He came to pay a debt he didn t owe

Jesus paid a debt He didn’t owe, and we owed a debt we couldn’t pay. He received our sin and condemnation, and we...

Posted by Andrew Wommack Ministries on Friday, December 21, 2018

After Jesus died on the Cross He spent three days in Hades below the earth. He when down there to let Satan, the demons, and the fallen Watcher Angels know they had failed in stopping Him from coming to Earth as the Messiah. Genesis 6 tells what the 200 Watcher Angels did to try and stop Him.

Across from horrible Hades was beautiful Paradise. The believing Old Testament Saints and the believing Gentiles went to Paradise after they died. Father Abraham had already been in Paradise for 3,000 yrs. when the poor beggar man died and came there. When the rich man died and went to Hades he asked Jesus if the beggar over the chasm in Paradise could bring him a drop of water for his thirst. Jesus said no because it was too late.

The one thief on the cross said he and the other thief deserved to die but Jesus had done nothing wrong. Jesus told the one thief he would be with Him that day in Paradise.

When it was time to leave, Jesus gathered every person in Paradise, including Adam and Eve, and took them to Heaven. Some of the people of Paradise who had died recently got to walk through the city of Jerusalem to let people know there was life after death. After saying goodbye to their family and friends, the Angels took these people to Heaven.

Paradise is now empty but Hades is still full of unrepentant sinners until judgment day. Hades is pitch black with small holding tanks for each person deep beneath the earth. You can’t see or talk to other doomed human beings; only demons are allowed to torment you.

Nobody is in the fiery Hell, yet but some people have seen it. The first people thrown into the fiery Hell at the end of the tribulation will be the Antichrist and the False Prophet. All the nations of the Earth will be judged by GOD according to how they treated and mistreated Israel. Satan and his fallen angels will be thrown into the dark, bottomless pit for 1,000 years while there’s a Millennium Time of Peace on the Earth.

During the peaceful Millennium the lamb will lie down with the lion and the people will rebuild the torn cities of war and prosper greatly. Prisons will be practically empty, while brand new schools will teach great things to happy students and the politicians will not be greedy. The government will be generous and helpful to all mankind and animals.

People will trek to Jerusalem to see and worship the Trinity where Jesus Christ will rule and reign. It will be a time of cooperation in cleaning up the Earth and rebuilding the cites. Rebellion will not exist because the inhabitants will be treated fairly and be fulfilled in doing what they love to do. There will be witty inventions, unusual talents, new land discoveries, outer space travel, prosperity and finding cures for every disease.

By the end of the 1,000 years there will be millions of people living and prospering peacefully on Earth. Man will still have temptation to sin but any serious sinful activity will be nipped in the bud. Prisons will be few. People will still need a relationship with Jesus. Most of the people will love and accept Him as their personal Savior but some people will think they are good enough without a savior.

All through the peaceful millennium, people will live much longer like they did in the Old Testament. When an unbeliever dies they go straight to Hades to wait for judgement. All the believers who die go straight to Heaven.

When Satan and his evil minions are released from the pit they will use their old tricks to persuade unbelievers to rebel. They will turn the unsaved against God by tempting them with signs and wonders to fool them into thinking they are the same as God. He will promise them power and wealth to follow him. Eventually, Satan will lead them to attack the throne of God that is on the earth in Jerusalem.

But, Satan fails to pull if off at the end because God zaps the army of unbelievers to smithereens the second their unholy feet touch the Holy Land. Michael and his army are awaiting in the clouds with the mighty Host to fight the fallen angels, demons, and capture Satan. Satan and the demons are judged by God and thrown into Hell for eternity; the unbelievers in Hades are judged by God and thrown into Hell; the fallen angels are judged by the saints and thrown into the fiery Hell with the antichrist and false prophet forever!

God will move His children from earth to Heaven for a while, so we can watch him from Heaven as He destroys the old, tired Earth and makes a brand new one, a hundred times bigger! (See the end of Revelation) Believers will visit/live on the new Earth or travel to the new, massive universe of Nebula's, or gigantic milky ways and worm holes to slide through. We can visit in our eternal bodies or travel in galactic ships to claim a planet or two. Creative people can build unique amusement parks for people to visit on birthdays, create a star war planet for laser-gun fun, hunt animals that talk to us, build medieval sets with playful dinosaurs, or famous movie planets, Children R Us planet, etc. There’s no end to what can be created when all you do it “think it” and wham, it’s there!! But, there will be an end to marriage and no need to repopulate.


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