Hemp oil for beard growth

| 07 June, 2022

CBD has become one of the best remedies within the skincare industry due to the many properties it has that we all can benefit from. We can use CBD cream for pain, for rejuvenating, for healthier skin, for growth and for mental benefits as well.

CBD is derived from a cannabis plant yet it is completely legal. The reason for this is simple, it contains little to no THC. THC is the chemical compound in a cannabis plant that can give you psychoactive side effects. Due to this, in large doses it is illegal. It is only attained as being legal if the quantity is below 0.3%. Therefore, don’t worry about wondering whether or not you are allowed to use it when you see it stocked in shops or online, just double check the ingredients. 

There are as many as 5 Caribbean islands that are currently farming industrial hemp in order to make CBD products. Under the Farm Bill, it is now legal to farm hemp, as it is not being used for the same purpose as mariuana and contains little to no THC.

In this article, we are going to delve into how CBD can be used in an oil to help with beard growth and whether or not that is just a common myth.

CBD Beard Oil Continues To Rise in Latin America

CBD oil can help with beard growth, it is as simple as that. If you need help with growing your beard and giving it that boost it needs, then not to worry, using CBD might be the fix you need. You can also use other types of CBD products that will help with this and more, for example Loxa Beauty CBD Moisturiser.

We see this product really gaining popularity on a global scale, as well as many other CBD goods. The CBD market in the Caribbean and Latin America is already on the rise and the stats suggest it is only going to continue to increase.

CBD Oil For Beard Growth

Using CBD for the purpose of rejuvenating facial hair could be the next big thing in Latin America. These products are beginning to pick up all across the world and it seems Latin America is the next stop! The products are very much affordable and have huge benefits.

Studies of CBD suggest that CBD oil can be used to help with beard growth. The reasoning behind this is because the CBD oils that we apply to our beards contain Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids, as well as vitamin E. Combined, these nutrients can assist us when trying to grow a beard or making our beards look fuller.

The properties of CBD oil will help to increase healthy looking hair growth. CBD will increase the amount of protein in each hair, strengthening the follicles, giving you a stronger beard. The oil can remove damaged or broken skin, allowing a nice surface for new hair to grow on. With all the nutrients it is packed with, it means that if we miss some of these nutrients in our diets, which is very likely as it’s common to not have the perfect balanced diet, then the nutrients in the CBD can help to make up this deficit.

Hair follicles can also get infected, you will be prone to this if you suffer from folliculitis. They get infected from sweating and bacteria entering the hair cell. In order to tackle this, you can use CBD. CBD products carry anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties. These factors will help you to keep your beard hair looking and feeling clean, and not getting any spots within the beard from sweating. 

How To Apply CBD Oil

The process of applying CBD oil is very simple. Anyone can do it and it’s important you apply it correctly to avoid the chance of experiencing a side effect that shouldn’t happen. Follow our quick guide below to apply the oil yourself.

  1. Cleanse your skin before applying the oil, whether it be washing your face briefly in the sink or applying the oil after a shower/ bath. This will allow your skin to be hydrated before the oil is applied. It will also get rid of any dirt you are  carrying on your skin.
  2. Dry your beard once it has been cleaned, so that the oil can soak into it properly.
  3. Start with a small dose if this is your first time using the product. You can gradually increase your dosage once your skin has gotten used to the oil.
  4. Massage the oil into your beard, making sure it is evenly spread.


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Beards have long been an iconic symbol of masculinity. A beard is accepted as a beacon of virility and is thought to indicate the level of testosterone — the bigger, the better, so to speak. Whether you’re signaling your prowess as a mate; your ability to grow a long, thick beard; or you’re just into the look; your beard needs some TLC to look its best. If you want to cultivate your own siren song of facial hair, here’s why you should use the benefits of hemp oil for hair for your lushest, healthiest beard yet.

What Is Hemp Oil?

Though you may only recently have heard of hemp oil, it’s been used for thousands of years. The first evidence of the cultivation of hemp as a crop was in what is currently Taiwan more than 10,000 years ago. The plants conditioned the soil, and the root systems prevented runoff and erosion. The ancient Chinese discovered many uses for the fibers before they recognized the health benefits of the oil. They started expressing the seeds and stalks around 6000 BC to use the oil by itself or in salves. The oil is made by cold-expressing the seeds of the hemp plant, and it’s usually unrefined.

