How does the integumentary system work with the digestive system

The Integumentary System 

Why is this system important to the Human body?

What organs make up this system?

This is an image of the human body (the body is blue to represent the skin.).

The integumentary system is a very important system for the human body. It protects your internal organs from the outside, for example the skin and nails cover and protect the body.

The integumentary system also retains body fluid (such as the water in your body), disposes waste, controls body temperature and protects against diseases since your skin is your first line of defense against viruses. With the integumentary system doing all these functions for your body

So, without the integumentary system you wouldn't be able to survive.

The integumentary system consists of one main organ, this organ is your skin. The skin is one of the largest organs in your body, it has 3 layers known as the Epidermis, Dermis, and the Hypodermis. 

The integumentary system does not only consist of skin it is also made up of hair, nails and sweat glands, but these organs are part of the skin.

How does this system function?

This system has many important functions some of these functions are:

  • Stores water and fat
  • Protects you from viruses and disease (first line of defense)
  • Protects your body from sudden changes of temperature
  • Helps dispose waste
  • Helps you touch, feel pressure, pain, heat, and cold
  • Protects your body's internal organs

How does this system work with the other systems?

Brief Description: For the fact that your integumentary system mainly consists of your skin, it works with your immune system as your skin is your first line of defense for viruses (such as the Adenovirus).It works with your Digestive system as it encourages uptake of calcium in your diet. When the integumentary system works with the Circulatory system it works with your skin capillaries as well since the integumentary system helps regulate body temperature. The last system the integumentary system works with is your Nervous system as your skin provides sense of touch and as you touch things your nerves work together with your other senses and sends messages/signals to your brain.

So your integumentary system doesn't only work by itself, it helps the other systems as well, since your body's largest organ is part of it. So all these organs work together to keep you alive.
The Immune System and The Integumentary System

Your Immune system is the system that protects you from viruses and sicknesses. The skin is known as the first line of defense
from diseases. This is because there are glands in the skin that secrete oils causing your skin to act as a barrier to protect you. Although, these viruses can still come through your eyes, mouth, or nose.

The Digestive System and The Integumentary System

Your integumentary system works with your digestive system as it encourages the uptake of calcium in your diet. This happens when Vitamin D enters your bloodstream through the capillaries in the skin. The digestive system is also the fact that your skin is healthy since the fats and oils in your digestion are important for the body as it will help your body make protective oils for the hair and skin.

The Circulatory System and The Integumentary System

Your integumentary system is important to the circulatory system and the surface capillaries through the body. Certain substances enter the bloodstream through the capillaries in your skin and the patches are used to deliver medications that range from severe (heart problems) to common (smoking cessation). Also, one of the functions of the integumentary system is that it regulates body temperature. So, when you're hot or cold the brain sends impulses to your skin.

The Nervous System and The Integumentary System

The nervous system also depends on the integumentary system since your skin controls your sense of touch. Also, the nervous system relies on the neurons in your skin to sense the outside and based on your senses your nervous system creates actions that are suitable. An example is if you get hurt on your knee, the nerve cells on your knee send signals to the brain and the nerve cell connections sense pain.

What organs work together for the integumentary system?

The integumentary system is an organ system consisting of the skin, hair, nails, and exocrine glands. FUN FACT: The skin is the largest organ of the human body! It accounts for about 15% of your body weight, and the average person has about 300 million skin cells.

What other systems work with the digestive system?

Digesting food requires teamwork between the digestive system and several other organ systems, including the nervous, cardiovascular, and muscular systems.

How about integumentary and what system does it connected?

The integumentary system includes the epidermis, dermis, hypodermis, associated glands, hair, and nails. In addition to its barrier function, this system performs many intricate functions such as body temperature regulation, cell fluid maintenance, synthesis of Vitamin D, and detection of stimuli.


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