Can you ask a pendulum if youre pregnant

I have a high respect for all religions but have never been a practitioner of any. My brother in law is wiccan and wanted to share some of his knowledge with his future sister in law (me). He gave me a dowsing pendulum right after my husband and I started dating (We've now been married almost 12 years now). We spent an evening passing it around and asking it random questions. Everyone had a good laugh but no one was taking it very seriously.

After about an hour of this I decided to ask it if I was pregnant. Mind you at the time my future husband and I had only been dating for 2 months. I hadn't missed any periods or had any morning sickness or any cramping or weight gain. I had literally no reason to ask that question besides just being silly.

The pendulum stops spinning in a gentle circle and starts rapidly crossing back and forth across my hand. Holy shit its saying yes, not just yes but fuck yes! I freak out, as any 19 year old well adjusted college sophomore would do.

We all pile into the car and drive to the local Wal-Mart. I proceed to spend like $100 on a ton of different brands of pregnancy tests. The cashier is of course giving me the WTF face but I ignore her, get my gazillion tests, and head back to my apartment to take them all.

As soon as we pull back in I jump out of the car and make a bee line for the bathroom. I'm popping a squat before you could even say boo. I pee on the stick then proceed to wait the longest 2 minutes of my life. When the 2 minutes are up I look at the results, NOT PREGNANT!!!!!!!

I start thanking my lucky stars but go ahead and take about 10 more tests just to confirm the results. All negative. I have one test left but decide to just toss it in the cupboard. All of the other tests were proof enough.

I go back out to the table and let everyone else know the good news, no bun in my oven whew! However, my future brother in law won't let it drop. He tells me to ask the pendulum again. So I do and the same thing happens, it says I'm pregnant. I give a little nervous laugh and tell him the damn thing must be broken. I had just taken all those pregnancy tests and they said otherwise. Plus as I mentioned earlier no missed periods, or cramps, or morning sickness, literally nothing but this pendulum. Now he has me ask it a second question, Is it too early to tell? The damn thing says YES!!!

I laugh it off and decide that I'm done messing with it for the night. I try to give it back but as I said it was my new gift, ugh yeah for me :( So I put it up in my jewelry box and proceed to forget about it.

A couple weeks go by and there is no mention of pregnancy or babies or pendulums. Everything goes back to normal. I'm in the bliss of young love, newly engaged, and planning a big spring wedding. I step into the bathroom and the cupboard is open and there is that last pregnancy test. I have a little laugh remembering how crazy I was the night of the pendulum incident. I decide that instead of having that test laying around I'm just going to take and and get it over with. Finish off the last bit of the tests I bought during the time that I let my brother in law convince me that some rock on a chain could actually tell me things.

I pee on the stick and wait the two minutes. Thinking the whole time about how off my rocker I was for freaking out like that. I know I'm not pregnant come on now. I still haven't missed a period. It had only been 2 weeks since the previous tests and I wasn't due to start until the following week.

I look down at the results window. I do a double take, no a triple take. I reconsult the results explanation on the box. What in the actual fuck man. It says I'm pregnant and its super clear.

Fast forward 8.5 months and my first and only child, a son, is born. July 16th, 2004.

Possible conception dates: October 15th-18th, 2003 Used pendulum & took first pregnancy tests: October 19th 2003 Took second test which was positive: November 4th, 2003 Son born: July 16th, 2004 Birth Story

thread: Pendulum says yes

  1. March 13th, 2009, 05:44 PM #1

    Hi everyone,
    I've asked the pendulum if i'm pregnant and it spun to yes.
    But my Pee tests are coming up negative and now i'm just waiting on a blood test but with Davie, even bloodtests came up negative after the pendulum said i was.
    I also haven't got my periods yet,i'm still breastfeeding and we've been using condoms, i was on the pill when i fell pregers last time

    Why does this happen? How can the pendulum say yes when all the tests say NO?

    I can aso smell newborn dirty nappies this has not happend before. I don't have a newborn around to smell this???? Confused.


  2. March 13th, 2009, 05:57 PM #2

    The problem with pendulums is you have to be really really "clear" to use them well.

    Having a strong vested interest in the outcome of the question you are asking is a pretty good way to sway the energy of the reading.

    Also it might depend on what "intelligence" you are asking the question of - if it's Spirit sometimes they have trouble because in Spirit there's no time. If however you are asking your own body's energy, you might get a different result.

    HTH - and good luck!

  3. March 13th, 2009, 06:26 PM #3

    Thanks Marydean, but how do i ask my own energy? (feels embarrased) not done this before.

  4. March 13th, 2009, 07:47 PM #4

    Basically you use your intent. It might help to meditate first and connect with your body's own wisdom by visualising it. First of it all it involves acknowledging that your body has its own consciousness, then tuning in to that energy. Does that make sense?

    ETA - don't feel embarrassed for asking. This is a helpful process to learn - once you learn to tune into your body-energy you can use it for other things, like boosting your immune system when you're sick, by connecting with the energy then visualising the healing. This is where the "psychic" stuff crosses over into the world of mind-body-spirit healing. Good luck.

  5. March 13th, 2009, 07:58 PM #5

  6. March 14th, 2009, 04:27 AM #6

    Don't know if this will help but whenever i am asked to divine sex i use a silver ring on a cotton thread and i ask the BABY what sex it is. IME the baby usually knows, though i have had one wrong answer it turned out to have been twins (boy/girl). It's possible if you ask your next child if it is knitting inside you yet you might get a clearer answer.


  7. April 28th, 2009, 10:58 PM #7

    Hi Guys,
    well there is no bubba atm. hubby and i have decided we'll start to try in july hopefully it wont be hard to concieve.

  8. May 6th, 2009, 09:24 PM #8

    Pendulum issues

    Why does this happen? How can the pendulum say yes when all the tests say NO?

    Marydean is spot-on - you can get a yes-response when you really want it yourself (your energy influences the movement).

    Getting the pendulum to give clear answers is difficult at the best of times, but meditation and mindfulness will help to keep your inner world clear. Nevertheless, no matter how psychic we are, or how in-tune we can be, we still have the ability to make things seem as they are not.

    The best thing to do, if you really want to know, is go to someone you don't know who can be completely impartial. And i've decided (and i think it's quite true) that your child will come when THEY want to, not when you want it or plan it. That's why we can get pregnant whilst on birth control! :S My partner and i have stopped using protection all together and are just enjoying being together. We want to conceive, but we can't make it happen either.





What is pendulum in astrology?

Pendulum helps in promoting spiritual and physical healing by locating any blocks in a person's chi (energy). It is a simple tool which helps in balancing, healing and clearing our mind and body. They help us seek answers to certain questions by picking on subtle vibrations.

Why do pendulums work?

This is because the swinging motion of a pendulum is due to the force of gravity generated by the earth's size. Other factors, including a pendulum's length, can also affect its motion. A pendulum is an object hung from a fixed point that swings back and forth under the action of gravity.

How is a pendulum used?

pendulum, body suspended from a fixed point so that it can swing back and forth under the influence of gravity. Pendulums are used to regulate the movement of clocks because the interval of time for each complete oscillation, called the period, is constant.

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