How to pair probuds v2 to iphone

Juan (Admin) responded : 1:31pm, 12th January 2018 (5 years ago)

Normally with devices like these its best to pair the two items together and then pair to an audio device such as your phone. Some get confused or wont work as a stereo pair if you try to pair them together AFTER pairing to the phone.

BreAunna Tucker responded : 2:05pm, 12th January 2018 (5 years ago)

How would I go about pairing them together?

Chris (Admin) responded : 2:08pm, 12th January 2018 (5 years ago)

To clarify, these are the totally wireless mode lor they are wired between each bud ?

BreAunna Tucker responded : 2:34pm, 12th January 2018 (5 years ago)

These are totally wireless; there is No wire connecting the two buds together.

Luis (Admin) responded : 2:42pm, 12th January 2018 (5 years ago)

Have you followed the manual instructed process ? - this explains it. See the link at the top of the page.

Sherri responded : 6:13pm, 12th January 2018 (5 years ago)

I have followed the manual and mine still will not pair together. Any help?

Kia responded : 3:39pm, 27th January 2018 (5 years ago)

I had the same problem, this is what I did:

-Unpair the buds from phone or other device
-Turn off bluetooth on device
-Turn on both buds
-Both say Power on, Pairing
-On the right bud press the multifunction Key 2
- Right bud says searching for...
-Then it'll say right channel and left bud will say, left channel
- Turn on bluetooth and pair to Tzumi

I hope it works for you!

Lesley responded : 11:27pm, 3rd March 2018 (5 years ago)

Thanks Kia - your solution worked, I had the same problem as Sherri - the manual sucks!

BreAunna Tucker responded : 11:46pm, 3rd March 2018 (5 years ago)

100% Sucky manual. Thanks so much Kia!

Dave Pattison responded : 6:54pm, 6th March 2018 (5 years ago)

THANK YOU SOOOOO Much ! The manual was not helpful at all. Bought these earbuds for my wife at Christmas and am now Finally able to use them as a stereo pair. You Rock !

Cade Clark responded : 6:32am, 23rd March 2018 (5 years ago)

I have the same problem but the left earbud does not even say pairing when i click the multifunction button twice. Help I really like these and I havent even used them much

Lesley responded : 2:39pm, 25th March 2018 (5 years ago)

This is what I do and no longer have any issues with pairing. - put both earbuds in your ear - press both buttons at the same time until you hear power on for both. Then press and hold one of the earbuds for a couple of seconds - you will hear left or right channel message. Then pair to your blue tooth device.
Good luck

Roy S. responded : 4:48am, 30th March 2018 (5 years ago)

I was having the same issues. I could not get the left Bud to play sounds after it said it was powered on.
But Kia's instructions worked for me.

Larry responded : 4:45pm, 22nd April 2018 (4 years ago)

I had this issue and tried Kia's advice above with no success. Always the earbuds would get to the stage of Power On Pairing but then pushing the right multifunction button twice did nothing. Out of frustration for no other answer, I repeated the method over and over. Finally after about twenty times of repeating the method, I started pressing the right earbud multifunction button multiple times. All of a sudden I got the message searching for device followed by Earbuds Paired and each one saying Left or Right. Now everything works again.

Tawnya responded : 1:27am, 15th May 2018 (4 years ago)

Thanks to Larry I got them to work! If you try Kias suggestion and have no success I recommend trying Larrys method.

Tom responded : 1:44am, 3rd June 2018 (4 years ago)

Thank you Kia, happy days, your tip worked perfectly.
It was driving me bonkers, now all is good.
Thanks again

Brett responded : 8:42pm, 29th July 2018 (4 years ago)

Kia's solution worked well for me. I improvised slightly and held down both multi-function buttons for 10+ seconds and then completed two rapid presses o the right bud's multi-function button. It then said searching for slave and paired with the left bud a moment later.

Tamee responded : 11:57pm, 4th August 2018 (4 years ago)

Ive just purchased mines today, and was trying to team it together about 15x, gave up, did some research and came across these reviews that others were also having problems. After scrolling through some of the comments, Kias solution finally worked for me. All I wanted to hear was Team Successful, and I wasnt getting that at all. Now, I can hear my music from both buds instead of one which was irritating. Btw, I do have the AirPods as well. I just wanted to see how these turned out, and it sounds just as great as the AirPods. Thanks Kia for the info!! :)

Matt responded : 4:45pm, 18th August 2018 (4 years ago)

can get one bud play at a time .Plus I get 2 Tzumi under devices. both will work but not at same time. worked fine on first pairing.HELP

Swae. responded : 10:49pm, 11th September 2018 (4 years ago)

