Best at home flea treatment for dogs

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There is a great 2015 TED talk by Susan Little, DVM, PhD, DACVM, in which she posits that modern parasite preventatives are largely responsible for bringing dogs (and cats) into our homes over the past few decades. 

“The advances that the veterinary profession has made in achieving parasite control for pets has done more to support the human/animal bond – to really change at a fundamental level the way we interact with our pets – than anything since the rabies vaccine,” she says. Quick and easy prevention of fleas and ticks (which prevents zoonotic transmission of flea-borne and tick-borne diseases, as well as internal parasites such as the tapeworm) has enabled us to bring our pets not just into our homes but also onto our sofas and beds. 

“It’s because we’ve taken parasites out of the equation that we’re able to have that close relationship with them,” says Dr. Little, a veterinary parasitology professor at Oklahoma State University. 

Perhaps you have to be a certain age to appreciate this point. My own son, who recently turned 30, grew up with a dog on his bed; he’s never known a time when almost every dog had fleas. But I grew up with dogs who all had teeth that were worn flat from chewing their itchy flea bites by the time they were middle-aged. And those dogs all lived outside; the thought of inviting them into the house (much less our beds) makes me itch just to think about it. Fleas were as common as stars in the sky and likely as numerous.

Today’s owners may never have seen a seriously flea-infested dog (with or without tapeworms) – and just as people who have never seen a polio or tuberculosis victim may eschew vaccinations for those diseases, many people seem to regard any use of flea preventatives as dangerous and unnecessary. 

Ticks are also a very dangerous parasite to dogs and humans alike. Learn more about potentially fatal tick-borne diseases on dogs.

My generation, I guess, is the bridge. I am familiar with how fleas can sharply decrease the quality of life for a dog and cause secondary health conditions such as flea allergy dermatitis and infected “hot spots.” And in the age of social media, I’ve also seen Facebook groups populated by tens of thousands of dog owners who are certain that modern flea-preventative chemicals killed their dogs. While the numbers of dog deaths directly attributable to these products can’t possibly be as many as alleged, it’s clear that they do sometimes cause adverse health effects and even death.

What’s a responsible dog owner to do?


A middle-ground, common-sense tactic is to use one of the modern-miracle flea-control products, but only when needed, and only as minimally as you can while still preventing fleas. If you’ve never seen a flea on your dog or in your home, don’t introduce these pesticides or medications for no reason! 

If, on the other hand, you’ve found fleas on your dog, or you just moved into a home with a carpet that’s literally hopping with fleas (the latter has happened to me more than once!), it makes sense to protect your dog as quickly as possible from the tiny blood-suckers. 

There are fewer than two dozen reputable flea-control products on the market and many more disreputable ones. It’s wise to familiarize yourself with the active ingredients in and potential side effects of these products, so you can be alert to any signs that they are working as they should, or causing adverse reactions that warrant further action to protect your dog.

Note: Any approach to a flea infestation will have the best chance of success if the dog’s entire environment is addressed. See this article for crucial steps in getting rid of an existing infestation: Getting Rid of Fleas in the House.


There are any number of tools at our disposal for controlling flea and tick populations, but beware! Each of them offers benefits and poses risks:

  • Pesticide-laden (flea-killing) soaps, shampoos, dips, rinses, sprays, and powders. These products were the flea treatments of my youth and are just as dated. These early-generation insecticides may have contained highly toxic carbamates such as carbaryl and propoxur and/or bioaccumulating organophosphates such as chlorpyrifos, diazinon, and tetrachlorvinphos. Many of these products still are sold, even though they are more toxic to animals and less effective at killing fleas than the newer-generation products. 
  • Pesticide-laden collars. The first plastic “flea collars” for dogs were coated with toxic, yet highly ineffective pesticides. Today, the material of the Seresto collar (originally introduced by Bayer, now owned by Elanco) is impregnated with pesticides (flumethrin and imidicloprid)that are slowly distributed over the dog’s skin over a period of months. 
  • Topical “spot-on” pesticides. These products are administered in a small volume of fluid that is dripped out of a tube into one or more spots on the dog’s back in the area of his shoulder blades. The active ingredients generally constitute a fraction of the volume; the oily carrier liquid helps the product spread over the surface of the dog’s skin. The active ingredients in these products are neurotoxins specific to adult parasites. Some products also contain insect growth regulators, which prevent flea larvae from developing into adults. 

These products are regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Some are available as over-the-counter products; some require a veterinary prescription.

