How to clean whirlpool stainless steel refrigerator

I have a stainless steel Whirlpool dishwasher and my son has three stainless Whirlpool appliances and all have the same problem. When you clean them with any cleaning product I have tried, it leaves dark streaks all over. While you are cleaning the steel, it looks like it will come out bright and beautiful, but after it dries, it is all streaked. The only thing I was able to use that did not have that phenomenon was a cooking oil spray. Does anyone have Whirlpool or other appliances with that problem? I have other stainless appliances and sinks that you can use anything on and they come out shiny and no streaks. Anything else to try?

As a new homeowner who has never had any stainless-steel appliances, I wasn't properly prepared for the challenge of keeping them clean. My journey to a smudge-free refrigerator began by simply purchasing a variety of cleaning products labeled "stainless-steel cleaner." However, I quickly learned that most of them don't work. They create streaks, don't clean anything and often left my refrigerator looking like a crime scene.


That’s when I decided to get serious and figure out this stainless-steel cleaning challenge once and for all. After quite a bit of research, both online and on my fridge, I've finally cracked the code.

I don’t want you to suffer as I did, so here’s everything you need to know about keeping your stainless-steel appliances sparkling and streak-free.

The Basics of Cleaning Stainless Steel

Stainless steel is more of a challenge to keep clean because it shows fingerprints and can easily look streaky. Because of this, it’s very important to move your cloth in one direction and go with the grain when you clean. If you’re not sure which direction you should go, start in a small area and test things out. I find that a clean microfiber cloth works best, though you can also use paper towels.

You should also remember that there are different types of stainless steel. You might need to do a bit of experimenting before you hit on exactly what works best for your specific appliance. In fact, if you have several stainless-steel appliances, each one might require a slightly different cleaning routine.

There are also some major "don'ts" when it comes to cleaning stainless steel:

  • Avoid using steel wool or any other abrasive sponges or scrubber pads.
  • Don’t use any chlorine-based cleaner or anything with chloride in it.
  • Don’t use an oven cleaner.
  • If your tap water is harsh, it might leave spots or stains.

The Best At-Home Methods for Cleaning Stainless Steel

Vinegar and Olive Oil

Many people swear by the simple combination of vinegar and olive oil for keeping their stainless-steel appliances clean.

1: Add white vinegar to a clean spray bottle.

2: Spray down your stainless-steel appliance.

3: Wipe clean with a microfiber cloth.

4: Once clean, dip your cloth into a small amount of olive oil.

5: Move the cloth in the direction of the grain. This will add some deep shine to your appliance and remove any remaining streaks or marks.

Dish Soap and Baby Oil

Simple dish soap can also work to clean your stainless-steel appliances.

1: Clean the appliance with dish soap.

2: Put a small amount of baby oil on a microfiber cloth.

3: Move the cloth in the direction of the grain to polish and shine your appliance.

Club Soda

I've never tried this one, but I have friends who swear by this simple cleaning technique.

1: Add club soda to a clean spray bottle.

2: Spray down your stainless-steel appliance.

3: Rub the cloth in the direction of the grain to polish and shine your appliance.

The Best Store-Bought Methods for Cleaning Stainless Steel

Stainless steel appliances are known for their beauty and ability to be a clean surface that resists corrosion and rust.  Unfortunately,  stainless steel appliances are also know to be the source of great grief in many home kitchens, due to their ability to show every fingerprint, smudge and bit of residue left behind from daily use.

(my 16 yo took this picture and insisted I use it! lol)


I’ve had Whirlpool stainless steel appliances in my kitchen for 5 months now.  If you own stainless steel appliances, you may be in the same boat I was in…… losing a battle……..a battle against fingerprints and smudges.  The grimy streaks were winning!

I whined to my friends about the smudges all over my pretty new appliances.  I asked everyone I knew, including Mr. Google, how to clean stainless steel appliances.  I got a slew of answers, from window cleaner to alcohol and baby oil, to simply pure water and numerous specially formulated cleaners.  I tried, a clean dish cloth, paper towels and cloth diapers.

Nothing was working.

I vented my frustrations one day when I was on the phone with Jim,  product manager at Whirlpool, when he told me something that changed my life! He said he uses affresh™ Stainless steel cleaner and a microfiber cloth.  Jim told me he sprays the cloth with  affresh™ Stainless steel cleaner then wipes down his appliances and has had great luck with that method.


To be honest, I doubted it was going to work, but figured what did I have to lose?  I already had a bottle of affresh™ Stainless steel cleaner and a clean microfiber cloth.

