with mold creeping up its insides, cleaning the fridge with bleach is highly recommended.

    Mix 1 cup of bleach with 1 gallon of warm water and wipe down the inside of the refrigerator. Use a toothbrush to work the bleach into corners and along the bottom of the refrigerators nooks and crannies where bacteria can hide. Rinse well with water to remove any batches of bleach from the refrigerator so that it doesn't adversely affect the taste of the food placed back in the cavity.


    When working with bleach, it's best to wear gloves, protective eyewear and a breathing mask to avoid becoming overwhelmed by fumes and to protect your skin from this corrosive cleaner.

    Removing packing tape, protective film and labels from the refrigerator door can leave behind a residue from the adhesive. De-Solv-it® Cleaner can be used to remove this residue on Stainless, CleanSteel and Slate refrigerator doors.

    • De-Solv-it® Cleaner can be purchased locally at various locations (ACE, Home Depot, Lowe's, Publix, CVS, etcetera).

    • Use the Citrus Solution version of the cleaner.

    • Use for the doors ONLY. Do not use on the liner or other plastic material.

    • Clean the door with soap and water after use.

    This can be used on Top Freezer, Side-by-Side, Bottom Freezer and French-Door refrigerators and has only been tested on Stainless, CleanSteel and Slate finishes.

    Does vinegar remove sticky residue?

    Distilled White Vinegar Learning how to remove sticker residue with household items can save you money. Soak a rag or paper towel in vinegar and lay across the sticky area. Let it soak for a few minutes to soften the residue, then wipe or scrape to remove. Plus, you can use vinegar to clean all around the house.

    How do you remove adhesive from a stainless steel refrigerator?

    Clean Adhesive from Stainless Steel.
    Use a citrus-based adhesive remover or WD-40 and a microfiber towel..
    Change the microfiber towel often to prevent smearing..
    Apply very little force in a concentrated area while rubbing on the sticker areas or the stainless grain may be damaged..

    How do you clean a sticky refrigerator?

    Spray the inside of the fridge with a solution of vinegar and water, concentrating on soiled areas, and let it soak in. Wash the removed shelves and drawers with warm soapy water and set them aside to dry. Head back to the fridge and wipe everything down with a rag.

    What is the easiest way to remove sticky residue?

    Soak a paper towel in warm white vinegar or room temperature rubbing alcohol, then lay it over the sticker residue for about five minutes. This will soften the residue so you can scrape it away with a credit card. WD-40 is also effective for removing sticker residue.


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