How long does a femur break take to heal

The methods used to treat femur fractures can vary, and rehabilitation is always necessary after the initial treatment, to restore full movement and mobility to the ankle and help the patient return to all usual activities. After the thigh bone has healed from the initial treatment for the fracture, and patients can bear weight on the leg and joint, a physical therapy regimen is implemented to strengthen muscles and increase mobility. Without proper rehabilitation, complications such as chronic pain, inflammation and weakness, may cause difficulty walking and performing physical activities.

Nonsurgical Rehabilitation for Femur Fracture

If the femur fracture does not require surgery, it is often treated with a cast or removable brace, and patients are typically advised not to put any weight on the leg for about 8 weeks. A physical therapist will help the patient to walk safely using crutches or a walker, or other assistive device. Once the cast or brace has been removed and patients can begin moving their leg, physical therapy and home exercise are extremely important for a full recovery. Physical therapy treatments may include:

  • Muscle strengthening exercises
  • Gradual weight-bearing activities
  • Range of motion exercises
  • Balance training

Depending on the patient's physical job requirements or athletic activities, a physical therapist may create a tailored treatment plan. Recovery times vary for each patient, but most individuals can return to all normal activities within 4 to 6 months.

Rehabilitation After Femur Fracture Surgery

Rehabilitation after femur fracture surgery is often a slow and cautious process. After surgery, the leg is put in a cast or set in a brace, for about 8 weeks. A physical therapist will work the patient to make sure that he or she is using crutches safely. The patient may not be able to bear weight on the leg for up to 12 weeks. Initial physical therapy treatments may focus on controlling pain and swelling with the use of ice or electrical stimulation treatments. Massage may also be used to ease muscle pain. Physical therapy treatments focus on improving range of motion without putting excessive strain on the healing bone or ligaments. As the femur bone heals, muscle-stengthening exercises as well as range of motion exercises and balance training are may all be used to increase movement and mobility. Full recovery after femur fracture surgery may take up to 6 months.

Additional Resources

  • MedlinePlus
  • National Institutes of Health
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
  • U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
  • U.S. National Library of Medicine
  • WebMD

When four time Tour de France winner Chris Froome was relegated from pre-Tour form chasing to intensive care in the blink of an eye, cyclists the world over winced at the announcement of a broken femur.

The Team Ineos rider reportedly crashed into a wall at 54 kilometres per hour when a gust of wind grasped his front wheel and brought him to a dead stop.

The 34-year-old's injuries are said to involve fractured ribs and right elbow, pelvis, as well as the thigh bone.

Racing stat Bible,, has already confirmed that of the 19 riders in its database who fractured a femur after May 15, not one came back to race that season.

The femur is the longest and strongest bone in the human body. Breaking it often requires a fair amount of speed and force, and it's usually an injury associated with motor vehicle collisions. But it's not all bad news.

"If its just a clean break, and you're relatively fit and healthy and have the right physiotherapy, your recovery can be quick," explained former pro and osteopath to UCI WorldTour teams, Alice Monger-Godfrey. (opens in new tab)

"It will take at least six weeks, though there will be the odd person who gets back quicker. It doesn't have to be the year out that people think. But you need to ensure it's healed properly. You don't want to rush back too soon, as pedalling puts a lot of force through the area.

"However, the length of recovery time depends on where you break the femur," Monger-Godfrey explains.

"When the head of the femur is broken, it's very different to a break half way down the femur. Recovery could be anything from 12 weeks to 12 months."

Femur fracture types range from proximal femur fractures (or hip fractures) involving the hip joint, to femoral shaft fractures, halfway down the bone, or supracondylar femur fractures where the bone is broken just above the knee. 

The hip is rich in blood and nerve supply, but as Monger-Godfrey explains, "if blood supply has been affected it can cause complications and take a lot more time."

Froome is at the top of his game (Photo by Anne-Christine POUJOULAT / AFP)

(Image credit: AFP/Getty Images)

Of course, what's most important is Froome's overall health - but there's a nation of cyclists eager to see him ride at the top level. After a successful operation, he's already said to be looking at the rehab ahead - with surgeons quoting six months as a goal. 

"Froome is fit and healthy, at the top of his game, which will speed up recovery. But unless he's completely super-human, that will likely be the end of the season for him. There will be a lot of recovery - a severe amount of pain - and you don't know the extent of swelling, scar tissue, any nerve damage," she explains.

Collarbone breaks are the most common fracture in cycling, with neck and vertebrae cracks not unusual either. Breaking a femur takes quite a bit of work.

"It is definitely a rare injury -  the glutes and surrounding muscle mass mean it's quite a protected joint, and breaking a femur is more often a result of trauma. There's also an element of weight and bone density. If you have low bone density, if you fall, you are more likely to break a bone."

Rare doesn't mean it's not something that affects amateurs. First category rider for TAAP Cervelo (opens in new tab), Ryan Visser, broke his greater trochanter - at the top of the femur - in 2017. He was back racing on the road and track in eight weeks.

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"I was doing some descending practice in Mallorca - trying to push myself and try a few new things," Visser explains.

"It was a tight hairpin, I just leaned a bit too much and hit some sand. I dropped heavily on to my hip. I got back on my bike, but starting the next ascent, I realised I couldn't put any force through the pedal."

"There's two types of greater trochanter break. You can break the head off, which is basically game over because it's really hard to pin it. Or you can fracture it, which is what I did.

"I was told its six to 10 weeks until you heal. I had six weeks on crutches, and then I could sit on the Wattbike, gently pedalling. I was racing eight weeks after the accident.

"I've crashed before - you usually break a shoulder or a collarbone. You always feel like those are minor and you can bounce back. As soon as I broke my leg, I realised I won't bounce back every time. I've realised I am vulnerable, and that can cause you to lose your edge.

"Another area I was told about afterwards was bone density. I crashed at slow speed but still broke a bone. Since then I've tried to do more jogging, more weights, to try and make my bones stronger.

"I still struggle with walking up the stairs. I push off with my right foot, and the left hip follows - I'm not pushing with my left foot. This is two years after. It's just not quite the same - though I don't notice it on the bike, our team raced the Cicle Classic this year and I'm getting better results than ever on the track."

Visser is keen to highlight that a strong support structure got him back on the bike quickly, with a limited break in the season - and of course, that's something Froome has in abundance.

"Froome will have the best team around him. If its diagnosed quickly and treated correctly, he will be back on track as quickly as possible. I can't imagine his prognosis will be the same as someone not in the same athletic form," Monger-Godfrey confirms.

How long does it take to walk normally after a femur fracture?

Recovery most often takes 4 to 6 months. The length of your recovery will depend on how severe your fracture is, whether you have skin wounds, and how severe they are. Recovery also depends on whether your nerves and blood vessels were injured, and what treatment you had.

What are the long term effects of a broken femur?

Long-term symptoms after fracture include muscular weakness, limited standing and walking, gait abnormalities, some intermittent pain, and inability to return to preinjury work. Surgical management is rarely needed to treat femoral stress fractures; however, surgical stabilization is recommended for recalcitrant cases.

Can you walk with a broken femur bone?

Can I walk on a broken femur? If you have a broken femur, you won't be able to put weight on your injured leg.

How painful is breaking a femur?

A femoral shaft fracture usually causes immediate, severe pain. You will not be able to put weight on the injured leg, and it may look deformed—shorter than the other leg and no longer straight.


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