As soon as we hung up the phone I headed to the kitchen to give it a go.  To my amazement it WORKED!!!

  1. If appliances have visible grime and food, take a clean microfiber cloth and a little warm soapy water to wipe down surface (always wipe with the grain of the stainless steel).  Then take the same cloth, rinse it well and wipe down surface again, removing soapy residue.
  2. Use a dry microfiber cloth and to spray the affresh™ Stainless steel cleaner on the cloth, NOT on the appliance (I usually just give it 2 squirts – don’t saturate the cloth)
  3. Wipe entire surface in the direction of the grain.
  4. Flip microfiber cloth over and buff surface using a little elbow grease until shiny!

I still have to clean them daily, but I have to tell you, I recently hired a cleaning lady to help me out a few times a month and when she walked into my kitchen she said “your appliances look AMAZING! how do you keep them so clean?!”  ….TRUE STORY!


  1. Do NOT use anything abrasive, such as steel wool or scrubber sponges. These may scratch the finish.
  2. Never clean in circular motion or against the grain.  Always clean stainless steel with the grain.
  3. Never use chlorine bleach on stainless steel.  It will ruin the finish.
  4. Do not allow residue to sit on surface.  Grime, dirt and cleaning products should be removed as soon as possible.
  5. Do not expect stainless steel to look beautiful on it’s own.  It’s going to take a little elbow grease and good daily maintenance to keep it looking shiny.

Not only am I still using the affresh™ Stainless steel cleaner on all of my stainless steel appliances daily, but I REALLY think the key is to use a microfiber cloth (I keep two that are only used on my appliances) and to spray the affresh™ Stainless steel cleaner on the cloth, NOT on the appliance.  I’m now winning the battle with the fingerprints and smudges……and the BEST part….my appliances are clean AND streak free!! (so many other methods would remove smudges, but then left streaks).

I talked to the people at affresh™ and they said they’d be happy to hook up some TidyMom readers with their Stainless steel cleaner!

Giveaway!  3 (three) lucky TidyMom readers will win 2(two) 16 oz bottles of affresh™ Stainless steel cleaner + 1 microfiber cloth

Giveaway has ended.  Congrats to Julie B and Meredith H

How to enter:  Simply leave a comment on this post telling me if you’ve had trouble or success with keeping stainless steel appliances clean.  (as always,  if you are reading this via email or rss reader, you must click over to the blog to enter)

For an extra entry:  You can share this post on pinterest, twitter, google+ or facebook and leave a comment letting me know you shared it (one extra entry per person)

Giveaway sponsored by affresh™. – I was not compensated for this post, but I do have a working relationship with Whirlpool – I truly use and love this product and wanted to share!

Official Rules: No purchase necessary. Open to US residents only.  Must be over 18. Giveaway will end on Feb 13, 2013 at 5:00 pm CST. Three (3) winners with a valid entry will be selected at random using Winners will be notified by email and will have 48 hours to claim their prize or another winner will be selected. TidyMom and affresh™ are not responsible for lost or undelivered emails.  Prize: 2(two) 16 oz bottles affresh™ Stainless steel cleaner – value ($6.99/bottle) and 1(one) microfiber cloth

WHERE TO BUY affresh™ Stainless steel cleaner

you can purchase affresh products online from Whirlpool and Amazon, or at your local Best Buy, Home Depot, Walmart, and Target.

I’m Lovin’…….affresh™ Stainless steel cleaner

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*Don’t forget to come back over the weekend for the I’m Lovin’ It Wrap Up post……where I feature a few of the great links!!

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What is the best thing to clean a stainless steel refrigerator with?

Vinegar and Olive Oil 1: Add white vinegar to a clean spray bottle. 2: Spray down your stainless-steel appliance. 3: Wipe clean with a microfiber cloth. 4: Once clean, dip your cloth into a small amount of olive oil.

What should you not clean a stainless steel fridge with?

Avoid abrasive scouring powders, scrubbers, bleach and ammonia to keep from damaging the appliance's finish. Never wipe stainless steel against the metal's grain. Always wipe with the grain to prevent streaking.

What can I use to clean my Whirlpool refrigerator?

Wash surfaces with warm, soapy water using liquid detergent and a nonabrasive sponge. Always rub evenly in the direction of the grain. Rinse with clean water and dry with a soft, lint-free cloth. Use a clean, dry towel to polish the surface in the direction of the grain until it shines.


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