Un-pair the ear buds from your phone completely. Turn off your Bluetooth. Turn both ear buds off.
Turn both ear buds on at the same time. They may or may not both say pairing.
Press the button on the right ear bud twice. you should hear a bong sound come from both pods at the same time. (this step may take awhile to get.) Keep repeating until you get it. (sometimes after you turn them on it takes awhile for the buttons to catch the signal.)
Turn Bluetooth back on and pair pods to phone. You should only have to press one of the sound mates for it to pair to your phone.
Play a song to see if both are paired. (Its the best way to really know if there paired together )

Yari responded : 1:26am, 18th September 2018 (4 years ago)

OMG Kia THANK YOU!! Thanks to you I didnt bust this headset on the damn floor lol. If anyone is having the same issue, keep doing it over and over until it works. It eventually works.

sam responded : 5:56pm, 9th October 2018 (4 years ago)

PLEASE HELP i can connect one tzumi earbud at a time but the other one will not connect did the other things they said in the comments but nothing worked how do you fix this

ugh these earphones responded : 7:45pm, 12th October 2018 (4 years ago)

None of these worked until I decided to turn one ear phone on before the other and did what Larry said. You could try that as a last resort I assume.

Cameron Leed responded : 8:20pm, 23rd October 2018 (4 years ago)

Ive tried literally everything here and its still not working im about ready to smash these things with a hammer please help.

Throwsknives responded : 11:23pm, 29th October 2018 (4 years ago)

Kia's solution worked! This was driving me nuts - the phone recognized two earbuds and would only play out of one or the other. I turned off Bluetooth on my phone, powered on the earbuds and then pressed the right control button twice, fast. It said searching for slave and then said earbuds paired. Then one device showed up on my phone. The manual is useless. Blessings to Awesome!

Ploub responded : 9:51pm, 16th November 2018 (4 years ago)

This worked great! Thanks for the help. I had been trying to fix the problem, but could not find a solution. I finally found this thread and Kia's suggestion worked. Thanks for all the great help!

Anonymous responded : 12:25pm, 21st November 2018 (4 years ago)

Kia's solution worked for me the first time but now my lest earbuds doesn't say pairing when I turn it so it can't connect to the other one. How do I make it say pairing?

Daniel Thompson responded : 12:41am, 23rd November 2018 (4 years ago)

I was able to pair both left and right buds together successfully. Then turned my phone's bluetooth on and ........only right bud plays with a slight buzz noise from the left bud. The only work around I was able to find was an option on my phone (galaxy s8 active) for dual audio in my sound settings. Turned it on and was able to listen to both buds. Now I must decide if I wish to take this set back and try another set or go with the work around. Happy yet sad at the moment.

Anonymous responded : 2:58am, 27th November 2018 (4 years ago)

Excellent! That worked for me. Thank you so much.

sof responded : 4:49am, 6th December 2018 (4 years ago)

ok, so i literally tried everything that everyone said in this page and nothing! my earphones do not want to pair each other at all! and i am really just about to give up on them. someone please help. thankyou.

Anonymous responded : 9:01pm, 11th December 2018 (4 years ago)

I used Kia's response to connect them to each other. I was only getting sound out of one ear on my Galaxy 8. They worked fine on my computer though so I knew that it was not the ear buds. If you go into the settings for your Bluetooth on a galaxy phone it has to option to send to multiple devices. This is turned off as the default. Once I turned it on and reconnected they work great.

Lynda Martens responded : 10:54pm, 13th December 2018 (4 years ago)

Kia should write the manual for this company. Thank you!!

Chris K. responded : 1:32am, 14th December 2018 (4 years ago)

Thanks Paired together finally Awsome

steve responded : 5:06pm, 25th December 2018 (4 years ago)

Thanks Kia & Larry.
We finally have the buds synced . . .then paired.


Carrie responded : 9:00pm, 25th December 2018 (4 years ago)

we have done all these suggestions but it seems to only play the right ear even though it sometimes says Left channel right channel .. any other suggestions? i have an S7

Jim responded : 6:52pm, 26th December 2018 (4 years ago)

I have an S7 and couldn't pair as well. I tried the first solution and failed several times, but try again you have to press the right bud button twice in rapid succestion just right and then both buds did pair. Try again.

