Creating a group email in outlook 365

How To Create a Distribution List or Contact List on Outlook Web

Aug 16, 2022


Creating a Contact List on Office 365 Outlook Web
Distribution lists (also called contact lists) in Outlook allow you to send the same message to different people without having to add each recipient individually.  They usually consist of 100 or less members.  If a larger mailing list is required please contact Technology Services at [email protected]


  1. Login to Office 365 (Outlook Web App) at: //
  2. Click "People" or the people icon on the left sidebar.
  3. Click the dropdown arrow just to the right of the "New Contact" button at the top of the window.
  4. Choose "New Contact List" from the dropdown window that appears.
  5. Enter a name for the list where it says "Contact List name".
  6. Where it says "Add Email Addresses", start typing the name of a contact you wish to add to the group. You should see their information appear below. Simply click on their name and they will be added. If their information does not show up, add them as a contact first, then add them to the list.
  7. Once done adding people, click the "Create" or "Save" button at the bottom of the window.

Creating a New Message to Send to a Contact List:

  1. Login to Office 365 (Outlook Web App) at: //
  2. Click “Mail” or mail icon if not already there.
  3. Click the “New Message” button at the top of the window.
  4. In the “To” section, start typing the name of your distribution list. It should show up in a dropdown window, click on it.
    1. If you just created the list it may not show up at first since OWA won’t realize it’s in your contacts. Give it a few minutes.
  5. Compose the email how you normally would. Then click the “Send” button.
  6. Outlook will send the email to everyone in the list.

Modifying a Contact List:

  1. Login to Outlook Web at:  //
  2. Click "People".
  3. Click on “Your Contact Lists” on the left hand side of the window and find the group in your list of contacts.
  4. Click on the name of your group.
  5. At the right side of the window, click the “Edit” button.
  6. You can change the name of the group where it says “List Name”.
  7. To add members to the group, start typing their name into the section labeled “Add Email Addresses”. You should see their information appear below. Simply click on their name and they will be added.
    1. If their information doesn’t appear, either type in their full email and hit Enter to add them manually or add them as a contact and then search for their name again.
  8. To remove members from the group find their name in the list of members and click the “X” to the right of their name.
  9. Once done making the changes to the group, click the “Save” button at the bottom of the window.


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How do I create an email group in Outlook 365 2022?

First, open Outlook and navigate to the 'People' tab using the people icon in the folder pane. You'll find the folder pane on the left-hand side of your Outlook screen. Next, click 'New Contact Group' in Outlook's main ribbon, located at the top of your screen.

Can I send an email as a group email in Office 365?

Allow members to send email as a group Select the group that you want to allow users to send as. Select Settings > Edit manage delegates. In the Add a delegate section, enter the email address of the user that you would like to have Send as access. Select Permission Type as Send as from the drop-down.

How do I set up a group email in Outlook?

In Mail, on the Home tab, in the New group, click New Items, then click More Items, and then click Contact Group. In the Name box, type a name for the contact group. On the Contact Group tab, in the Members group, click Add Members, and then click either From Outlook Contacts or From Address Book.

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