How to know he actually likes you

1. He’s genuinely curious about your interests. He wants to know about your job, about your passions, about the things that excite you. Even if he doesn’t share those same interests, he has a desire to learn about them, about you. He’s curious as to what makes you happy and loves watching you light up when you talk about it.

2. He still wants to see you when you’re sick. Whether it’s a particularly nasty cold, complete with an unrelenting cough and drippy nose or a touch of food poisoning that has you running to the bathroom every few minutes, he still wants to take care of you. He offers to bring you soup, or if he can run to CVS for you. He texts to check up on you and reminds you he’s there, should you need help with anything.

Twenty20 / @dannyt16_3

3. He actively keeps the conversation going in text messages. It’s not just a ‘lol’ or ‘you up?’ when the clock strikes 12. He keeps dialogue flowing.

4. He’ll call you just to talk. Because a text message can’t replace hearing your voice.

5. He doesn’t want to leave in the morning. He’d much rather stay in bed and cuddle you.

6.  He talks about you to his friends. All his friends know about you and this is in part because he cannot shut up about you. He talks about you all the time, things you’ve said, stuff you two have done together. When you meet his friends, they say things like, “We’ve heard so much about you!” Because they honestly have.

7. He does stuff he knows you like that he isn’t super into. He sits through your guilty pleasure TV show, even if he’d rather watch something else. To him, being with you is the ultimate goal. So he doesn’t mind if some of the stuff you do together isn’t his favorite.

8. He never, ever pressures you. He would never want you to do something you were uncomfortable with. He’s willing to go at whatever pace makes you feel safe and taken care of. He would never expect you to do something sexual just because.

9. He compliments you on very specific things. Anyone can say, “You look beautiful.” But he notices even the tiniest things about you. He pays attention. So when he compliments you, it’s not generic. It’s more like, “I love that little pattern of freckles on your nose.”

To figure out if a guy likes you without asking him directly, start by looking at his body language and facial expressions. For example, if he makes eye contact and smiles whenever you look his way, that’s a good sign that he’s into you. You might also catch him leaning towards you when he’s talking to you, fidgeting or acting nervous around you, or even mirroring your gestures and facial expressions. A guy who likes you will want to be close to you, and if he’s feeling brave, he might find excuses to touch you lightly or brush up against you when you’re together. If you’ve gotten to know him a little, you can also look for other clues in his behavior. For instance, pay attention to whether he seems eager to hang out and spend time with you, or whether he often strikes up conversations with you or even texts you out of the blue just to say “hi.” You might also notice him dropping compliments, looking for ways to help you out, or surprising you with little gifts or other sweet gestures. Good-natured teasing is also a favorite form of flirting for many guys. If you’re pretty sure he likes you, but you aren’t ready to ask him yet, try asking his friends what he says about you when you aren’t around. If you find out that he’s been going on about how awesome you are, then he’s probably into you. You can also try talking to the guy directly. Say something like, “Hey, I love hanging out with you, and I’ve been feeling a real connection between us lately. Do you think we could be more than friends?” Or, “I really like you, and I was wondering if you feel the same way.” If he’s interested in you, he’ll probably be happy to let you know. For more ways to know if a guy likes you, like checking if he’s protective or nervous around you, read the article!

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Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 25,488,118 times.

How can you tell if a guy REALLY likes you? Dating is confusing and guys are even MORE confusing, especially these days when online dating and apps like Tinder have turned dating into the Wild Wild West. It’s a little crazy out there!

As a matchmaker and dating coach, I’ve worked with single men for a decade, and I have unique insight into how they date.

Did you know that some men will text you, call you, spend time with you and sleep with you even though they’re not interested in having a relationship with you? It’s true!

I know you don’t want to be THAT girl – the one he’s killing time with while he looks for someone he’s excited about. No way!

I don’t want you to waste time on the wrong guy ever again. Your time is too valuable and you deserve better.

So how can you tell if a guy likes you?

Here’s a checklist to help you figure out if the guy you’re dating is genuinely interested in having a relationship with YOU.  If he’s doing all 12 of these things, the odds are he’s smitten. Here’s how to tell if a guy really likes you…


1. He stays in touch every single day

When a guy likes you, he wants to hear your voice or see your name pop up in his text messages. Even on the days you don’t see each other, he checks in to say “hi” and let you know you’re on his mind.

2. He tells you what he likes about you

 You don’t have to wonder if he likes you because he tells you that he does! He consistently pays you compliments. What a nice guy! : )

3. He calls when he says he’ll call

No more sitting by the phone waiting for him to call. He calls exactly when he says he will, so you don’t have to feel anxious. You know you can depend on him.

4. He asks to spend time with you (consistently and often)

A man who’s excited about you will do more than just text or call. He’ll make sure he spends lots of time with you on a regular basis (no matter how busy he is).

5. He asks you out in advance

You don’t have to sit around wondering if you’re going to see him this weekend. He asks you out in advance, and you’ve got a date on your calendar. If a guy really likes you, he’ll pin you down and make sure you’re on his calendar (instead of on some other guy’s calendar!)

6. He plans real dates

He doesn’t just ask you to hang out at his place (or yours) with Netflix and a pizza (although that’s fun once in a while). He plans real dates (like dinner, drinks, theater, museums, hikes, day trips and more) because he wants to have fun with you!

7. He makes an effort

When a guy likes you, he makes an effort! He texts, calls, plans dates, picks you up and picks up the check. He doesn’t mind working a little harder because he feels you’re worth the effort.

8. He doesn’t make you feel anxious (at all)

He makes you feel “comfortable”, and you can be yourself around him. You never have to worry about whether or not you’ll hear from him because he’s consistent and makes you feel secure. You feel relaxed around him instead of anxious.

9. He goes out of his way to spend time with you (even when he’s busy)

He doesn’t give you a lame excuse for why he can’t see you this week. Even if work is crazy, he’s got errands or he’s got a marathon to train for, he finds time for you. He makes sure he sees you no matter what else is going on in his life because he cares about you and enjoys being with you.

10. He introduces you to his peeps

He wants his friends (and eventually his family) to meet you! And he wants to see how you get a long with the people in his life because he’s figuring out if you’re a long-term fit.

11. He’s fine waiting to have sex

When a man really likes you, he’ll wait. Even though he’s attracted to you and is dying to “get busy”, he respects your boundaries and waits until you’re ready (which should be AFTER he asks you to be his girlfriend).

12. He asks you to be exclusive and date only him

 After the two of you have been dating for a while, he asks you to be exclusive. He wants you to be his girlfriend and stop dating other men (and if he’s doing all of the above, I hope you’ll say “yes”!).

In this time of dating-overload-and-too-many-options, men don’t really have to work very hard to find a date. But to find LOVE, they’ll happily make an effort.

So stop listening to what men say and start watching what they DO!

Stop worrying and wondering if the guy you’re dating really likes you!

Use this checklist to tell if he’s into you. If the guy you’re dating does all of the things on this list, he’s probably a keeper who’s excited about you!


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