Converting linear equations to standard form calculator

Example of Converting from Slope Intercept to Standard Form


Convert $$ y = \frac 5 4 x + 5 $$, graphed on the right, to standard form.

Step 1

Multiply by the least common denominator of the fractions (if any)

The only fraction is $$ \frac { 5}{ \red 4} $$ so you can multiply everything by 4.
$ \red 4 \cdot y = \red 4 \cdot \big( \frac { 5}{ \red 4}x +5 \big) \\ 4y = 5x + 20 $

Step 2

Move" y1 to the other side by adding its opposite to both sides of the equation and simplify

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You can use the calculator below to find the equation of a line from any two points. Just type numbers into the boxes below and the calculator (which has its own page here) will automatically calculate the equation of line in standard and slope intercept forms

( Try this 'equation from 2 points' calculator on its own page here . )


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Practice Problems

Problem 1

Step 1

Multiply by the least common denominator of the fractions

The only fraction is $$ \frac{2}{\red 3 } $$ so you can multiply everything by 3.

$$ \red 3 \cdot y = \red 3 \big( \frac{2}{\red 3 } -4 \big) \\ 3y = 2x-12 $$

Step 2

Step 1

Multiply by the least common denominator of the fractions (if any)

The only fraction is $$ \frac{1}{\red 2}$$ so you can multiply everything by 2.

$$ \red 2 \cdot y =\red 2 \cdot \big( \frac{1}{\red 2} x + 5 \big) \\2y = x + 10 $$

Step 2

Step 1

Multiply all terms by the least common denominator of the fractions

Unlike the prior examples, this problem has two fractions $$ \big( \frac 2 3 \text{ and } \frac 5 9 \big) $$ so you can multiply everything by their common denominator of $$ \red 9$$ .

$$ \red 9 \cdot y = \red 9 \big( \frac 2 3 x + \frac 5 9 \big) \\ 9y = 6x + 5 $$

Step 2

Step 1

Multiply all terms by the least common denominator of the fractions

This problem only has the fraction $$ \frac{4}{\red 7 } $$ so we must multiply everything by 7.

$$ \red 7 \cdot y = \red 7 \big( 5x + \frac 4 7 \big) \\ 7y = 35x + 4 $$

Step 2

Problem 5

Convert the the equation below from slope intercept to standard from (yes, this is a very challenging problem so let's see how sharp your algebra skills are.) $ y = ax + \frac b c $

Step 1

Multiply all terms by the least common denominator of the fractions

This problem only has the fraction $$ \frac{b}{ \red c } $$ so we must multiply everything by $$ \red c $$.

$$ \red c \cdot y = \red c \big( ax + \frac b c \big) \\ cy = cax + b $$ .

Step 2

    Related Links:
  • Linear Equations
  • Equation of Line Formula
  • Slope Intercept Form
  • Standard Form of Line
  • Standard Form to Slope intercept form
  • Linear Equations Worksheets (standard form, slope intercept form and more)

How do you convert linear equations to standard form?

The standard form of a linear equation is Ax+By=C. To change an equation written in slope-intercept form (y=mx+b) to standard form, you must get the x and y on the same side of the equal sign and the constant on the other side. Use inverse operations to move terms.

How do I convert slope

Convert the standard form equation x+y=2 to slope-intercept form. To convert from standard form to slope-intercept form, all we have to do is rearrange our equation to solve for y and then double check that our terms are in the correct order. So to do that with this equation, we have to subtract x from both sides.

How do you convert to standard?

How to Convert a Number to Standard Form.
Move the decimal point in your number until there is only one non-zero digit to the left of the decimal point. ... .
Count how many places you moved the decimal point. ... .
Write your scientific notation number as a x 10b and read it as "a times 10 to the power of b.".

How do you convert an algebraic expression into standard form?

How do you rewrite an equation into standard form? A linear equation in standard form has the form Ax+By=C. So, to rewrite an equation in standard form, first move the x and y terms to the same side of the equal side. Then, check to be sure that the coefficients A, B, and C are all integers.


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