Cranberry juice pineapple juice and apple cider vinegar

Do you need to give your body a break from all the Christmas cookies, Eggnog with Bourbon and Beef & Bernaise?

Start your day with a kickass healthy drink of Cranberry, Apple Cider Vinegar & Lemon Juice. This power drink is packed with healthy juices that boosts your metabolism into high gear, cleanses the system, and kills sugar cravings.  I learned about the Cranberry, Apple Cider Vinegar & Lemon Juice Drink drink from Dr. Eric Berg,  a popular wellness doctor and author. You can watch his video to learn about the science behind apple cider vinegar. (The  drink recipe is discussed at mark 10:00). I noticed improvements right away when I tried it, and now always keep a mug in the fridge ready to sip. It is especially good the next morning after eating large, heavy, fatty meals like Thanksgiving, Pasta Alfredo or an All-Pork Belly Porchetta feast. I've told several of my friends and family about it and they have now become converts.

Yes, Cranberry, Apple Cider Vinegar & Lemon Juice Drink is as tart as it sounds. The trick is to add ice cubes, lots of water and keep it chilled.  Dr. Berg's recipe calls for 6 ounces of water but I usually add 10 ounces of water. I have also tried Perrier in lieu of water and find that very refreshing too.

To get the maximum effectiveness of this drink, you must high quality ingredients. The cranberry juice must be 100% pure juice - no sugar or other juices added. Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar comes with the "mother" in the bottle and is considered the best apple cider vinegar.  You can use the juice of fresh lemons of course. However I strongly recommend that you get a bottle of  Italian Volcano organic lemon juice, which has the juice of 40 fresh organic lemons. You can order it at Amazon.

Cranberry, Apple Cider Vinegar & Lemon Juice Drink - A Morning Power Kick

This tart, refreshing drink has numerous health benefits and should be a daily addition to your diet.

Prep Time 5 minutes

Total Time 5 minutes

Servings 1 Serving

  • 2 ounces pure cranberry juice
  • 1 - 2 teaspoons Italian Volcano Organic Lemon juice
  • 1 - 2 teaspoons Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 6 - 10 ounces spring water

  • Add to a 16 ounce glass or sports cup.

  • Mix and sip before meals.

Reader Interactions


    Hit the reset button with this refreshing and revitalizing detox drink!

    We all have those times we wish we could just hit the reset button. Unfortunately, reality being what it is, there’s no do-over for when you accidentally sleep through your alarm, like an ex’s Instagram post from three years ago, or paste a long “what are we” text from your drafts into a message to your boss instead of  the phone number you thought you copied. (Just me? Okay, moving on then.)

    There is, however, a reset button when it comes to your diet. No, strictly speaking, you can’t undo a month of Christmas cookies or a week of fine dining and cocktails on the beach. (Nor should you want to!) But the right detox drink can help you refresh, reset, and get back on track. This apple cider vinegar and cranberry detox drink can help kickstart your metabolism, boost energy, and rev up a sluggish digestive system. ACV and cranberry juice are the perfect combo to help detox kidneys, liver, circulatory system, and give your immune system a boost. This detox may even be helpful for a quick hangover cure (although we can’t promise a reset on any of the embarrassing drunk texts you sent.) 

    Why It Works

    Whether we’e talking about our bodies or our social media habits, “detox” and “cleanse” are words that get tossed around a lot. But what exactly do we talk about when we talk about detoxing?

    Essentially, detoxing is a way of getting your body to do the things it should be doing more efficiently. It’s like closing all your tabs and restarting your computer when it’s going slow. It helps rid your body of the things it doesn’t need to get it working at its optimal functionality.

    Hydration is obviously key to any health plan. Hydrating with detox drinks like this one helps accelerate the process, flushing out your system and giving your body a fresh start. Of course, what you put into your body is just as important as what you cleanse it of. When you start your day with this apple cider vinegar and cranberry detox drink, you’ll replace all those toxins with tons of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes.

    Whether you need to restart after a night of sugary cocktails, a month of heavy holiday meals, or just a plain old diet slump (it happens to the best of us), this refreshing apple cider vinegar and cranberry detox drink will cleanse and revitalize so you can get back on track.

    Go Ahead, Press Reset

    By the way, when we say “refreshing,” we do mean refreshing. This drink is as tart as it sounds. It’s made with real, clean, refreshing ingredients. Sorry, no sticky, sugary cranberry juice cocktail here. This mix of fresh ingredients makes for a bold drink that will wake you up inside and out. Serve cold to get the most out of this morning restart.

    There may not be any reset button for your social media blunders, wrong numbers, and embarrassing moments. But with the right detox drink, you can hit always hit reset on your health and fitness goals.

    You might want to consider trying this Instant Pot Green Detox Soup next! Need a bit more structure? You can also jump into our Three-Day Cleanse & Detox for a total reboot!

    • 1/4 cup cranberry juice no sugar added
    • 1/2 cup cold water
    • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
    • 1 teaspoon lemon juice or lime juice

    • Combine all ingredients. Mix well and serve cold!

    Serving: 8ounces | Calories: 41kcal | Carbohydrates: 9g | Sodium: 7mg | Sugar: 8g |

    SmartPoints (Freestyle): 1

    Keywords Budget-Friendly, dairy-free, Detox, Gluten-Free, Low-Carb, Plant-Based, Quick and Easy, Vegetarian

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    Chef Nichole

    Nichole has a culinary degree from Great Lakes Culinary Institute and has worked in the culinary industry for 10 years. She also has the knowledge to write recipes using the most nutritious, fresh, and balanced ingredients. Nichole enjoys creating healthy and tasty recipes anyone can prepare, no matter their cooking skill level.

    More by Chef Nichole

    6-Ingredients or Less Apple Cider Vinegar Budget Friendly Cranberry Juice Drink Lime Juice Plant-Based Quick & Easy

    What does drinking cranberry pineapple and apple cider vinegar do?

    This apple cider vinegar and cranberry detox drink can help kickstart your metabolism, boost energy, and rev up a sluggish digestive system. ACV and cranberry juice are the perfect combo to help detox kidneys, liver, circulatory system, and give your immune system a boost.

    What are the benefits of apple cider vinegar and pineapple juice?

    Turmeric and cayenne have anti-inflammatory properties. Pineapple and apple cider vinegar aid in digestion. Mint and ginger soothe upset stomachs and aid in digestion. Raw honey provides minerals and antimicrobial properties.

    What are the benefits of drinking cranberry and pineapple juice?

    Nutrients like bromelain (a proteolytic enzyme found in pineapple) that helps support digestion by breaking protein..
    Nutrients like Turmeric (a powerful ant-inflammatory spice) that can help reduce inflammation in the gut and whole body. ... .
    Nutrients like those found in Cranberries (including digestion-aiding enzymes)..

    What is the mixture of cranberry juice and apple cider vinegar for weight loss?

    Mixing these two ingredients in water and consuming them shows promising results for those who use them regularly to treat weight loss or detox than those who do not have apple cider vinegar. To make the drink, mixing two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and cranberry juice in a glass of water is fine.


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