How to make yellow pine look like heart pine

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Does anyone out there have a good finishing formula for matching new southern yellow pine to old heart pine?Thanks

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Yellow pine is a wood commonly used in construction, particularly for flooring. It has several appealing characteristics, including its pleasant natural color, abundance, wide distribution and hardness in comparison to other types of pine. As with any type of wood, you have many options for finishing yellow pine, altering or enhancing the appearance of your wood. However, the qualities of this wood make some options easier and more appealing than others.

Qualities of Yellow Pine

  1. Yellow pine is a softwood that is not particularly durable relative to other woods and can shrink quite a bit over time. It does have many attractive qualities, though. It is easy to sand as well as easy to work with both hand and power tools, though the resin in the wood may clog sandpaper and tools. The natural color of yellow pine ranges from a soft yellow to a tan, which can be attractive on its own. The wood tends to lack knots and is an easy wood to work with in general. Yellow pine tends to have a lot of resin and water, so proper drying is important to achieving a good finish.


  1. Yellow pine accepts stain well; however, it is known for developing a blotchy, uneven look and getting an even stain can be a challenge. To prevent this, sand the pine before adding any stain. Yellow pine is often pretreated with a hard glaze, which you should remove for best results. You can also use a stain conditioner or wood sealer to improve the appearance of the stain. Yellow pine takes clear and low-pigment stains best. Stains with high pigment content may not work as well, and trying to make yellow pine resemble a different wood can be difficult.


  1. Yellow pine does not accept pigments easily, which can make painting it a challenge. Paints do not absorb well and can peel from yellow pine fairly readily. To get a solid color on yellow pine, apply about three coats of latex paint to help prevent the peeling. You can also use a latex-based primer to help you paint. If you use a primer, apply enough material that you can't see the wood grain through the primer before you apply your acrylic topcoats.


  1. Unprotected yellow pine degrades fairly quickly, especially when exposed to the elements, so it's best to apply a finish. One of yellow pine's attractive qualities is its resistance to damage from the sun, so the color of the pine will not change much over time. However, finishes can change color. Water-based finishes resist color change best, while oil-based finishes can become more amber-colored over time. This may or may not be an appealing feature, depending on individual tastes. Note that water-based finishes can raise the grain, which is undesirable and requires sanding to repair.

    Finishing yellow pine tends to be problematic in that its natural resins can dissolve many finishes. Though not often used, one of the best finishes for pine is shellac, which is attractive, nontoxic once dry and resists the resins in pine. You can brush on, wipe on with a rag, or spray on shellac. You can also apply a harder finish over shellac once it dries, and the shellac will protect it from the wood resins.

Is heart pine the same as yellow pine?

Heart Pine is the old growth Yellow Pine once common in the American South and Atlantic Coast regions. These trees were very dense and high in resign content. As a result, Heart Pine is very durable.

How do I change my yellow pine?

Pine takes on a pale yellow-orange tone after exposure to sunlight. Most finishes exacerbate the problem leaving wood which ages to a "cigarette yellow" tone. The best way to create a pale bleached effect is to treat with a thin coat of diluted White Wood Dye after sanding.

What is the difference between southern yellow pine and heart pine?

The beautiful and durable Heart Pine, also known as Southern Longleaf yellow pine, old growth pine or pitch pine, given the name because of the high content of heart wood, Heart Pine is different from other pines because of the tight growth ring pattern and its unique red - amber color.

What stain works best on yellow pine?

The best stain colors for pine.
Early American by Varathane..
Dark Walnut by Minwax..
Briarsmoke by Varathane..
Puritan Pine by Minwax..
Classic Gray by Minwax..
White Wash by Varathane..
Walrus Oil cutting board oil..
Weathered Oak by Minwax..


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