  • Long-acting oral medications. These products are fed to the dog; the active ingredients spread systemically through the dog. When the target species (flea and/or tick) bites the dog, it ingests some of the active ingredient and dies. This parasite-killing action generally lasts about a month. These products are available by veterinary prescription only.

Oral medications are regulated by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA).


Of course, your veterinarian’s recommendation of a product that’s familiar to them is a good start. If your vet strongly promotes a particular product, ask why she likes that one for your dog over all the other possibilities. If she has a sound rationale, great! But take the time to examine the product and compare it to others; unless fleas are hopping all over the vet in the exam room, it won’t hurt to take a day so you can read up on the product she suggests, and possibly call back with any questions you have about other products. 

When considering your options, we also suggest:

  • Don’t buy inexpensive flea-control products from grocery stores or “big-box” retail chains. Low-cost products are associated with a disproportionate number of adverse health effects. We don’t recommend products from the following companies: Adams, Hartz, Sentry, Sergeants, or Zodiak.  
  • Keep it simple. While it may seem appealing to address as many parasites as possible with a single product, our bias is to go the other way – to treat your dog for only the parasites you know him to have (or those for which you have good evidence to support a suspicion of their presence). If, for example, your dog has fleas, but ticks are not present in your urban environment and you’re certain your dog does not have worms, treat him with something that’s just for fleas!

More ingredients are not necessarily better, despite what the pharmaceutical companies want you to think. When a pharmaceutical company’s patent on a new drug expires, other companies can create and sell generic versions of the same product, usually for less money. When a patent expiration draws close, their owners often add something to the original product, in an effort to create a new patent that will continue to earn money for the company in a protected market. 

This is the main reason that the pharmaceutical companies keep rolling out new products that address more parasites. In almost every case, they’ve added another pesticide, insect growth regulator, or flea-killing medication to an older product. 

The obvious problem from our view is that the more active ingredients a product contains, the more likely it is to have an adverse effect on your dog. So pick the simplest product that addresses your dog’s issue.

  • Keep track of any adverse reaction your dog has had to any topical or oral flea-control product. If your dog ever experienced diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, or any other reaction within a few days of treatment with a particular product, make a big note for yourself in your dog’s health records. Let your veterinarian know, too, so you both make sure you don’t give your dog any products that contain the same problematic active ingredient. 

If your dog has a bad reaction to another product whose active ingredient is in the same class of drugs as the one that caused his first adverse event, make sure you switch to a product with an active ingredient of another chemical class. 

Below, we’ve listed the active ingredients in each of the best-quality products available, along with descriptions of what they do.

  • Our bias is in favor of the Seresto collar over a spot-on pesticide, which we’d take over an oral drug. Why? Because if a dog seems to be having an adverse reaction, we can take the collar off and give him a series of baths in an effort to remove as much of the product as possible. The dog can be thoroughly washed if he’s had an adverse reaction after application of a topically applied product, too. 

For a further review on Seresto collars, read our article Are Seresto Flea and Tick Collars Harmful to Dogs?

In contrast, after a dog has digested an oral product, the full dose is working systemically in his body for a few weeks; there’s no mitigating his exposure to the medication.

That said, there are reasons that someone might choose an oral product over a topical one: 

  • You may not want to have contact with a topical product as you (or your kids) pet the dog. This could also be true in a multi-pet household where pets groom each other.
  • Dogs with longer coats often sport a “greasy spot” for several days after a topical product has been applied. This increases the concern of petting the dog and coming into contact with the pesticide.
  • Bathing or swimming soon after application may reduce the effectiveness of topicals.
  • Some ingredients used to kill ticks, such as permethrin, are toxic to cats. This can be a problem in a household that includes both, especially if they are friendly with each other. In that case, giving the dog an oral product would be safer for the cat.


Here are more safety tips to observe after you’ve decided what product you’re going to use on your dog: 

  • Don’t leave any flea-control product within the reach of any dog. This goes double for chewable oral medications that contain flavoring agents (which make them more tempting to your dog.) A kitchen counter or dining room table is not a safe place; a motivated dog who has never counter-surfed before can be fatally poisoned by chewing up and consuming a topical product, or suffer serious adverse effects from eating several months’ worth of medication. 
  • Read all the label instructions for any product carefully before administering, especially the part about contraindications. 
  • If your dog’s weight puts him near a border for the next-higher dosage, we’d recommend using the lower-dosage product. If your dog is at the low end of the weight range, consider doing the math and splitting the chew or tablet to give your dog an effective dose that’s appropriate for her size. 
  • If you live in a place where a flea population is entrenched, keep your dog’s protection continuous while you use integrated pest management (IPM) to reduce the environmental population, indoors and outside, too. Management of fleas on pets must occur in conjunction with regular, thorough cleaning of pet resting areas indoors and out. Once fleas infest a home, total control will require a vigilant program that includes vacuuming, eliminating fleas on all the pets in the home, washing the dog’s bedding frequently, and treating outdoor areas where pets rest. 

