Fill dirt for sale near me bulk

Fill Dirt - Bulk

  • Currently delivering to Northeast Florida & Southeast Georgia
  • Top Quality
  • 5-Star Service

Growing Zones


Can be used to fill holes or even out areas of a landscape.

Coverage: 80-100 sq. ft. @ 2-3″ depth.

Fill Dirt - Bulk

  • Currently delivering to Northeast Florida & Southeast Georgia
  • Top Quality
  • 5-Star Service

Shipping & Delivery Policy

All delivery timeframes are approximate but not guaranteed, once placed the delivery date will have to be confirmed. Also note the delivery is to the end of the truck only and does not include installations. To read the full Shipping and Delivery Policy:

Read Full Policy

Growing Zones

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  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Fill Dirt

    David Ritchey (verified owner) 03/29/2022

    Excellent fill dirt with very little debris.

    (0) (0) Watch

  2. Rated 4 out of 5

    Eric Janson (verified owner) 02/28/2021


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Level Your Property with Top-Quality Fill Dirt

We offer Atlanta landscape materials such as quality fill dirt that you can trust for your most important projects. Use our dirt to change the elevation of an outdoor space, fill unsightly sink holes or backfill retaining walls.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much is a dump truck load of fill dirt?

That depends on how much fill dirt you need for the job. Our fill dirt is $18 per yard and we deliver. Contact us to determine your final cost.

Is top soil and fill dirt the same thing?

No. Topsoil contains organic matter which can shift or settle over time while fill dirt is a mixture of broken down rocks, sand and clay and is more stable.

Depending on how much you need, fill dirt is an economical investment for you landscaping needs and is typically less expensive than topsoil.

Can you grow grass in fill dirt?

Typically fill dirt contains rocks, stones, and clay which has little nutrients for plant life.

Fill dirt contains sand, rocks, stones, and earth and is taken from a location where soil is being removed - typically from leveling due to construction.

Add Property Interest with the Lowest Fill Dirt Cost

Get the bulk fill dirt you need fast with our vast inventory and convenient delivery options.

Whether you’re creating rolling hills or a terraced slope, our low fill dirt cost makes it possible to manipulate the elevation in projects without the elevated cost. Buy bulk fill dirt from Georgia Landscape Supply for fast delivery to your Metro Atlanta job site or residence. We offer delivery service to our customers within a 25-mile radius of our store.

Easy Bulk Fill Dirt Delivery from Georgia Landscape Supply

We can easily supply multiple loads for large-quantity commercial orders. Find out more about our delivery policy. We make thousands of deliveries every year with our flatbeds, dump trucks and tractor trailers, so we have the perfect vehicle for your order.

Reserve your order of the fill dirt for sale above, or contact us for help making the right selection. We also provide free pick-up and loading at our stockyard.


See our bestselling topsoil Atlanta and Atlanta mulch.

How much is a dump truck load of top soil?

The average cost of a dump truck load of topsoil is $150 to $500 for a typical 10 to 15-yard load delivered. Prices depend on the amount ordered, the local cost of the topsoil, and the hauling distance. Charges do not include spreading or installation.

How much is a truck bed full of dirt?

The bed of a full size standard pickup has dimensions of: 8' long X 5.33' wide X 1.5' high. When loaded level full, a truck of this size will hold 2.5 cubic yards of material.

Can topsoil be used as fill dirt?

Topsoil is often used to fill in the low areas to allow new grass growth and less low dips, to create a smother landscape in your yard. Shaping Landscapes – You may want to add volume to your yard by adding numerous levels of terrain.

What kind of dirt should I use to fill holes in yard?

To fill in lawn ruts and holes, blend planting soil with sand and/or compost. Usually blending equal parts of each material forms a mix that allows grass to root effectively through the mix into existing soil.


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