How to add a profile picture on airbnb

Airbnb Profile Photo | change profile photo Airbnb | Airbnb guests

AIRBNB won’t reveal a potential guest’s profile picture before the booking is confirmed, the host will get to see DP only after he has accepted the booking request of the Host. 

Airbnb Profile Photo

Is it mandatory for Airbnb guests to put DP?

  • Is it mandatory for Airbnb guests to put DP?
  • Can Airbnb host request guest photo before booking is confirmed
  • What if Airbnb Guest uploads a false/ Wrong profile photo
  • Why Airbnb Do Not Show Profile Photo Before Booking Confirmation
  • FAQ
    • A host can see my Airbnb Profile Photo?
    • What do Airbnb Host can see about guests before confirmation

There is no requirement for profile images on Airbnb guests Unless specifically Such requirement is mandated by the host in listing (Dealt below in detail)

Some visitors choose not to submit a photo of themselves while making a reservation, despite the fact that the majority do so.

Can Airbnb host request guest photo before booking is confirmed

Yes, The option to request a profile photo from visitors is available to hosts. However Only once the host accepts the booking request, Host will be able to see the photo. 

In order to request a profile photo, the Host must For each listing enable the control option in settings if they would like to require guests to upload a profile photo. (Steps to enable are written below)

In the event that hosts take this action and a prospective guest doesn’t already have a profile photo, App will ask them to upload a valid picture before allowing them to request to reserve a hosting space. 

CRUX- The host won’t have access to a guest’s profile picture until after the host accepts the booking. The guest won’t be allowed to reserve a host place if they refuse to submit a photo.

On mobile:

  1. Go to the listing host’d like to require profile photos for
  2. Tap Booking settings
  3. Tap Guest requirements
  4. Look for the Profile photo section and tap Edit
  5. Tap Require a profile photo
  6. Tap Save

On desktop:

  1. From the dashboard, click Listings
  2. Click Booking settings
  3. Next to Guest requirements, click Edit
  4. Check the box next to the Profile photo
  5. Click Save

What if Airbnb Guest uploads a false/ Wrong profile photo

False pic uploaded by Guest

If the prospective guests upload an image that doesn’t reveal their faces, such as a picture of their cat or a sunrise. To solve the problem, the Host should immediately connect with the Airbnb team

It will promptly ask Guest To upload a valid profile picture showing their face

 If the guest refuses, the host will have the right to cancel without any penalty

Why Airbnb Do Not Show Profile Photo Before Booking Confirmation

Airbnb does not reveal the profile pictures of guests before a booking is confirmed by the host so as to avoid situations of arbitrariness or racial Discrimination by the host, To avoid situations of being judgmental just due to someone’s face or clothing looks in a certain way.

In accordance with Airbnb’s nondiscrimination policy, hosts are not permitted to refuse or cancel reservations on the basis of a guest’s race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status.

For example, suppose Airbnb allowed revealing Profile pictures before booking is confirmed then if a guest has uploaded profile pictures with Rainbow colors in the background and the host thinks the Guest belongs to the LGBT community

In many instances host is likely to not approve the booking. This is a case of Discrimination on basis of sexual orientation 


A host can see my Airbnb Profile Photo?

Airbnb hosts will be able to see your profile photo only after they have confirmed the booking, So even if you have uploaded it your host won’t be able to see it.

Although it’s not mandatory to upload your photo however hosts can easily put in settings that require you to upload your profile photo Before Booking, 

You will get a prompt in the Airbnb app to upload a Valid profile picture only then you will be allowed to proceed further.

But as discussed earlier, rules remain the same your photo won’t still be visible Call Host confirms

What do Airbnb Host can see about guests before confirmation

Airbnb shows the following information about guests on the app:

  • First Name and Last Initial
  • Location of guest’s home
  • Earlier reviews given to hosts  
  • Number of trips taken as a guest 

It’s important for Hosts as well as guests to go through the below-mentioned article.

Airbnb Profile Photo | change profile photo Airbnb | Airbnb guests

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Do you need a profile picture on AirBNB?

All Hosts are required to have a profile photo, and some Hosts require the same of their guests. Guest profile photos aren't displayed until after a booking is confirmed and can be removed at any time. Did this article help?

How do I create a profile on AirBNB?

Just go to and click Sign Up, or download our mobile app and follow the instructions..
Email address..
Phone number..
Facebook or Google account..
Apple ID..


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