How to delete multiple photos on instagram on computer

Are you revamping your social media accounts? Need to delete the posts on Instagram that are no longer relevant? Do you know that you can delete Instagram posts on the computer? Yes — you can delete the Instagram post from your desktop PC or macOS machine without touching the Instagram app on smartphones.

If you’re looking for the options to delete on the Instagram website on the computer you can not find the delete button until you follow these steps. These are the same steps that I’ve taken to clean my Instagram account recently. I also developed a script to automate the Instagram posts bulk delete process and named the script as InstaG Purger.

This tip works on any web browser like Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, etc. that supports developer console with the device toolbar.

Generally, when you open the Instagram posts and try to remove a post, the delete option is not available on the menu list.

However, here are the steps to delete the Instagram post on computer:

Step 1: Launch the Chrome Browser on Desktop.

Step 2: Open your Instagram profile. ex: //

Step 3: Right-click for more options and select Inspect. This will open the developer console on Chrome browser.

Step 4: Click on the Toggle device toolbar in the developer console.

Step 5: In the drop-down select any device like iPhone X and set scale to 100%.

Step 6: Reload the Instagram profile page.

Step 7: Click on the Feeds icon to switch.

Step 8: Click on the

  for more options

Step 9: Select the Delete option.

Step 10: Finally, Click on Delete command to confirm that you want to remove the Instagram post.

That’s it. Your Instagram post will be deleted from the desktop site on PC. As I mentioned, you will be able to delete the post any browser without using any external software. Even mass delete an Instagram Photos using InstaG Purger.

Video tutorial to delete Instagram Photos on desktop

Here is the video demo on the above steps that show how to delete the Instagram posts on computers easily without any software program or extensions. It’s simple and easy!

How to Delete Instagram Posts on Computer Browser?

I hope you liked the video, please subscribe to our channel on YouTube.

How do you delete photos on Instagram on the computer?

Choose a post. Click above your post, then click Delete. Click Delete again to confirm.

Can you delete multiple pictures on Instagram at once?

Yes, you can delete more than just one at a time.

How do I delete multiple pictures on my computer?

Select multiple files at once in Windows Explorer by holding down your “Ctrl” key while clicking them. You can then right-click any highlighted file and select “Delete.”


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