He hasn t read my message but has been online

i am not sure whether or not i should be upset by this. my boyfriend talks to me a lot and calls me, but, sometimes he is online and doesn't read my messages. yet, he messages and responds to other people.

i have asked him about it and he says that he isn't intentionally ignoring me.

however, i am worried that i am not important to him. please give me some advice as i have no idea whether or not i should be feeling like this.

Posted from TSR Mobile

(Original post by ?Hannah?)
i am not sure whether or not i should be upset by this. my boyfriend talks to me a lot and calls me, but, sometimes he is online and doesn't read my messages. yet, he messages and responds to other people.

i have asked him about it and he says that he isn't intentionally ignoring me.

however, i am worried that i am not important to him. please give me some advice as i have no idea whether or not i should be feeling like this.

Posted from TSR Mobile

How do you know he responds to other people?

My girlfriend does this a lot too. How are you in person?

(Original post by Tiger Rag)
How do you know he responds to other people?

his snapchat score increases.

Posted from TSR Mobile

(Original post by InvictusXI)
My girlfriend does this a lot too. How are you in person?

we're very good in person and he understands my concerns about it. but i guess he thinks about it in a different way.

Posted from TSR Mobile

He's probably trying to tell you something.

(Original post by flam1ng0)
He's probably trying to tell you something.

what is he trying to tell me? i speak to him on the phone and he tells me not to worry about it.

Posted from TSR Mobile

Then it should be fine, he mustn't place as much value on messaging as you do. I've learnt this that they either don't see it as a pressing concern, or they're thinking of a way to reply to you.
It infuriated me at first but I'm used to it now, only worry if things are different in person.

go to his house like a normal girlfriend instead of stalking him online

or perhaps make sure you're actually his girlfriend.

No offense, I'm being serious.

(Original post by InvictusXI)
Then it should be fine, he mustn't place as much value on messaging as you do. I've learnt this that they either don't see it as a pressing concern, or they're thinking of a way to reply to you.
It infuriated me at first but I'm used to it now, only worry if things are different in person.

does it mean that he doesn't care for me as much as i care for him? it's just confusing me because he never used to do this and i'm upset.

Posted from TSR Mobile

(Original post by ?Hannah?)
i am not sure whether or not i should be upset by this. my boyfriend talks to me a lot and calls me, but, sometimes he is online and doesn't read my messages. yet, he messages and responds to other people.

i have asked him about it and he says that he isn't intentionally ignoring me.

however, i am worried that i am not important to him. please give me some advice as i have no idea whether or not i should be feeling like this.

Posted from TSR Mobile

Me too; it gets me all shades of paranoid when he's on voice on skype and there's about 10 messages from me he hasn't even replied to and I can hear him typing and laughing talking to someone else

I'm fairly sure your snapchat score also increases when you receive snaps, not just when you send them. Regardless, I wouldn't dwell on it too much, especially if you talk a lot still

(Original post by ?Hannah?)
i am not sure whether or not i should be upset by this. my boyfriend talks to me a lot and calls me, but, sometimes he is online and doesn't read my messages. yet, he messages and responds to other people.

i have asked him about it and he says that he isn't intentionally ignoring me.

however, i am worried that i am not important to him. please give me some advice as i have no idea whether or not i should be feeling like this.

Posted from TSR Mobile

Don't read too much into it, as long as you feel your relationship overall is well. Don't be offended if he for example tells you he is going to bed and you see him liking videos and responding to comments on social media. He's just winding down, giving himself a bit of a break.

(Original post by PuffyPrincess)
Me too; it gets me all shades of paranoid when he's on voice on skype and there's about 10 messages from me he hasn't even replied to and I can hear him typing and laughing talking to someone else

aghh, it's so annoying and i just don't know what to do about it.

i have told him that it upsets me, but he hasn't done anything about it.

Posted from TSR Mobile

lmao that's the problem then ini? Not tryna sound like a bitter caveman in the modern world here but this is the problem.

Before snapchat existed what would you have done if your boyfriend or whoever was ignoring you?

What is a Snapchat score?

right don't take it to heart but he's pounding another girl as we speak

(Original post by EL1AS)
right don't take it to heart but he's pounding another girl as we speak

lmao bruv be nice

(Original post by 0to100)
lmao that's the problem then ini? Not tryna sound like a bitter caveman in the modern world here but this is the problem.

Before snapchat existed what would you have done if your boyfriend or whoever was ignoring you?

it's a long distance relationship so it's kind of difficult. however, i didn't think the relationship was bad, we both think we're in a good relationship. he has reassured me that there is no one else.

What does it mean if a guy is online but doesn't reply?

Online but not replying? Some guys, out of pride, arrogance or an excess of self-confidence, might not want to reply quickly to a message they've received for fear of seeming too “needy” or “desperate” in the eyes of the sender of the message. They might prefer to come across as aloof or distant.

How can someone be online on WhatsApp but not read my message?

Type the message, hit the send button while WhatsApp is running in the background. Turn off the Airplane mode. The message will be sent to the receiver without you appearing online.

Why does he leave me on delivered but is active?

He might just not be interested in the way your interested in him. He could be busy doing something else he doesn't have to replay to you if he doesn't want to.

How do you know if a guy is not interested in you through chat?

7 Text Messages That Prove He's Just Not That Into You.
They're Always Talking About Sex. ... .
They Ghost You and Then Text You to Come Over. ... .
They Always Have Multiple Excuses. ... .
Everything is "Haha" This and "LOL" That. ... .
They "Miss" Your Messages. ... .
They Constantly Respond With Memes..

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