Joe responded : 1:35am, 4th January 2019 (4 years ago)

I have looked at countless forums and blogs for different solutions, I have only found two solutions that have worked, as the one posted here worked, for when I accidentally turned the earbuds on out of sync, but upon turning the ear buds off and back on again they were unpaired, yet again, and were then not pairing again, The left ear would say power on but no pairing and would have no flashing red and blue light to signify bluetooth pairing, or even a light at all I kept thinking it was dead or turned off, the right ear would say power on and then pairing and it would flash red and blue signifying pairing, and I could pair the right to my bluetooth were as the left wouldn't even show up. All the other solutions posted on other forums were bogus, or just used for a different product or version I assume.
Kia's instruction from this forum worked, which are:
-Unpair the buds from phone or other device
-Turn off bluetooth on device
-Turn on both buds
-Both say Power on, Pairing
-On the right bud press the multifunction Key 2
- Right bud says searching for...
-Then it'll say right channel and left bud will say, left channel
- Turn on bluetooth and pair to Tzumi

The second method that worked for me once Kia's method wasn't working was:
- Turn bluetooth off.
- Hold the function button on both ear buds until they both turn on.
- Let go of the function buttons, and then hold the function button yet again for 20 seconds, until both earbuds turn off, and then keep holding it down.
- Let go and then hold the function buttons on both ear buds for around 15 seconds once again to turn them back on, you should get the obligatory Pairing prompt, but this time both ear buds should say it in sync or close to one another (they not paired yet though), and your bluetooth list should have two Tzumi products.
- At this point just double click the right ear buds function button in a quick fashion so you get the searching for slaves? prompt, and both ear buds should connect together and you should get the left ear right ear prompt.

Killer77 responded : 2:58pm, 8th January 2019 (4 years ago)

Thanks Kia, I was getting very frustrated before I read your response! Worked like a charm.

kunana responded : 6:01am, 25th February 2019 (4 years ago)

Thank you vey much, Joe! It worked!

Abdullah responded : 6:43pm, 4th March 2019 (4 years ago)

Joe buddy. i dont have words to thanks you.
your second mathod works for my airpods clone.
love you.

Fabiana responded : 11:56am, 7th September 2019 (3 years ago)

OMG @kIA thank you so much for your help. I was going crazy with this earbuds! The manual sucks!!!

Becky Wilkinson responded : 9:20pm, 1st November 2019 (3 years ago)

Left earpod doesn't show any signs of life whatsoever yet the charge light comes on when in charger. Help.please

Throwsknives responded : 6:47am, 15th November 2019 (3 years ago)

Becky, this is what worked for me. I've owned a dozen of these earbuds and sometimes you need to do a "hard reset":
1. Turn on the earbuds and upair them from the phone.
2. Turn off your phone's Bluetooth and turn off power to the earbuds.
3. Turn on the earbuds by pressing both power buttons and hold them down until you hear "Pairing" from both earbuds. This will take five to ten seconds.
4. Release the power buttons.
5. Press the right one twice quickly. The right one will say "Searching for slave."
6. In a few seconds, you should hear from both earbuds "Pairing Success. Left channel. Right channel."
7. Turn your Bluetooth back on and re-pair the earbuds with your phone.
You may need to do this several times.

Janis J. responded : 10:55pm, 6th May 2020 (2 years ago)

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! I too was going crazy trying to figure this out... thought i was going to have to spend the money for airPods ;)

Suri responded : 6:35am, 1st June 2020 (2 years ago)

Sweet! Totally worked! Thx!

McKenna responded : 2:03am, 23rd March 2021 (2 years ago)

My left one wont even turn on? And pressing the button on the right only skips the songs.. really getting agitated! Lol

Mark responded : 10:28pm, 9th April 2021 (2 years ago)

No matter what I try, the left one doesnt pair. These the worst air buds out there. I will have to get something else.

How do I connect my Probuds V2 to my Iphone?

Probuds V2 Pairing Enable your device's Bluetooth function from its Settings menu. Select “Soundmates” from the Bluetooth device list to pair the earbuds to your device. Once paired, you will hear “Device Connected.” Probus V2 Pairing complete! Your Soulmates are now ready to use!

Why are my Probuds V2 not connecting?

The most common problem is that Windows has a default/preferred output device and that often isn't changed to your just paired Bluetooth device automatically. So you have to go into the Sound Output preferences and manually select the Bluetooth audio device from the list of options.

How do you put Probuds in pairing mode?

FIRST: Remove both earbuds from the charging case. They will begin auto-pairing to each other. You will hear "Probuds connected." ANSWER/END CALL - Press the RIGHT or LEFT earbud button once during an Incoming call to answer, or press during a call to end.

How do you pair both Probuds V2?

FIRST: Remove both earbuds from the charging case They will begin auto-pairing to each other. You will hear “Probuds connected.” SECOND: Keep the earbuds within 3 feet of your smart device [for Bluetooth pairing only).


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