Today, hemp-based products are extremely popular and sweeping the nation, and there are many benefits of hemp oil for hair.

Why Use Hemp Products?

1. Nourishes Hair

Many ask, "Can hemp oil regrow hair?" The nourishing benefits of hemp oil keep hair silky, soft, and healthy, which not only makes your beard look great, but it can also be more touchable for your partner, too! Keeping hair supple also prevents breakage. A bonus is that it’s thought to prevent hair loss as well, so you can also use it on your scalp. Using it on your beard can help to thicken up the growth.

2. Promotes Growth

If you ever wondered, "Does weed make your hair grow faster?" it does not. But hemp oil might. Hemp oil stimulates blood circulation, making it beneficial for healthy hair follicles. The omega fatty acids found in hemp products are known to stimulate hair growth.

There are also beneficial proteins in hemp oil. The natural proteins activate keratin, a protein that’s the primary component of hair. Vitamin E also helps with hydration, keeping hair growing longer and healthier.

3. Moisturizes Skin

Hemp oil is an excellent skin moisturizer. Dry skin benefits from the natural vitamins and fatty acids to keep it plump, supple, and soft. Combination skin can be challenging to treat, with some areas producing excess oil and some lacking sufficient oil. One of the advantages for people with combination skin is that hemp oil is non-comedogenic, meaning that it won't clog pores and cause breakouts.

4. Anti-Aging Properties

Nobody wants to look old before his or her time. A side benefit of using hemp oil products on your facial hair is that they have an anti-aging effect on the skin. Besides the antioxidant benefits from vitamin E, there are fatty acids that boost the anti-aging effects. Linoleic acid and oleic acids are not produced naturally in the body. Using hemp products in your daily skin and beard care routine can prevent fine lines and wrinkles.

5. Soothes Inflammation

In 2014, a study published by the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine reported that hemp seed oil was found to be effective in treating skin conditions. Hemp oil contains omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids that are known to provide anti-inflammatory results. The vitamins, proteins, and fatty acids work together to strengthen skin, making it more resistant to infection.

If you have sensitive skin that gets irritated, itchy, or develops bumps or rashes when you try to grow out your beard, consider using hemp products. The antibacterial properties of the oil heal and prevent infections, the underlying cause of many skin irritations. Other skin conditions that may benefit from the use of hemp products are:

  • Acne rosacea
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Eczema
  • Lichen planus
  • Psoriasis
  • Varicose eczema

Where to Find Quality Hemp Beard Products

To get the full benefits of hemp oil for hair, you'll want to be sure that the brand uses quality ingredients. Many different applications can benefit the look, feel, and overall health of your beard, from new growth to mature beards. Using products with unrefined hemp seed oil can prevent some of the skin issues that deter many aspiring beard owners.

When you want beautiful, impressive growth, you want to be sure the hair of your beard is healthy. The right moisturizing treatments can be the difference between you choosing the length or breakage determining the length of your beard. If you are going to grow a beard, you want to ensure it will be the envy of every guy. Now that you know the benefits of hemp oil for hair, you’ll be able to find great products and up your beard game!

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Does Hemp oil help with beard growth?

Hemp oil is packed with lipids, which add moisture and shine to your skin and beard. The fatty acids in the oil help to strengthen fragile strands and may even make your hair thicker. It can also help promote new hair growth specially if you have a patchy beard.

Does Hemp oil make hair grow faster?

Hemp Oil is extracted from the seeds of the cannabis plant. Helps stimulate the hair follicles and speeds hair growth. Lightweight oil nourishes the hair and scalp. Soothes dry and itchy scalp.

Can I use hemp seed oil in beard oil?

Hemp Oil for the Beard. It helps prevent water loss and keeps more moisture in the beard, hair and skin, leaving you looking healthier, plumper and more nourished at every turn. Hemp Seed Oil has also been suggested to stimulate hair growth by penetrating into the skin and hair easily.

Which oil is best for growth beard?

The Best Essential Oils For Beard Oil Essential oils like almond oil, olive oil, avocado oil, jojoba oil, castor oil and coconut oil are popularly used in beard oils. These oils are extremely rich in vitamins and minerals that help in keeping your hair follicles healthy.


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