Using a flea comb on your dog at regular intervals is a good way to monitor the flea population and help you decide when other control measures might be necessary. 

Short-Acting Oral Medications

For years, there was just one oral medication that could kill fleas on a dog very rapidly: Capstar. Its active ingredient (nitenpyram) was approved in 1990, so it’s since lost its patent protection, and now there are dozens of products containing nitenpyram available as an over-the-counter drug and sold under many names. 

When given orally as a tablet, nitenpyram gets rapidly absorbed into the dog’s bloodstream from his gastrointestinal tract. Fleas that are on the dog start dying within about 15 minutes of the product’s administration to the dog, with all the fleas on the dog dying in less than two hours. These products work fast, but only for about 24 hours; nitenpyram is eliminated in the dog’s urine within a day. It can be given daily, if needed.

Because they are so fast-acting and have such a short span of activity in the dog’s body, these medications are commonly used when a dog who is heavily flea-infested needs to be cleared of fleas fast – perhaps so he could be transported or kenneled without fear of introducing fleas into a previously flea-free environment. These products are also a good choice to eliminate fleas quickly, without leaving a pesticide on or in the dog’s body for weeks to come. Nitenpyram products can be given to puppies as young as 4 weeks old and as small as 2 pounds.

In 2020, Elanco introduced another product with a similar fast-acting, quick-clearing mode of action. Advantus comes in a soft chew and contains a different active ingredient – imidicloprid, which is more typically used in topical flea-killing products. Advantus can’t be given to puppies less than 10 weeks old  or less than 4 pounds. 

When we can choose between an older drug with a long record of safe use and a newer drug being used in a very new way, we recommend using the older drug. 

Active Ingredients in Flea-Control Products

Afoxolaner, Fluralaner, Lotilaner, and Sarolaner are all isoxazolines, the newest class of insecticides that are selectively toxic to insects (fleas) and acarines (mites and ticks) in a way that is not supposed to pose a risk to mammals.However, they have been associated with neurologic adverse reactions and are contraindicated for dogs who are prone to seizures.

Fipronil is a broad use insecticide first registered in 1996. Fleas die when they come into contact with it on the dog’s skin and coat; they don’t have to bite the dog.

Imidacloprid is a neonicotinoid insecticide first registered for use for topical applications in1994; recently it was registered for oral use. Imidacloprid spreads over the skin and coat to kill fleas on contact.

Indoxacarb kills all stages of fleas, including eggs and larvae on contact.

Lufenuron, Pyriproxyfen, and (S) Methoprene are insect growth regulators (IGRs), a class of chemicals that do not kill fleas; they prevent flea eggs and larvae from developing.

Milbemycin oxime, Praziquantel, and Pyrantel are used to kill internal parasites. Milbemycin oxime kills a developing stage of the heartworm, as well as hookworms, roundworms, and whipworms. Praziquantel is used to eliminate tapeworms, which infect dogs via the flea, an intermediate host. Pyrantel is used to eliminate roundworms and hookworms.

Moxidectin is absorbed through the skin into the subcutaneous fat and bloodstream; it kills hookworms, roundworms, and whipworms, as well as a developing stage of heartworms; it also treats sarcoptic mange.

Permethrin kills fleas, tick, and lice and is said to repel mosquitoes and flies. Permethrin may be more likely to cause problems for small dogs and is overrepresented in adverse incidents. It is extremely toxic to cats and aquatic animals.

Spinosad is a natural substance made by a soil bacterium that can be toxic to insects. It is a mixture of two chemicals called spinosyn A and spinosyn D. Spinosad has been registered for use in pesticides since 1997.


