How long after wisdom teeth removal can you drink alcohol

Summer is here, and it’s time for barbeques, dance nights, music, and alcohol! However, if you recently have had a tooth extraction, you may have to pass a few days without a chilled beer.

Oral procedures such as the placement of dental implants or wisdom teeth removals need time and care to heal completely. After a tooth extraction, you should drop certain habits from your lifestyle and items from your menu, and drinking alcohol is one of them.

Why You Shouldn’t Drink Alcohol After A Tooth Extraction

Adverse effects of anesthesia

Right after the extraction, your body will still be under anesthetic effect. Specifically, drinking alcohol can amplify dizziness. For this reason, dentists suggest personal supervision for a minimum of 24 hours after the surgery.

Alcohol can cause a dry socket

For quick and healthy recovery after a tooth extraction, your body must form a blood clot at the extraction site. If the blood clot doesn’t form or is dislodged due to any reason, you may experience a dry socket. Unfortunately, it is a painful condition that puts a brake on your healing process.

Drinking alcoholic drinks such as beer or wine after a tooth extraction can disturb the blood clot, elevating the chances of a dry socket development. This can lead to slowed recovery and other complications.

Bad combo with pain medication

Pain and discomfort are normal after a tooth removal, and your dentist may prescribe some pain medication for comfort. Unfortunately, alcohol and pain relievers (prescribed or over-the-counter) don’t go well and can even cause dizziness and liver damage. Stay away from alcohol while you heal from the surgery.

So How Long After A Wisdom Teeth Removal Can I Drink Alcohol?

If you want to stay away from troubles, avoid drinking alcohol for atleast 72 hours after having your tooth pulled. However, the longer you wait, the better.

What Other Things Should I Avoid After A Tooth Extraction?

Taking care of your mouth after an extraction is your responsibility. The following steps can help ease pain and make you feel better.

Control bleeding

Firmly biting on the gauze that your dentist placed can help control bleeding. Specifically, biting will build up pressure that assists in the formation of a blood clot. Another useful hack is biting on a teabag. The tannic acid in tea helps blood clot development and also lessens pain.

Minimize swelling

Putting an ice pack outside the removal site can help reduce swelling. Apply the ice pack for 10 minutes – on and off. Repeat for a comfortable amount of time.

Mitigate pain

Taking over-the-counter pain relievers or those prescribed by your dentist can help minimize pain and discomfort. Avoid driving while you are on medication as they may make you dizzy.

Take rest

Get enough rest and slow down your activities for a day or two after your wisdom teeth removal. Furthermore, take ample amounts of rest during the day and sleep early. Additionally, when sleeping, use an extra pillow to raise your head slightly.


The following can help with quicker recovery.

  • Eat soft, healthy foods, including fruits, veggies, and cereals.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day and other liquids such as fresh juices and milkshakes
  • Keep your mouth clean by gently brushing your teeth; however, avoid allowing the bristles to touch the extraction site. Also, make sure you are not using toothpaste as it may displace the blood clot.


Things to avoid after extraction.

  • Avoid drinking with a straw as it can break down the blood clot, giving you a dry socket.
  • Don’t drink hot liquids such as tea or coffee for the first few days or the next 48 hours after your tooth removal. Hot drinks can worsen the swelling and slow down recovery.
  • Don’t smoke as it can dislodge the blood clot and cause a painful condition.

Take good care of yourself, and you’ll be better in no time. By following the above steps and instructions by your dentist, you’re on the path to getting a healthy smile!

Schedule Your Appointment!

If you are concerned about any symptoms you have after your tooth extraction, such as extreme pain, vomiting, excessive bleeding, or swelling, immediately visit your dentist. No matter where you live in Texas, our dental clinics are present in multiple locations. Visit us for your emergency today!

Posted: January 6th, 2021 Category:

Getting a tooth pulled isn’t most people’s idea of a fun time. Very few people would blame you for wanting to relax with a beer after the procedure. However, if you want to have a smooth and speedy recovery, you shouldn’t go reaching for the alcohol cabinet just yet. Why is that? Keep reading as an emergency dentist in Colorado Springs explains whether it’s safe to drink alcohol after a tooth extraction.

Can I Drink Alcohol After a Tooth Extraction?

Unfortunately, most dentists will recommend abstaining from alcohol after you have a tooth pulled. Once a tooth is removed, a blood clot must form over the extraction site in order for your mouth to heal properly. This process can take about a week. If the blood is unable to clot, or if the clot is dislodged prematurely, you could get a painful condition called dry socket.

Not only does dry socket hurt, but it also leaves the nerves and bones near the extraction site vulnerable to bacterial infection, ultimately slowing down your healing process. You may end up having to schedule more follow-up appointments with your dentist in addition to feeling pain radiate through your mouth and even the rest of your face.

How Soon After a Tooth Extraction Can I Drink Alcohol?

Generally, it’s best to avoid alcohol after an extraction for as long as your dentist suggests. That’s usually at least 72 hours. Just to be on the safe side, though, you may want to wait seven to 10 days for the blood clot to fully form and the extraction site to finish healing.

During that time, drink water instead. It’s important to stay hydrated throughout the healing process. However, remember to NOT drink through a straw, as that could dislodge the blood clot and cause dry socket.

Other Tips for a Smooth Recovery

In addition to refraining from drinking alcohol, here are some more post-op tips for a quick and easy recover after a tooth extraction:

  • Avoid strenuous physical activity for at least the first 72 hours.
  • When lying down, raise your head slightly.
  • Leave the gauze that your dentist put over the extraction site in place for a few hours to encourage a blood clot to form. Afterward, change it as often as needed.
  • Take all medications, including painkillers and antibiotics, as directed.
  • Do not rinse or spit too vigorously.
  • Hold an ice pack to your cheek in 10-minute intervals to reduce swelling and discomfort.
  • Avoid using straws for the first 48 hours.
  • Do not use tobacco products for at least three days.

As tempting as it may be to unwind with a bottle of beer or a glass of wine after your tooth extraction, it’s best to avoid it. By following the steps listed above, and the aftercare guidelines provided by your dentist, your mouth will be fully healed before you know it. Then, you can celebrate with a toast to your healthy smile!

About the Author

Dr. Kenneth Gasper II obtained his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the Louisiana State University School of Dentistry. In his 30+ years of experience as a general and emergency dentist in Colorado Springs, he has trained extensively in many areas of dentistry, including tooth extractions. He’ll make sure your procedure and recovery go swimmingly. To learn more about making a smooth recovery after a tooth extraction, you can contact his office at (719) 626-4145 or visit his website.


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