Can i smoke weed with mono

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  1. Nahbus Gold Member

    Reputation Points: 780Joined:Mar 13, 2005 from U.S.A.

    Just wondering if it's bad to smoke some grass if you have mono. Sadly
    enough I found out I have mono today, on my birthday (20 wee). I think
    I got it FROM smoking. Nice irony. I know I shouldnt drink, but will
    pot do anything?

  2. Stingray_313 Gold Member

    Reputation Points: 10Joined:Jan 31, 2005

    Probably. I have mono too and I didnt feel bad after smoking. Just make
    sure you get good rest after you smoke. Otherwise you will feel like
    shit the next day like I did.

  3. you can smoke with mono, i suggest lots and lots of water to help with the throat problemsand all that, and maybe a dose of nyquill just to ensure your throat is comforatable with hot smoke pouring over it.

    20th birthday ah man that hurts,thats like one year away from bein able to go to bars to score drugs lol

    p.s. ive found joints to be the least harshest method of burnin while sickEdited by: pokeymcsmot420

  4. Muirner Gold Member

    Reputation Points: 38Joined:Feb 19, 2005 from U.K.

    by agreeing to Join this site you also agreed to this rule Dont post your age!!! and your not 18 so u shouldt even be here.


  5. smoking with mono can be harsh, but also good to help you get to sleep, however its good to remember weed can have adverse affects on the immune system for a few days after smoking.

    (runs back to the rules section hoping to remember betterthis time)Edited by: pokeymcsmot420

  6. FryDay Newbie

    Reputation Points: 0Joined:May 24, 2005

    Mono can be the devil for sure.I had it for about a month straight, it can really put you down. Swim smoked a bit on it. And also took a dose of acid on it, but that was in the tail end of the mono experience.

  7. The most common way of contacted glandular fever is through kissing because it spread by saliva. It's highly unlikely you got it from smoking unless you smoked with a dirty bog-master.

  8. BuddhaAbuser Newbie

    Reputation Points: 0Joined:Mar 6, 2005

    ihad mono and i smoked everyday with it......went back to the doctor and he said i never seen anyone recover as quickly as u did

  9. Nahbus Gold Member

    Reputation Points: 780Joined:Mar 13, 2005 from U.S.A.

    Dirty bog-master? Um, you put your mouth on a bowl, which leaves saliva
    on it, which is passed to another person, who then puts their mouth
    around the saliva.

    We used like 3 different pipes that day, and did alot of smoking. I don't think he told me he had mono before that. Bastard.

    That is the only way I know that I couldve gotten it. The only kissing
    I've done is with my girlfriend, and she's never had mono (yet... oops).

  10. I thought that was just speculation? I remember reading that while it is true that there are THC receptors in the immune system, there wasn't any evidence that there was anything "adverse" going on (Correct me if I'm wrong).

    I hate smoking when I'm sick though, it irritates sore throats and usually makes me feel worse, but I have had good experiences.

  11. Creeping Death Iridium Member

    Reputation Points: 220Joined:Jun 29, 2004

  12. IvoryQueen Silver Member

    Reputation Points: 2Joined:Jan 31, 2005 38 y/o

    happy birthday and get well soon!

    (I thought u may appreciate a nice msg to cheer u up!)

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Can you smoke if you have mono?

Since mono is spread in saliva, avoid eating or drinking from the same glasses, dishes, or utensils of friends or strangers. Do not share personal items or smoking/vaping products (we advise everyone not to smoke/vape).

Can you get mono twice?

I thought that once you got mono you couldn't get it again. Most people who have mono (infectious mononucleosis) will have it only once. But rarely, mononucleosis symptoms may recur months or even years later. Most cases of mononucleosis are caused by infection with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).

How long do symptoms of mono last?

Most people get better in two to four weeks; however, some people may feel fatigued for several more weeks. Occasionally, the symptoms of infectious mononucleosis can last for six months or longer.


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