How long after a bbl can you have intercourse

This is one of the most common questions I get asked during a preoperative consultation. Sometimes it is the patient asking, sometimes the spouse. It gets interesting when the spouse asks, and the patient gives me a look with hidden meaning or vice versa. Some patients in troubled relationships have asked me to tell their spouses that sex is off-limits for 6 months or longer. I love how honest my patients are with me and how they open up in this situation as I ending up being a sounding board for their most intimate personal issues.

So, when can you resume normal sexual activities after plastic surgery? There may not be a straightforward answer. It depends on the nature of the surgical procedure, your particular recovery process, the amount of discomfort you are in, the degree and location of bandages or drains, and if you feel ready for it.

Exercise Restrictions After Plastic Surgery (Yes, Sex is Exercise)

After any surgical procedure, there will be activity restrictions. All patients have to protect their surgical sites to avoid bleeding, swelling, wound separation, or irritation. Some patients may need to keep their body in certain positions. For example, after a tummy tuck, a hips-flexed posture needs to be maintained for 1-2 weeks; for breast surgery, patients need to sleep on their backs with arms near sides for 2-3 weeks. Exercise should be avoided for at least 3-4 weeks, as increases in heart rate and blood pressure can increase risks for bleeding and swelling. Think of sex as exercise.

Pressure, shear, or tension forces can be detrimental to healing incisions. Many patients after breast augmentation, in particular, feel so much better about themselves soon after surgery and want to get intimate sooner rather than later. I had one patient who was several days after breast augmentation and opened up her incision during sex with her boyfriend. Luckily, we were able to get her to surgery quickly and fix the problem, saving her implant. Why would you want to jeopardize the success of your operation by being noncompliant with post-operative activity restrictions? Not only that, but a second trip to the operating room is a costly endeavor that you are responsible for.

Post-Operative Turn-Offs

Some patients will need to be wearing special bras or compression garments. Most patients don’t feel sexy in surgical support garments. Drains and bloody drainage is a turn-off to most partners. Visible healing incisions and sutures are unpleasant to most people.

Pain is also a turn-off. Sex isn’t that much fun if you are in pain or out of it from pain pills. Nausea associated with medication also makes for a bad sexual experience. So, no sex until you are not in any pain is advised. Listen to your body and use some common sense. If something hurts, don’t do it.

The time you will need to wait will be longer for more involved operations. For instance, if you had joint breast surgery and tummy tuck (such as in a mommy makeover), you may want to wait 4-6 weeks.

Resume Sex When You're Physically (and Mentally) Ready

The key to resuming sex is to use common sense. In many cases, you may need to be somewhat inventive with positioning to enjoy sex. Having someone’s body weight on an area that is healing is not a good idea. But, if you can position yourselves to prevent this, you may be able to proceed without harm. Listen to your body. If nothing is hurting, it is probably ok. Start slow and be careful.

Another consideration is that many of our patients stop birth control pills or hormones before elective surgical procedures that involve general anesthesia. So be careful. An unintended pregnancy during the perioperative period would be a big surprise and something you hadn’t considered when planning your surgery.

In addition to your plastic surgeon’s recommendation, the most important consideration is when you, as the patient, feel ready for this both mentally and physically. Be patient with yourself. Many patients after surgery experience dramatic improvements in self-confidence and self-esteem and are ready to get out there and show off. They find that physical closeness is comforting and makes them feel great. Others take longer to feel prepared and they want to be left alone for a period of time as they recover. Some individuals are in doubt about how they feel about themselves due to persistent swelling, scars, or changes occurring in their bodies. The key here is to be honest with your lover and work through this together. Understanding and reassurances can go a long way.

So the bottom line is that you invested a lot of time, money, and some discomfort when going through plastic surgery. It is crucial that you follow all post-operative activity restrictions for an uncomplicated recovery and success in your results. The first 3 weeks after surgery may be the riskiest, so be careful during this time frame. Listen to your body and use common sense. If in doubt, ask your plastic surgeon.

Contact Our Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon Today

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Hayley Brown has owned and operated Desert Hills Plastic Surgery Center for 20 years. As a female plastic surgeon, she's intimately familiar with the needs and concerns that women experience around plastic surgery. She and her team will be with you every step of the way, from your initial consultation through your surgery and recovery as you start to resume your routine.

Dr. Brown serves Henderson, Las Vegas, and nearby areas of Nevada. Call (702) 260-7707 today to schedule a consultation.

Dr. Hayley Brown MD, FACS
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Desert Hills Plastic Surgery Center, Henderson and Las Vegas, Nevada

How long after liposuction can you have intercourse?

If you had liposuction under your chin, on the backs of your knees, or your upper arms, you may be ready to resume sexual relations within a few days. But if we removed excess fat on large areas of your thighs, belly, and/or buttocks, you might have to wait a week to ten days.

How long does it take to fully heal from a BBL?

Recovery from a BBL takes about six weeks. For the first two, you will need to avoid both sitting and laying directly on your backside. Sleeping will need to be done on your side or stomach, and sitting will require a donut seat or pillow.


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