How do you get rid of daddy long leg spiders

We apologise in advance for the following bad news but we must be prepared in the face of adversity – and luckily we can help you with that.

This year we will see a greater than usual infestation of daddy-longlegs – the annoying, dangling crane flies that hover around us and sit on our walls waiting to take flight when our backs are turned.

Once again, in classic British style, the weather is to blame.

Normally, the flies lay their eggs in lawns during Winter but, due to our classic British freeze, most of the larvae do not survive.

However, because last Winter was a lot milder than we are used to, many more daddy-longlegs babies were able to survive and develop.

Entomologist Barry Warrington told The Metro, ‘It is definitely a bumper year this year, simply due to the nice weather.’

‘It has not been as cold, there is a lot more for them to prey on. Warmer conditions suit them more, and they are actually out earlier than usual this year.'

In conclusion, the warm weather we have all enjoyed so far this year has brought with it a flying shadow of insects and arachnids that are about to find warmth in our houses.

How to keep spiders out of your home

The experts at the GHI recommend closing your doors and windows when you can and, once any spiders are inside, using a vacuum or broom to remove them (making sure not to mark your walls or carpet).

You can also try placing conkers in the corners of your rooms. Although this old wives' tale might not have much scientific evidence behind it, people have relied on it for years with the theory being that they emit a noxious chemical that drives the spider away.

Spiders, of all varieties, also hate the smell of peppermint, so try spraying peppermint oil along your door frames to deter them.

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How to Get Rid of Daddy Long Leg Spiders

Harvestmen species outdoors can be quite beneficial for your environment as they eat a variety of different insects including: aphids, caterpillars, beetles, flies, mites, small slugs, snails, spiders, other harvestmen, decaying plant and animal matter, bird droppings and fungi that can be detrimental to your lawn or garden and your family’s health.

Contact your local Truly Nolen location to ask about harvestmen control. Also ask about Truly Nolen’s Four Seasons approach to pest control. Thinking like a bug, Truly Nolen’s program treats pests throughout the year, scheduling maintenance and monitoring visits using people and pet friendly IPM practices to eliminate pests from your property.

Truly sweeps your interior and exterior for harvestmen and other pests, applying materials to your exterior that create pest barriers for your property. Additionally, as a homeowner, you can follow a few guidelines that work to keep pests out of your home. While these practices can help prevent pests, like harvestmen, homeowners should contact a professional pest control company, like Truly Nolen if they discover a pest issue in their homes. Precautionary proactive pest control practices include:

  • Removing all woodpiles and debris from around your property.
  • Sealing all cracks and crevices around doorways, windows and your home’s foundation to exclude pests from your home.

Daddy Long Leg/Harvestmen Spider Photos

Daddy Long Legs

Daddy Long Leg Cluster

Daddy Long Leg Spider

Daddy Long Leg Spider on Web

Daddy Long Leg/Harvestmen Spider Photos

Daddy Long Legs

Daddy Long Leg Cluster

Daddy Long Leg Spider

Daddy Long Leg Spider on Web

4 Seasons Pest Control Options & Pricing

Truly Nolen’s 4 Seasons Pest Control will treat your home immediately, then begin quarterly treatments the following month to ensure your home is protected from many household pests.

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* If an infestation is deemed challenging, or the square footage of the home does not match what was provided, pricing may need to be amended following our inspection.

** Other pests include: Beetles, Boxelders, Bugs, Caterpillars, Earwigs, Millipedes, Silverfish.

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Copyright © 2020 Truly Nolen of America, Inc.
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How do I permanently get rid of daddy long legs?

To keep daddy long legs out of your home, trim plants away from your house and clean up the wood, trash and other debris around the perimeter of your house. Seal cracks and crevices around your foundation, windows, and doors, and repair broken screens so they have no way of entering your home.

What attracts daddy long leg spiders?

With a vacuum cleaner attachment, suck up spiders and their webs at wall corners, undersides of furniture, floors beneath appliances, crevices along the baseboards and around windows and curtains. Insects attract daddy long legs spiders so dust frequently and repair leaking pipes and faucets both inside and out.

Should I get rid of daddy long legs?

You should avoid killing daddy longlegs, not only because there are alternative ways to move them along without harming them, but they also prey on smaller insects and so work to our advantage when it comes to insect control.

How long do daddy long leg spiders last?

They live two to seven years unless stepped on. They groom themselves by sliding one leg at a time through their mouth, a practice called “leg threading.” Males have much longer legs than females.


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