Can you drink iced tea after wisdom teeth removal


Having a tooth extracted or implant placed is an experience no one really looks forward to, especially during the summertime when people are having barbecues, parties and celebrations, all of which typically have alcohol in the mix. A common question we get is how long one should wait to have an alcoholic beverage after having had oral surgery done. It is recommended to wait at least 48 hours before resuming alcohol consumption. After surgery, especially for the first 24 hours, it is advised that you take this opportunity to relax and recover. If you’ve just had an extraction done, especially wisdom teeth, resting will help you develop blood clots thoroughly, allowing the bleeding to stop and preventing dry sockets from occurring.

Additionally, you will more than likely be prescribed pain medications after your oral surgery treatment. This could be in the form of Norco, Percocet, Vicodin, Tylenol with Codeine or ibuprofen. Consuming beer, wine, or spirits while under the influence of pain medications can be very dangerous and can result in liver failure, impaired motor function, dizziness and overdose.

To avoid any problems during the recovery process, whether it be the surgery sites healing properly or your overall well-being, we strongly advise you to deter from drinking alcohol after oral surgery and once you have finished using your pain medications.


Another beverage people ask about post-surgery is coffee – the beloved caffeine beverage many of us consume regularly to get through the week. Luckily for coffee lovers, you are able to have coffee after your surgery, but we advise you to go w/ cold brew for the first 24 hours. We recommend waiting at least 48 hours before consuming it at a hot temperature, but it all depends on how you’re feeling.

Why? As mentioned above, right after any oral surgery involving extractions, the site that was treated will need to clot. Having anything aside from cool foods and beverages the first day will agitate the area and prevent it from healing properly.


Having beverages high in citric acid such as lemonade and orange juice after oral surgery is like squirting lemon juice on an open wound on your hand – NOT FUN. The extraction and implant sites can be irritated and could lead to infection. Definitely avoid consuming these types of drinks for about a week.


You’re probably thinking that you can’t have anything to drink besides water and that oral surgery has taken all the fun out of your summer. Don’t fret! There are plenty of delicious beverage alternatives you can have during your recovery period. Just to name a few:

  • Apple juice
  • Sprite / 7-Up
  • Ginger Ale
  • Smoothies (without fruits that contain a lot of seeds like strawberries and raspberries)
  • Gatorade / Powerade
  • Milk (for more flavor, add chocolate or strawberry syrup)

We recently started using Mio Liquid Water Enhancers in our office to add a little bit of flavor to our water (Crystal Light and Dasani also have a similar product)  and we love it! You can find them at the grocery store in the beverage section (and no, we are not sponsored by them – we’re just a fan of the product).

Which Teas Help Soothe the Mouth Following Oral Surgery

Jan 20, 2019 | Uncategorized

The mouth and throat areas often heal rather quickly because of the healing properties in saliva. There are teas and other natural drinks that can help this process and make the mouth more comfortable. These teas are natural, and they can provide a soothing effect that other drinks may not be able to provide.

Teas That Soothe the Mouth

These teas all work to soothe the mouth and throat and can be consumed after having oral surgery. It is important to check the temperature of the tea prior to drinking it to reduce the chances of burning your mouth or irritating the surgical site.

Chamomile tea
Peppermint tea
Marshmallow root tea
Licorice root
Fenugreek root
Ginger tea
Green tea

Adding honey to the tea can help to soothe the mouth, but remember not to add too much, as this can be overly sweet and irritate the area. Herbal teas have been shown to boost healing in the body, hydrate, comfort and provide a relaxing effect on the consumer.

They can be an ideal way to naturally care for the mouth and soothe any discomfort that a patient may have after having oral surgery. If you’re wondering if this is something allowed, speak with our oral surgeon here to see what they recommend based on your particular situation.

Always remember to stay hydrated to get faster healing times. Water is ideal in between and never use straws since this can cause the blood clot to dislodge. Following the instructions given to you by our oral surgeon is the best way to heal.

Speak with our office today to find out how we are able to provide the oral surgery help you are in need of. We can provide the information needed or schedule a time to come in for a surgery consult.

Can I drink cold sweet tea after tooth extraction?

The short answer is yes, you can drink sweet tea after a tooth extraction. However, it may be best to wait a few days to enjoy your favorite beverage and instead focus on drinking things like water or Gatorade. However, if you do decide to drink sweet tea, do not use a straw to do so.

How long do I wait to drink tea after tooth extraction?

Eating and Drinking Avoid chewing in the area of the extraction for at least 3 days. Drinks such as warm tea are fine, but drink them straight back and do not swill them around the socket area.

Is iced coffee okay after wisdom teeth removal?

While it's a very common and simple dental procedure, you'll need to properly care for yourself and follow your dentist's instructions to heal. So, should you drink coffee after a tooth extraction? The answer is — no, you should not.

What should you not drink after wisdom teeth removal?

What foods and drinks should you avoid after wisdom teeth removal? It's important to not drink alcohol, fruit juice, carbonated drinks like soda and seltzer, or caffeinated or hot beverages such as coffee and tea. These can irritate the surgery spots in your mouth and slow down the healing process.


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