How far is grapevine texas from houston texas

Direct routes for travel from Houston to Grapevine

The bus offers routes from Houston to the most remote corners of Grapevine as well as different services. Direct buses depart from Sawyer St @ Lubbock St and arrive at Dallas, Tx. Services operate 22 buses daily and 159 buses per week. The journey takes approximately 7 hours and costs from 34 USD. To get from Houston to Grapevine, you can take the direct flight, which takes 1 hour and costs from 100 USD. There are 68 direct flights per day and 477 flights per week.

Houston to Grapevine by bus

Obviously, bus travel has its romance, so we recommend you to make your way to Grapevine from Houston using this type of transport. The distance between two cities is 302 miles. The bus trip from will take approximately 6 hours. Traveling by bus will cost you on average 20 USD. Also, don't forget to buy a ticket that will cost you from 10 USD. 5 stopovers separate you from your destination city. Flixbus USA offers routes to Grapevine.

Flight from Houston to Grapevine

The plane is the fastest and most convenient way to visit Grapevine from College Station. 164-mile distance separates two destinations. One of the best way to get from one city to another is to take a flight that lasts 1 hour. You can fly from Houston to Grapevine for about 490 USD. Getting to the selected destination by plane will cost you from 160 USD. Your flight number to Grapevine will be 3190.

Driving directions from Houston to Grapevine

The route from Houston to Grapevine is 263 miles long. Traveling to Grapevine will take you around 4 hours. The standard fuel cost is 32 USD.

The fly or drive score is:

230  /  165

What is the fly or drive score?

The fly or drive score is an estimate of the true cost of travel. A lower score is better. Our score includes factors like airline prices and fuel costs, but it also takes into account the value of your time spent traveling. If you're taking time off work because you have to drive an extra day, it might be better to fly even if driving is technically cheaper. Tap on a blue or green value to customize it.

driving is cheaper

Number of travelers = 1 person

Cheapest airfare = $200.00 round trip

Total airfare for all travelers = $200.00
Extra costs (transportation) = $0.00

Number of passengers = 1 person
Number of cars = 1 car

Gas for each car = $74.27 round trip
Fuel efficiency = 25 mpg

Current gas price = $3.56

Total fuel costs for all cars = $74.27

flying is shorter

Flight distance = 241 miles one-way

Driving distance = 261 miles one-way

flying is faster

Getting to IAH airport = 47 minutes

George Bush Intercontinental Airport
Check-in/wait at the airport = 60 minutes

Flight time = 46 minutes
Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport
Leaving DFW airport = 10 minutes

Total travel time = 3 hours, 3 minutes

Driving time = 3 hours, 52 minutes

Extra time for stops =

Extra costs (tolls, rental car) =

Wear and tear cost = $0.10 per mile

Total wear and tear = $52.20

flying is better

Value of time factor = $30.47

Value of time factor = $38.72

driving is the winner

Fly Score = 230

Drive Score = 165

Cost to fly or drive

You can adjust any of the settings above to customize the calculation for your exact trip. We assume some simple default values to get a quick answer to start.

The Fly Score is an estimate of how much it would cost you to take a flight, including factors to account for the value of your time getting to the airport, checking in, and waiting for the plane to take off and land. The default fly score is 230 from Houston to Grapevine.

The Drive Score is a comparable calculation that estimates the total cost of doing a road trip. You might spend less on gas than the price of airfare, but it could take you longer to get there if you're driving. So we include the value of your time spent in the car, as well as additional costs for things like hotel, tolls, food, and whatever else you want to include. The default drive score from Houston to Grapevine is 165.

So in this case, it's better to drive from Houston to Grapevine.

These results are based on the actual driving distance from Houston to Grapevine, which is 261 miles or 420 kilometers. You can also check the cost of driving from Houston to Grapevine.

 Houston, Texas

Is it better to fly or drive to Houston, TX from where I am now?

 Grapevine, Texas

Should I fly or drive to Grapevine, TX?

Is Grapevine close to Houston?

261 miles / 420 km.

What major city is close to Grapevine Texas?

Southlake, TX. Coppell, TX. Flower Mound, TX.

How far apart are Houston and Dallas?

Distance from Dallas to Houston The shortest distance (air line) between Dallas and Houston is 225.84 mi (363.46 km). The shortest route between Dallas and Houston is 240.70 mi (387.37 km) according to the route planner. The driving time is approx. 4h 29min.

What is special about Grapevine Texas?

Grapevine is home to a variety of award-winning winery tasting rooms. Lake Grapevine is an 8,000-acre recreational lake with more than 19 miles of wilderness trails. Lake Grapevine offers 2 marinas, Scott's Landing Marina and Silver Lake Marina and family friendly campgrounds. Grapevine boasts 81 holes of golf.


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