How many calories does two scrambled eggs have

There are on average between 55 and 80 calories in an egg depending on its size. For details of all sizes see below.

How many calories are there in an egg?

The calories in an egg will vary depending on the size and how it is prepared. However, on average a single medium-sized egg will contain around 66 calories, an average small egg will contain around 55 calories and an average large egg around 80 calories.

Most of these calories come from the yolk, which is the particularly nutrient dense part of the egg and includes many essential vitamins and minerals. Below is a list of full calorie values in various sizes of an egg.

Nutrition information

Per small egg (48g)

Per medium size egg (58g)

Per large egg (68g)

Per very large egg (78g)

Per 100g

Energy kcal(calories)






Energy kJ






Calories in cooked eggs

Two scrambled eggs cooked in the microwave with a little salt and pepper and a dash of semi-skimmed milk will provide around 170 calories. If you are cooking your scrambled eggs using the pan method, two large eggs with a dash of semi-skimmed milk scrambled with a small knob of butter will total between 200 and 245 calories depending on the amount of butter added.

Poached eggs are very popular as they don’t need you to add any extra cooking oil or butter to cook. This means poached egg calories equal the same as in the table above – between 54 and 80 calories depending on the size.

The calorie value of a fried egg will differ depending on the type of fat used in the pan and whether you drain it. It is often recommended to use oils which are rich in monounsaturates such as rapeseed or olive oil. A fried egg can range from 85 calories if using only a little spray-oil, to around 120 calories if frying in oil and not draining it.

Calories in popular egg dishes

Egg dish


Protein (g)

Carbohydrate (g)

Fat (g)

One boiled egg, 2 slices toast + 10g margarine





Two egg plain omelette, 200g potatoes





Two scrambled eggs, 1 toasted bagel (60g)





Eggs and dieting

Eggs are a great food to include in your diet if you’re trying to lose weight whilst ensuring your body gets all the essential nutrition it needs. Because eggs are nutritionally dense and contain fewer than 70 calories (medium-sized) they can be part of any calorie-controlled meals and snacks whilst still providing lots of protein and vital vitamins, minerals and fats.

The way you prepare your eggs will of course affect their nutritional value. For instance, if you fry an egg in fat, instead of boiling it, this will increase the number of overall calories. It is also important to eat your eggs along with other nutrient-rich foods, such as vegetables, salads and whole grains.

More information about eggs and nutrition

If you are interested in eggs and dieting, visit our section on eggs and weight loss

For more information on eggs and health, visit our health section or nutritional information page for more details on calories, fats and carbohydrates.

Annually, the average American consumes 279 eggs, as the simple and delicious source of protein finds itself in more diets. This has steadily increased over the years, attributed to greater health conscious decisions. Individuals who are more concerned about fitness and health, generally view food in terms of values that are measurable – such as proteins and calories. This is precisely why eggs are one of the most popular ingredients for breakfast. Packed with nutrients, eggs are a delicious way to start the day. Amidst varying claims about calories in two scrambled eggs, it is time to take a studied look at the actual calories and the reason behind the differences seen in different preparations.

What exactly are calories and how many calories in two scrambled eggs?

Calories are units of energy and in nutrition, it refers to the energy received by the body through dietary intake and energy utilized in routine activities. Every individual requires a specific amount of calories every single day, and this differs from person to person, depending on various factors such as age, gender, metabolism, and type of routine activities. The average requirement of calories is 2700k cal per day for men and 220 kcal per day for women. However, as mentioned above, this is not necessarily the same for all individuals, this figure denotes the average requirement. Before we look at the number of calories in two scrambled eggs it is necessary to look at calories a little more closely.

What is calorific value, and what are the values in different foods?

Calorific value refers to the amount of energy that is generated on consuming food. In other words, the energy that is released as a result of digesting food is the calorific value. The total calorific value of food is calculated as a sum of the energy that is provided by nutrients in food – proteins, fat and carbohydrates. To understand the number of calories in two scrambled eggs, it is essential to see the calorific values of the main components of food.

Nutrients Calories

Carbohydrates – 4 kcal/per gram
Fat – 9 kcal/per gram
Protein – 4 kcal/per gram

This information will help us to look at the amount of calories in two scrambled eggs clearly without confusion. The average egg is typically around 55 grams, while large eggs are around 62 grams in terms of mass. This may vary – jumbo sized eggs are known to be more than 71 grams in weight. To arrive at the total calories in any diet, there are two possible methods – you could look at it in terms of nutrition for every 100 grams or you could look at it in terms of nutrition for specific units. In the case of eggs, best option is to always look at it in terms of specific units, as you are more likely to use two eggs or three eggs per serving. This helps you to get a candid picture of the calorific value of your intake.


The average is 180 calories in two scrambled eggs

On an average you get 180 calories in two scrambled eggs. This adds up because of the various ingredients and methods of preparation that are used for scrambled eggs. The addition of milk and the method of preparation makes up the difference of around 60 calories to the two raw eggs. Here it would not be out of place to differentiate between the whites of eggs and the yolk in eggs. In the average large sized egg, the calories from the yolk is around 50, while the calories from the whites of the egg is around 50. Eggs are a great source of nutrition – in addition to the calories in two scrambled eggs, every egg gives anywhere between 6 to 7 grams of protein. This helps individuals to meet the daily dietary requirement of proteins in a healthy manner. On an average, eggs also have around 5 grams of fat, which works out to 45 calories.

Breakup of calories in two scrambled eggs

The breakup of calories in two scrambled eggs is an interesting fact sheet. Of the 180 calories from two eggs, around 120 are from dietary fat. This includes 80 percent of healthy fat – monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat. This effectively makes the egg, a healthy ingredient to have in your breakfast. With just 20 percent of saturated fat in the calories, eggs are certainly a healthy option.

In addition to the nutrients outlined above, eggs are a powerhouse of nutrition, rich in lutein, zeaxanthin that are known to have disease fighting properties. Other nutrition in eggs include iron, minerals, carotenoids and vitamins. The combination of these ingredients and the calorific value of eggs make it one of the most suitable and delicious ingredients for a healthy breakfast.

Is 2 scrambled eggs healthy?

For most healthy adults, it's safe to eat 1–2 eggs a day depending on how much other cholesterol is in your diet. If you already have high cholesterol or other risk factors for heart disease, it may be best to eat no more than 4–5 eggs per week.

How many calories are in 2 scrambled eggs without milk?

154 Calories.

How many calories are two scrambled eggs?

There are 203 calories in 2 large Scrambled Eggs (Whole, Cooked).

How many calories is 2 scrambled eggs with cheese?

Egg Omelet or Scrambled Egg with Cheese There are 281 calories in 2 large Egg Omelets or Scrambled Eggs with Cheese.


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