How to create a checklist on excel

Checklists are a handy tool for anyone at home or in the office, and surprisingly simple to create in Excel for your own use or to share with others. Checklists are great for:

  • Making To-Do lists
  • Tracking project and task progress
  • Making and using forms
  • Stocktaking products
  • Budgeting and keeping track of spending
  • Creating gift lists and registries, and much more

Excel is available as part of an Office 365 package subscription, or to purchase standalone, and is one of the best tools for productivity as well as recording and sharing information. Here’s how to easily create an Excel checklist that’s completely interactive and easily updatable.

1. Turn on the Developer tab

To create an Excel checklist, you need to turn on the Developer tab on the ribbon, if its not already showing. To do this, right-click any part of the Excel ribbon, and choose Customise the Ribbon from the dropdown menu that is shown.

Under Customise the Ribbon on the right-hand side of the screen, tick the Developer tab, and then click OK. The Developer tab will now be accessible from the Ribbon.

How to Insert a Checkbox in Google Sheets.

You May Also Like the Following Excel Tutorials:

  • Inserting Checkmark in Excel.
  • Create Dynamic Chart using Checkbox.
  • Create Checklists using Checkbox in Excel.
  • VBA Guide to Using Checkboxes in Excel.
  • How to Insert a Scroll Bar in Excel.
  • How to Insert and Use a Radio Button in Excel.


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17 thoughts on “How to Insert Checkbox in Excel (to Create Interactive Lists and Charts)”

  1. Annett

    April 2020 at 3:37 am

    How do you get the check boxes to match going across? I can’t figure out how to make them online on my spreadsheet, without formatting each cell individually.

  2. Nir

    February 2020 at 5:23 am

    I copy/pasted the formula for the Percentage of Tasks Completed function, with alterations re where my TRUE/FALSE parameters are but I get a DIV/0 error. Excel claims that I have made a divide by zero error.

    What am I doing wrong?

  3. Masy

    December 2019 at 7:00 pm

    very very good wlshes for whom help us learn from two
    Ocean that is between us

  4. Sara

    November 2019 at 1:01 am

    We should not have to manually link each checkbox to each cell.

  5. Josh Clark

    July 2019 at 9:51 pm

    Can you use this to insert a checkbox inside of a cell instead of laying on top like a graph or just linking to a separate cell? I found another guide that does this using special characters but it would be nice if I could just represent the cell’s true/false value by a checked or unchecked box.

  6. Gary Sternick

    March 2019 at 2:59 am

    Thank you Sumit – great tips and tutorials! I would like to find out if there’s a way to take this further. I want to create a spreadsheet with a row for each of the 50 United States. Each row would contain data specific to our industry in each state. I would like to insert a checkbox in each row. A user would check off the set of states involved in a transaction, and then click a “Filter” button, which would leave only the checked states columns visible. I would then want to create a report which would pull data only from the checked rows. Is this possible? Thanks again!

  7. Lukasz

    January 2019 at 2:00 pm

    how can you filter by check boxes? I have one column with check boxes and what if I would like to filter by the check boxes which have a tick and which doesn’t…?

  8. Masum

    January 2019 at 11:09 pm

    thanks Sumit. very useful tips.

  9. Anser

    October 2018 at 5:55 pm

    I have a question, I have an excel table, where I input my data in first 5 columns, next 3 have formulas which are Calculated automatically based on first 5 columns. Last 1 column has a check box which is linked to the cell.
    Now whenever I add another row in Table all formulas are copied from above table row with new range. but check box is not copied automatically. and if copy it manually and paste in new row. the new check box is also linked to the above cell instead of new row.
    I want it to copy automatically, same like formulas. I also want to be linked with the new row.

    Can you please advice me, how to do it?

  10. Gnehd168

    September 2017 at 11:48 am

    Thanks! very useful. Keep it up!

  11. Gnehd

    September 2017 at 11:47 am

    Thanks for posting this. Big help! Keep it up!

  12. shabbir kanorewala

    April 2016 at 9:28 am

    Sumit it very useful when you have to display data for more than 2-3 years its easy and cosmetic too.

  13. Raz

    March 2016 at 1:07 pm

    sumit these tutorials are v useful…..tell me either to work with developer is easy or using formulas ..i want to learn dynamic filter with formulas also if easy

    • Sumit Bansal

      March 2016 at 4:33 pm

      Hello Raz.. Both have their benefits. Formulas are easy to apply and replicate, however, may have some limitations. With VBA, you can do a lot more (but that would require a working knowledge of VBA). Here is an example of creating a dynamic filter (non-vba) – //

  14. Puneet Gogia

    December 2015 at 1:10 pm

    Check Box are very useful if you are working on some constant data formats. You can control your functions with check boxes. Very Nice Post. Thanks

    Is there a checklist template in Excel?

    In Microsoft Excel, there is no template for checklists. However, you can create one using the software.

    How do I create a checklist box in Excel?

    > Excel Options > Popular > Show Developer tab in the Ribbon..
    To add a check box, click the Developer tab, click Insert, and under Form Controls, click . ... .
    Click in the cell where you want to add the check box or option button control..

    How do I make a to

    How to create a simple to-do list in Excel.
    Step 1: open Excel and add column headers. Open a new Excel spreadsheet and enter new column headers. ... .
    Step 2: fill in task details. ... .
    Step 3: apply a filter to your list. ... .
    Step 4: sort your tasks using the filter. ... .
    Step 5: done!.

    How do I create a checklist in Excel without the Developer tab?

    If you don't have it, you must right-click on any area of the ribbon and select customize the ribbon. Within the Excel Options box, you must mark the developer option and save the changes.


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