Product Name/MakerEffective AgainstActive Ingredient/sFrequency of AdministrationYear ApprovedMinimum Age and Weight
Fleas Indoxacarb Monthly 2011 8 weeks, 4 lbs
Advantage II
Fleas, lice Imidacloprid, Pyriproxyfen Monthly 7 weeks, 3 lbs
Effitix Plus
Fleas, ticks, lice, biting flies, mosquitoes Fipronil, Permethrin, Pyriproxyfen Monthly 2015 8 weeks, 5 lbs
Frontline Gold
Merial Ltd.
Fleas, ticks Fipronil, (S) Methoprene, Pyriproxyfen Monthly 2015 8 weeks, 5 lbs
Frontline Plus
Merial Ltd.
Fleas, ticks, lice Fipronil, (S) Methoprene Monthly 2000 8 weeks, 5 lbs
Frontline Shield
Merial Ltd.
Ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, stable flies Fipronil, Permethrin, Monthly 2020 9 weeks, 5 lbs
K9 Advantix II
Fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, biting flies, lice Imidacloprid, Permethrin, Pyriproxyfen Monthly 2011 7 weeks, 4 lbs


Product Name/MakerEffective AgainstActive Ingredient/sFrequency of AdministrationYear ApprovedMinimum Age and Weight
Advantage Multi
Fleas, heartworms, hookworms, roundworms, whipworms, sarcoptic mange Imidacloprid, Moxidectin Monthly 2006 7 weeks, 3 lbs
Fleas, ticks Fluralaner Every 3 months 2016 6 months, 4.4 lbs
Fleas, ticks, heartworms, ear mites, sarcoptic mange Selamectin Monthly 2014 6 weeks, 5 lbs


*Not yet approved in the U.S. for control of these parasites, though veterinarians might suggest them as “off-label” treatments
1. Acuguard is the same product as Comfortis. Elanco sells Comfortis as “Acuguard” under the brand name Vethical in VCA veterinary hospitals.
2. Comboguard is the same product as Trifexs. Elanco sells Trifexis as “Comboguard” under the brand name Vethical in VCA veterinary hospitals.

Product Name/MakerEffective AgainstActive Ingredient/sFrequency of AdministrationYear ApprovedMinimum Age and Weight
AcuGuard (See Comfortis1)
Fleas, ticks, demodex* Fluralaner Up to 12 weeks 2014 6 months and 4.4 lbs
ComboGuard (See Trifexis2)
Fleas Spinosad Monthly 2007 14 weeks and 3.3 lbs
Fleas, ticks Lotilaner Monthly 2018 8 weeks and 4.4 lbs
Fleas, ticks, demodex* Afoxolaner Monthly 2013 8 weeks and 4 lbs
Sentinel Flavor Tabs
Fleas, heartworms, hookworms, roundworms, whipworms Lufenuron, Milbemycin oxime Monthly 2011 6 weeks and 2 lbs
Sentinel Spectrum Chews
Fleas, heartworms, hookworms, roundworms, whipworms, tapeworms Lufenuron, Milbemycin oxime, Praziquantel Monthly 2011 6 weeks and 2 lbs
Fleas, ticks, demodex*, scabies*, ear mites* Sarolaner Monthly 2016 6 months and 2.8 lbs
Simparica Trio
Fleas, ticks, heartworms, roundworms, hookworms, demodex*, scabies*, ear mites* Pyrantel, Sarolaner Monthly 2020 8 weeks and 2.8 lbs
Fleas, heartworms, roundworms, hookworms, whipworms Milbemycin oxime, Spinosad Monthly 2011 8 weeks and 5 lbs

If Your Dog Has an Adverse Response, Report It

Animal drugs and pesticides are subjected to tests to establish their safety and efficacy. However, this evaluation process is typically conducted on a relatively small number of animals prior to being approved and marketed. As a result, there is potential for previously unobserved problems to emerge post-approval. Reports that are filed with the appropriate agency help act as an alert system.

An adverse event (AE) in animals is any unfavorable or unintended occurrence that happens during or after use of an animal drug or veterinary product or device. Suspected lack of efficacy and reactions by humans exposed to the product or treated animals also qualify as adverse events.

Side effects are secondary undesired effects that may occur when using a specific drug and have been shown to be associated with the product by scientific studies. Side effects are tracked and investigated extensively during clinical trials before entering the market. In contrast, adverse events are not consistent with applicable product information or characteristics of the drug.

Veterinary drugs are regulated by the Food & Drug Administration’s (FDA) Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. When a pet has an unexpected reaction to a veterinary drug, it is important to file an Adverse Drug Event (ADE) report. This report can be filed directly with the FDA by pet owners. For instructions on filing a report electronically, see

Topical products are regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), under the Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenticide Act. These can be identified by the EPA Registration Number (sometimes written as EPA Reg. No.) printed on the label. Adverse events associated with these products, as well as other pesticides, are reported to the National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC).

The NPIC’s electronic reporting system is restricted for use by qualified professionals, such as veterinarians or their staff. Pet owners can report an adverse effect by a pesticide on their pet by calling the NPIC directly at (800) 858-7378 and filing a report over the phone.


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